Moz News

Miva Merchant 5 Module Developers, Shafting Their Customers

Miva Merchant 5 Module Developers, Shafting Their Customers

So I'm not sure how many users within SEOmoz use Miva Merchant 5 as their ecommerce platform, but we've recently been approached by numerous companies complaining that their 2-4 year old sites have dropped out of Google, Yahoo and MSN completely. Now upon first glance, we assumed that the drop was caused by lack of activity, on and off page seo and tons of other things, however we...

Advice on Landing Pages from the Experts, More Details on the SEOmoz Contest & Our First Landing Page Submission
Rand Fishkin

Advice on Landing Pages from the Experts, More Details on the SEOmoz Contest & Our First Landing Page Submission

Yesterday's announcement of the SEOmoz premium landing page contest created an exceptional buzz - we've already had more than a dozen people contact us about creating their version of the document. In addition, I received some excellent advice from two experts in the field - Jon Mendez of OTTO Digital and Bryan Eisenberg of FutureNow. To help anyone and everyone who's in the field of landing pa...

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1993 Canadian Report on "The Internet"
Adam Green

1993 Canadian Report on "The Internet"

Up here in the great white north, we have a national news agency called the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation or CBC for short. Love or hate our national broadcaster, they certainly have some great archives. I came across this 6 minute video clip and laughed my hockey playing butt off. I am aware that this may be running the risk of being labelled a "shallow blog post" (full respect given to A.N.Onym and your last YouMoz post) but hopefully it will give you a good chuckle before your weekend. No, it doesn't really add much to the great SEO, PPC and general Internet Marketing discussion that we all know and love... but sometimes I have to laugh at how far our little "Internet" has come along.

Making YOUmoz Work for You (and your clients)
Rand Fishkin

Making YOUmoz Work for You (and your clients)

YOUmoz has been a fantastic experiment and one that we're really proud of. The community at YOUmoz is knowledgeable, dedicated and committed. We couldn't ask for more. With the growth of the UGC portal and an ever-increasing amount of traffic from search and referring links pointing to YOUmoz content, we thought we'd better illustrate how you can best levera...

Should A Comment Be Worth More Than A Thumb?

Should A Comment Be Worth More Than A Thumb?

Those of you who don't know me may be suprised than I'm a big of an ego searcher (no sniggering Rebecca & Lisa). This isn't due to any serious God complex or anything, it's just fact that blogging still gives me the childish thrill of seeing my name at the top of a published article. Which is quite somethi...

Action Items for the Engines from the SMX Conference
Rand Fishkin

Action Items for the Engines from the SMX Conference

It feels cruel to give the search engineers at Yahoo!, Google, MSN & Ask more work, but I know that sometimes they might not have the best project tracking or distribution software, so I figured I'd be kind and make a list of items that need attention here in the blog, and they can refer to my post when they're wondering what to do with all their free time. ...

New SEOmoz Feature:  SEO Q&A

New SEOmoz Feature: SEO Q&A

We're launching a new section for our premium members this morning: SEOmoz Q&A. This is a place where premium members can ask the SEOmoz staff SEO related questions and receive tips, advice, or just get pointed in the right direction. It works a bit like a trouble ticket system: discussions are opened, closed, rated, and eventual...

Happy Birthday Alan

Happy Birthday Alan

Like most people who have featured on YOUmoz, for me blogging is a pleasure. It allows me to play at being a journalist, as well as giving me a platform to talk about a subject that fascinates me, and hopefully even lets me spread some learning.However, for many people journalism is a very serious issue indeed. The reason I say this is that today (May 17th) is the 45th birthday of a man ...

Censorsed Search Results in China Changing
Rand Fishkin

Censorsed Search Results in China Changing

Si & I arrived late last night in Xi'an, in the Shaanxi province after 26+ hours of travel (which I don't recommend). Of course, I'm already set up online, trying to respond to dozens of emails, despite the us of an auto-responder. I think I'm feeling some empathy with Matt Cutts :) While here, I couldn't help myself but to conduct one of the most talked-about searches in regards to...

Rand & Mystery Guest Get Everything Stolen in San Francisco
Rand Fishkin

Rand & Mystery Guest Get Everything Stolen in San Francisco

Tonight, Mystery Guest and I flew down to San Francisco for a quick weekend away (and to visit some friends). We arrived late and raced to get to a dinner with Laura Lippay in the financial district. Sadly, between our arrival time around 10pm to when we got back to the rental car at 11:30pm, the car was broken into (jimmied the driver's side lock and popped the trunk). My laptop, all our luggage ...