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  • RE: How to boost the number of visitors to a specific page

    @ovlg Thanks for posting to the Moz SEO Forum! I'm sure others may have additional insight to share, but here are a few things that I would consider first as a way of increasing your organic click through rate.

    1. First, is it possible that seasonality is at play? Perhaps there are certain parts of the year where those target keywords become less competitive and position improves, but that also may mean that not as many people are searching those keywords. The holidays are definitely a time when we can see this happen.

    2. Target less competitive, long tail keywords: these are great for bottom funnel conversions, and often have a higher rate of converting than some of the broad terms you listed above.

    3. Write effective descriptions and page titles: consider testing to make sure that your page titles and descriptions are captivating to the audience. Often this can mean the difference between someone choosing to visit your site over another.

    4. Lastly, I'd consider the various SERP features that show up for your target keywords. We see Google investing more and more in surfacing answers and content directly on the SERP. Identifying an area where you can show up in these features can increase the likelihood that someone will click to your site. Consider leveraging structured data in your page build to increase the chance that your site will show up.

    Hope this helps!

    posted in Link Building

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