
Blogs are one of the most popular forms of content marketing. That's probably because adding a blog to your site can be an extremely successful way to add timely content, attract engagement, and naturally increase your keyword relevance. You can even take this tactic off your site and use guest blogging as a way to earn links.

Whether you're a beginning blogger or have been blogging for years, there's always something new to be learned. Below you'll find the most recent posts from the Moz Blog. In addition, we've selected a few quality resources that deserve particular attention.

Is Content Marketing Right for My Business? : When marketing your business, you have several choices to invest in. What sets content marketing apart from other channel?

Blog Post Ideas: Maximize Your Reach with the Right Topics : How do you come up with the best topics for new blog posts? Here we explore different paths to great topic ideas.

When Is a Blog the Right Form of Content Marketing? : Blogging isn't for everyone. In fact, should you explore other types of content marketing first?

10 Simple Steps for Creating a Blog Your Readers Will Adore : You're blog is going nowhere if your audience doesn't love it. Here are tips for creating content that actually engages people.

Most Recent Articles on Blogging

Help Us Stop Malware Hacking

Help Us Stop Malware Hacking

We are currently working on a new product to make sophisticated solutions to prevent hacking simple and affordable enough for the small web business owner and we need to get some feedback from designers, developers and site owners. These answers will help us make sure that our product contains the features you want and need. The survey should take less than ten minutes of your time. If you complete the questions, we’ll give you a free one-year basic subscription to the product when it launches.

Getting Back From A Penalty - Second Time Around

Getting Back From A Penalty - Second Time Around

When attending SEO conferences and reading blogs, two topics seem to persist between all the trending ones: link building and penalties. The two permanent hot topics are obviously related, as most penalties today seem to be caused by the backlink profile. Being hit by a penalty – whether it’s a complete ban or merely a -50 filter, is a frustrating process. It is indeed Kaf...

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Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

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Finding Hidden Links and Text Using the Web Developer Toolbar

Finding Hidden Links and Text Using the Web Developer Toolbar

White hat versus black hat SEO seems like a never-ending discussion. An action one SEO finds absolutely fair might be seen as downright cheating by another. The ambiguity in the guidelines from search engines such as Google usually isn't adding much clearness to the discussion either. On some issues, however, the search engines are crystal clear, and hidden links/hidden text is one of those. Information on the matter is given in both the Google Guidelines and on the personal blog of Matt Cutts: hidden text and links are not allowed.

How to Find the Spam You're Linking To
Rand Fishkin

How to Find the Spam You're Linking To

Today, between meetings at the office, I had a brief IM chat with Jane, whose globetrotting ways have taken her to the UK for SMX London. Jane noted that our website - - was up for review on a search engine panel today, and received generally positive feedback from the engineers. One notable exception, however, was the fact that... Link Farm Dominating Google SERPs
C Link Farm Dominating Google SERPs

First off I would like to point out that I am a paid search specialist, not an experienced SEO. If this article contains technical mistakes, I apologize. I am a marketer by nature, not a techie. I am technically savvy enough, however, to spot an obvious link farm/spam scheme, such as the one run by the web site: www.piss...

Link Forensics: Finding Shady Links Before Taking on New Clients
Will Critchlow

Link Forensics: Finding Shady Links Before Taking on New Clients

What happened was that their past had just caught up with them. They had previously engaged a local SEO firm with tactics that were a bit past their sell-by date (mainly consisting of a huge link network of sub-domains off the SEO company's own site and some other properties). There was not only a question of tactics here, but also of plain common sense - not only was part of the link network on the SEO company's site, but so were proud links to "our clients" (all of whom got slapped, we believe).

An Ethical Debate On Which We Can All (Maybe) Agree: The Average Webmaster And Dodgy SEO
Jane Copland

An Ethical Debate On Which We Can All (Maybe) Agree: The Average Webmaster And Dodgy SEO

Yesterday afternoon, as I was at home recovering from a form of black death known as the common head cold, I came across Danny Sullivan's piece on Search Engine Land about his dealings with a lazy link broker. I recommend reading Danny's post, which details how he questioned a person who wanted a link on the homepage with the anchor text "search engine optimisation." The person represented a UK-based SEO firm. I'm not saying that reading or even acknowledging the status of Sphinn is necessary for success in our industry, but one should probably avoid trying to buy links from a site SEOs and search engine employees read with regularity.

All That Is Wrong With SEO in the UK

All That Is Wrong With SEO in the UK

Have you used a search engine recently and been disappointed with the results it returned? If so it is unlikely you are alone. Here’s why. In order to survive in the online world, websites need traffic. Visitors are an essential commodity. They generate the page impressions and revenues that any website needs to grow and thrive. Without a consta...