
Blogs are one of the most popular forms of content marketing. That's probably because adding a blog to your site can be an extremely successful way to add timely content, attract engagement, and naturally increase your keyword relevance. You can even take this tactic off your site and use guest blogging as a way to earn links.

Whether you're a beginning blogger or have been blogging for years, there's always something new to be learned. Below you'll find the most recent posts from the Moz Blog. In addition, we've selected a few quality resources that deserve particular attention.

Is Content Marketing Right for My Business? : When marketing your business, you have several choices to invest in. What sets content marketing apart from other channel?

Blog Post Ideas: Maximize Your Reach with the Right Topics : How do you come up with the best topics for new blog posts? Here we explore different paths to great topic ideas.

When Is a Blog the Right Form of Content Marketing? : Blogging isn't for everyone. In fact, should you explore other types of content marketing first?

10 Simple Steps for Creating a Blog Your Readers Will Adore : You're blog is going nowhere if your audience doesn't love it. Here are tips for creating content that actually engages people.

Most Recent Articles on Blogging

Stealing DMOZ listings with Mod_Proxy

Stealing DMOZ listings with Mod_Proxy

I don't think I know of any SEO who doesn't like Apache. Modules like Mod_Rewrite have definitely made our lives a whole lot easier. But there are many more, less known modules, that can serve the life of a (Black Hat) SEO. Mod_Proxy is one of those modules, originally created to serve as a proxy/caching module but also known fo...

How to Handle a Google Penalty - And, an Example from the Field of Real Estate
Rand Fishkin

How to Handle a Google Penalty - And, an Example from the Field of Real Estate

Last week, I interviewed the head of Google's spam team, Matt Cutts, about a lot of different issues. One of the most intriguing to webmasters appears to have been the discussion in the 2nd video (around 6:00) where we go into a chat about the real estate industry online, where thousands of websites have recently lost rankings due to participation in egregious manipulation through reciprocal li...

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Why I Love the Sordid Underbelly of the Search World
Rand Fishkin

Why I Love the Sordid Underbelly of the Search World

Beware SEOmoz readers. This is not your typical blog entry from Rand. It contains not only foul language, but a glorification of those parts of the search and online world that I shy away from. It's not for the delicate of heart, but I figure my writing style could use a bit of a shakeup, and what the heck, it's midnight Friday in Beijing, what better time to author something scandalous? ...

Spammers Never Die, They Just Become Consultants!

Spammers Never Die, They Just Become Consultants!

For the past 3 years I've followed the spamming/black hat community rather closely.During that period of time, it has been very interesting to watch the various tools that have come out to help people spam as well as the types of people who have used them.The majority of folks have basically fallen into two categories:Guru Black Hat - These are the folks who promot...

Parasite Hosting Now Dominating Spam Results
Rand Fishkin

Parasite Hosting Now Dominating Spam Results

I was shocked today to see how incredibly effective parasite hosting has become. If you're not familiar with the concept, parasite hosting refers to a spammer's creation of a keyword targeted page on a strong, legitimate domain. The idea here is that if they can control that page's content, they can rank for searches and re-direct the traffic to whatever site/page they choose. For example, I ju...

Using a Public E-Mail Address?  Perhaps You Should Rethink That Strategy

Using a Public E-Mail Address? Perhaps You Should Rethink That Strategy

Are you using an e-mail address for your business that people can easily get? Is it listed off your web page? Perhaps you've gone a step further and used a bit of javascript to obsfucate it so that bots can't crawl and find that link? Think that's enough? Well, think again... I just received a link spam e-mail today that wanted me to exchange links for my site: index...

Knowing Black Hat SEO

Knowing Black Hat SEO

You should know the characteristic of black hat SEO clearly. Knowing this will avoid your websites being banned by Search Engines. 1. CloakingWhen website or web pages are set up to display different content for a search engine spider versus a human user. Cloaking delivers one version of a page to an Internet user and a different ...

Online Poker - Too Competitive for White Hat SEO?
Rand Fishkin

Online Poker - Too Competitive for White Hat SEO?

Last week in London, I sat in on the organic listings forum, where myself, Dave Naylor, Greg Boser, Mikkel DeMib & Barry Lloyd fielded a slough of great questions. One exchange in particular stands out to me - the lone white hat on the panel (though I've certainly been accused of being at least a bit gray hat for my public views on link buying). It featured a question from the audience rega...

Top Five Types of Comment Spammers

Top Five Types of Comment Spammers

As you probably know by now, G-Man has a blog (yay!).Now that I've been noticed, I have started to get a bit of comment spam. Since spam is a hobby of mine I've decided to categorize the top five types of comment spammers Sex for Fantasy - These are the guys who live in a fantasy world where everyone who sees the...