Local SEO

Did you know that 97% of people learn about a local business online and 72% of consumers who performed a localized search visited a store within 5 miles. Having a solid local SEO strategy is the first step to put you on the map.

New to this form of marketing? Visit the Local Learning Center to get brought up to speed on topics like NAP accuracy, local website optimization, reviews, and more. Or audit the health of your top local business listings for free with the Moz Check Presence tool.

The Essential Local SEO Strategy Guide : Dive into our comprehensive beginner's guide to SEO marketing for small businesses.

The Local SEO Cheatsheet [Free PDF Download] : Download your free 5 page Local SEO Cheat Sheet.

Local Search Ranking Factors : Explore all the signals Google uses to rank local businesses.

Moz Academy Local SEO Certification : Develop a comprehensive local SEO strategy and get certified with this 6-part course and exam series.

Moz Local for Small Business : Help maximize the online visibility of your small business with Moz Local.

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