
8 Methods + Lots of Tools for Getting to Know Your Audience

8 Methods + Lots of Tools for Getting to Know Your Audience

You provide something specific: That might be a product, a service, a trustworthy source of information, a community space… And you know exactly what your audiences may be searching for to find your wares. But do you know what they really want out of you? Do you know how they really feel? Do you know what they want more of or less of in your industry? Do you know what they like or don’t like on your site or your competitor’s sites? Do you know what they think about your new product launch? If you knew this information, how could you use it to improve your products or services?

The Power Of Volunteer Search Marketing

The Power Of Volunteer Search Marketing

This post is primarily a beginning guide to doing volunteer search engine marketing for nonprofit organizations based on my experience, but it is also an effort to convince more companies to donate time and resources to charities. Companies that do so may find significant SEO and PR benefits for their own site, as explained in what follows. Over the last several years, I've had a ...

Recommendations for Blog Commenting as a Marketing Strategy
Rand Fishkin

Recommendations for Blog Commenting as a Marketing Strategy

Many of us in the web marketing space have a love/hate relationship with the practice of leveraging blog comments as a marketing strategy. On the one hand, it can bring valuable participation and content to our sites and provide an outlet for us to reach other communities and bloggers/comment-enabled communities. But, it's also an endless source of spam and low quality contributions that teeter...

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Notes From a Newbie: From PR to SEO

Notes From a Newbie: From PR to SEO

My personal foray into the SEO world is still in its early days after I joined an SEO company last September. I had previously worked in the digital department of a PR agency working on social media campaigns after joining on their graduate scheme. I made the move to SEO in the hope of finding an area which provided more concrete, tangible results rather than the often flimsy output of the ...

How Can PR, SEO and CEO People Work Together for Link Building?

How Can PR, SEO and CEO People Work Together for Link Building?

Back in 2002, when I was graduating as a Journalist in Brazil, I had never heard of the acronym SEO, let alone ever being taught about how to apply Journalism in Search Engine Optimization. I don’t know if in Europe it was different, but in 2002 we were just burying the last typewriters in my country. I just wonder if the new generation of journalists leaving university are less...

Tips from a recovering journalist: How to write effective press releases that help SEO

Tips from a recovering journalist: How to write effective press releases that help SEO

It's been said here before: Press releases are much less powerful than they used to be for SEO purposes. While churning out news releases and submitting them to free sites may not do much, the medium can actually be more powerful than ever if used right. Convincing a single reporter or high-profile blogger to pick up your news is infinitely more beneficial...

When It Comes to Reputation Management, Use Protection!

When It Comes to Reputation Management, Use Protection!

There have been a few mentions on SEOmoz regarding online reputation management and public relations. Rand discussed how to remove a page from Google and RZ Awhyles brought up the simple fact that sometimes, you just need to apologize directly. But neither talked about ways to discourage negative feedback being distributed online in the first place. Taking measures to prevent reputation damage and negative PR is always better than trying to recover from a less than positive review or statement.

It Ain't All Good: Not All PR is Good for Business

It Ain't All Good: Not All PR is Good for Business

One of the few benefits of being ‘between jobs’ is that it gives you time to look around and become a voyeur of sorts. Whilst spending quite a bit of time looking at what the current job market is after and where it’s heading, as well as trying to get back in, I came across the following search results for one particular company:

Reputation Management Theory

Reputation Management Theory

Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM) may just be a nicely packaged sales term to re-brand SEO as something more palatable for those not willing to spend money on the "vague" idea of SEO. Nonetheless, it has a specific goal to improve the reputation of someone or something in the search results, often achieved by a process of utilizing many domains to push down the negative results.

A Reputation 2.0 Problem - Wiki-Circularity
Will Critchlow

A Reputation 2.0 Problem - Wiki-Circularity

What with it being Labor day in the US yesterday, it should have fallen on the trusty global associates to put together something for the SEOmoz blog. Unfortunately we were working instead :( Waiting for the bus in the rain this morning was a fairly miserable start to the day, but what if it had started worse? What if I had woken up this morning to find bad things written about me or my company on the internet?