The real value of content for search is in a brand’s ability to deliver information for web searchers at various stages of what’s called the marketing journey.
That is, it enables your brand to deliver and create content for users at each step along the way as they learn about your products and services online. For example, visitors could be in the awareness stage, where they are becoming familiar with your brand; the discovery phase, where they are learning more about your brand; or the consideration phase, where they are considering doing business with you.
Brands hoping to use organic SEO to show up for that search query would need to put themselves in the shoes of the searcher and create content that answers questions (and ranks for keywords) like:
Are they looking for adult or children's boots?
Would they prefer actual skiing boots, hiking shoes suitable for snow, etc.?
Do they have a brand preference?
If they're a skier, are they a beginner, intermediate, or novice?
Will they be purchasing shoes, or are they just browsing?
The elements listed above are just some of the things a brand has to consider, but we can still see that the various pieces of content to be created would need to answer all of these questions if we’re to have the best chance of being rewarded with a click.