Keyword Research

Almost all SEO begins with keyword research. Understanding what people are searching for, and how many people are searching, helps to form a solid content strategy.

Beyond the basics, keyword research encompasses many more advanced considerations, including SERP features, keyword intent, competitive analysis, and even internationalization.

Below, you’ll find the latest Moz posts on keyword research. We’ve also included links to a few of our top keyword research resources to help your SEO journey.

Keyword Research : Everything you need to get started with keyword research.

Keyword Research Learning Center : Our free keyword research learning hub. Here, we’ve gathered our top resources in one place.

The One-Hour Guide to SEO: Keyword Research - Whiteboard Friday : Here, SEO wizard Rand Fishkin gets you started with keyword research in about 10 minutes.

Keyword Explorer : Want to dive in? Try our top-rated keyword research tool, with over 500 million keyword suggestions.

Evolving Keyword Research to Match Your Buyer's Journey : Not all keywords are the same. The keywords you choose should depend on where your customers are in their buying cycle.

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