Koos Kleven

Code Wookie | Front End

What Koos does at Moz

At Moz Koos works on two separate, yet equally important sub-teams. The UI Team who write frontend code and make API calls and the Platform Team who implement those API calls. These are their stories. //Please insert Law & Order sound effect.

When not coding, Koos can often be found launching NERF darts at people with uncanny accuracy. Sadly Koos missed the Moz's Great NERF War of 2011, though he looks forward to potentially instigating the next Great NERF War.

On rare occasions, Koos also has been known to write profile pages in third person and make comments in them that may be a little meta.

Fun facts about Koos

When not at work, Koos works on his webcomic over at Another Webcomic. He does all the coding of the site, writing of the blerg, and most importantly drawing of all the things. Working at Moz has actually inspired a bunch of comics already, some of them even coding related, like this one. Koos has even applied some of his newly aquired inbound marketing knowledge to trying to popularize his comic (he's probably even trying to get some SEO juice out of these links).

Koos's other hobbies include:

  • Bicycling
  • Kayaking
  • Camping
  • Sailing