Moz News

SEO map

SEO map

A recent thread in SEOChat brought up this extremely cool and fun tool - SEO Map. This is one wicked and excellent idea to utilize Google services to connect business and professionals to each other. If you are not listed, ...

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Happy Birthday to Us
Rand Fishkin

Happy Birthday to Us

SEOmoz turned 1 year old today. Our first post, way back on October 14th of last year shows just how far we've come. I'm really happy with the way this site has turned out and I have great things in mind (particularly with relation to the tools) o...

Online Sketchbook
Rand Fishkin

Online Sketchbook

Back in the late '90's, I was obsessed with Flash design. I spent countless hours animating text and building organic-styled site designs. I gave up on that a long time ago, when I realized that true designers had something I lacked (namely talent) and that hard work can only take you ...

Ranking Factors Article Finally Finished
Rand Fishkin

Ranking Factors Article Finally Finished

Apologies for the long delay, but the search ranking factors article is now complete. Thanks to everyone who contributed; it's quite an impressive display of how much knowledge and experience professional SEOs can share when they get together on a project. There are now two formats, one where all of the comments left by the contrib...

Seeking Contributors
Rand Fishkin

Seeking Contributors

With EGOL and I the loan wolves running SEOmoz, I think it's time to find some new talent to write for the site. SEOmoz, as you know, doesn't deliver copies of the daily headlines (although we occassionally give our take on big news). We're more focused on providing specific, daily tips and information that SEO/Ms and webmastesr can use in their site optimization efforts. If you're some...