
Blogs are one of the most popular forms of content marketing. That's probably because adding a blog to your site can be an extremely successful way to add timely content, attract engagement, and naturally increase your keyword relevance. You can even take this tactic off your site and use guest blogging as a way to earn links.

Whether you're a beginning blogger or have been blogging for years, there's always something new to be learned. Below you'll find the most recent posts from the Moz Blog. In addition, we've selected a few quality resources that deserve particular attention.

Is Content Marketing Right for My Business? : When marketing your business, you have several choices to invest in. What sets content marketing apart from other channel?

Blog Post Ideas: Maximize Your Reach with the Right Topics : How do you come up with the best topics for new blog posts? Here we explore different paths to great topic ideas.

When Is a Blog the Right Form of Content Marketing? : Blogging isn't for everyone. In fact, should you explore other types of content marketing first?

10 Simple Steps for Creating a Blog Your Readers Will Adore : You're blog is going nowhere if your audience doesn't love it. Here are tips for creating content that actually engages people.

Most Recent Articles on Blogging

Get Free Links on Search Engine Watch!
Darren Slatten

Get Free Links on Search Engine Watch!

Before you read any further... there are NO free links on Search Engine Watch. I just made that up to get your attention. Well... kinda. Ok, so maybe there ARE free links... but only if you're a douchebag SEO wannabe. I'm only using SEW as an example, because (1.) it's the first example I could find, and (2.) I'm hoping th...

Help!  I've Been SEO Sabotaged!

Help! I've Been SEO Sabotaged!

The following is a gross exageration of my reaction to an incident I experienced recently, the form of writing is intended to poke fun at my ridiculous reaction to it. So i'm doing some routine checking in on my inbound link numbers for our site, open up google webmaster tools and I see this : ...

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Why Be White Hat? Who Cares About Morals?

Why Be White Hat? Who Cares About Morals?

Eric Ward, known as the first link builder, recently wrote: "Why not try to fool Google? ... Why should I behave in an ethical and white-hat way when my competitor's aren't, but they still rank way ahead of me? These are all fair questions that probably won't be answered any time soon."(Search Marketing Standard, Winter 07/...

Black or White SEO?

Black or White SEO?

I will be frank here.I am quite new to SEO, optimization, web design and site creation, etc. I have a few of my own sites and I am working hard on them using the best optimization tools available. But I can see some trends here already.I have a few friends that use black seo like doorways, cloaking, you name them... They can easily make over $10,000/month with a 2 month old site a...

The Dark Side of Wikipedia
Rand Fishkin

The Dark Side of Wikipedia

Biased manipulation runs wild on Wikipedia and the extent to which it influences the pages of that site will probably never be known. In the field of SEO, where every link counts, Wikipedia's reference links at the bottom of articles and their external links in the body text of articles was once considered gold in terms of value for driving up search engine rankings. Early this year, Wikipedia ...

Google Toolbar PageRank Losses For Hundreds of Websites
Rand Fishkin

Google Toolbar PageRank Losses For Hundreds of Websites

This morning brings news from around the web of losses to the Google Toolbar PageRank (the little green pixels displayed in the toolbar) for a myriad of sites. I've gone through many of the threads and tried to pull together an accounting of websites that have been "reportedly" affected by the update. Hopefully, by collecting this data, and combining it with reports in the comments, we c...

Social Media Manipulation Runs Rampant
Rand Fishkin

Social Media Manipulation Runs Rampant

I'm barely qualified to bring up this subject, as SEOmoz has certainly had our fair share of asking a friend to submit something to Digg, give us a boost on Reddit or add a tag at, but I was pretty surprised to see the level to which social media manipulation has been taken:...