Moz News

Expert Writing - A Contrast of the Good & the Ugly
Rand Fishkin

Expert Writing - A Contrast of the Good & the Ugly

I read two articles yesterday via and couldn't help but be struck by the contrast between them, and the application of that reading experience to the practice of writing. Although better writing isn't the focus of this blog, it certainly does help with everything from link building to public relations to branding, and thus is worthy of some attention. The first article comes...

Ten Ways to Take a Break from Tedious SEO Work
Rebecca Kelley

Ten Ways to Take a Break from Tedious SEO Work

I thought I'd hop on the "Top 10" bandwagon and give you my very own Top 10 list. Having researched some keywords for one of our clients for the past three days, I find myself constantly feeling the urge to take mental breaks for fear of being driven insane by monotonous data entry; thus, I present my Ten Ways to Take a Break from Tedious SEO Work: Peer over yo...

All the Things I Should Have Linked To
Rand Fishkin

All the Things I Should Have Linked To

Once again, I've fallen behind the times in blogging and haven't given proper respect to more than a few sites, pages and people who deserve it. Thus, this token attempt at absolution from the angry gods of the blogosphere: Todd Malicoat went line by line through that "revealed" Google ranking code and c...

A Trip to Montreal
Rand Fishkin

A Trip to Montreal

Sure, the post is a bit off-topic, but I figure if Mike Grehan can write about falling in love with cities, why not SEOmoz? This was my first trip to Montreal, and my first experience with Quebec. Luckily, I didn't have to rely on my non-existant French as much as I'd feared, as the city is completely bilingual - though reading the English in the...

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Why Meeting People Face to Face Matters
Rand Fishkin

Why Meeting People Face to Face Matters

So far this year, I've spent 40 days and nights away from home. It's not that I love travel - in truth, it wears on me and I'm happiest when I'm home. Despite living here my whole life, I'm completely enamored with Seattle and the life that I have here. So why spend more than 1/5 of the year to date away? Why log the hundreds of hours in the air, waiting in airports, driving rental cars and sle...

For Statistics Hounds

For Statistics Hounds

I really enjoy statistics and have run into some nice summaries today.If you are curious about what monitor resolution people are using, which browser, which operating system, etc. here is a link that gives some trends over time.... Browser StatisticsI was surprised to see that Mac operating system was NOT going e...

The Great Curse of Insomnia
Rand Fishkin

The Great Curse of Insomnia

It's 7:45pm in Seattle and 3:45am here in London. Why am I up? The same reason I was up last night at this time, and, for that matter, the night before that. My body can't seem to adjust to Greenwich Mean Time. Of course, I've been far too busy to sleep during the day, which leaves me wondering how long a 26-year old male can actually go without any significant quantity of shut-eye. Luc...

Don't Count on Search Traffic in Your Ten Year Plan

Don't Count on Search Traffic in Your Ten Year Plan

I see powerful things in Digg, Slashdot, Stumbleupon, Delicious, Wikipedia, forums of all types, and other sites that attract people because of a common interest or activity. These sites are "communities" of visitors or authors. These sites drive massive traffic in a short blast or massive traffic that is cumulative over time.My guess is that these highly popular ...

Run SEOmoz Run

Run SEOmoz Run

This past weekend a bunch of us SEOmozzers participated in a 5k (3 mile) benefit run around greenlake. I'd just like to publicly say GOOD JOB to everyone that put the effort in and ran the distance. Although not highly competitive, it was for a good cause and I think we all queued up some rad karma points. Also, kudos to Kat for initiating the idea. Here's a few photos:...

Negative Feedback for the SEOmoz Blog
Rand Fishkin

Negative Feedback for the SEOmoz Blog

For the first time since launch, I've been receiving some negative feedback on certain blog entries, not just from newcomers to the site, but from long-time readers and respected search industry folks. Since the primary purpose of this blog is to provide a hub of information, sharing, news and, on occassion, humor for the SEO community, I thought it wise to ask for an entire thread devoted...

The Long, Dark Teatime of Rand's Decisions
Rand Fishkin

The Long, Dark Teatime of Rand's Decisions

Rand's Warning: This post is very long, very personal and, while highly informational, doesn't contain many tips on how to perform SEO or get your content or your site in front of the right people. What it does contain is a bit of history about our business here at SEOmoz and a sharing of the issues we're struggling with for the future. Why ...