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Free PHP Script for Download: "Where's it Rank?"


The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

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Free PHP Script for Download: "Where's it Rank?"

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

I needed a tool that quickly tells me what page of search results a URL ranks on at Google for a specific keyword.   It didn't need any advanced features or complicated options, just something where if I was visiting a page I could hit a button and instantly find out where it ranks for a keyword.  I threw together a quick PHP script that does exactly this, including a browser button so I can have a Where's it rank?" link in my firefox toobar.  This script certainly doesn't do anything phenomenal (it took me about an hour to write), but I thought I'd offer the source code for download to SEOmoz readers anyway.   This isn't intended to be one of our official SEO tools, it's just something I thought I'd share in case there was someone out there with a similar need.

Installation is simple: upload the file to a folder on your webserver that executes PHP and give it a .php extension. 

I know there's a whole host of features this script could have that it doesn't, such as returning results from or searching engines other than Google, but that's partially why I offered up the source code.  I figured if you needed a very specific feature you could download the source and muck with it yourself.   If you use the script on your site a link back is always appreciated, if not that's cool too.
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