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Where In the World is SEOmoz - April-May 2010

Jennifer Sable Lopez

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

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Jennifer Sable Lopez

Where In the World is SEOmoz - April-May 2010

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

Whew! The Spring conference season is in full swing, and the mozzers are coming soon to a city near you. You'll find us anywhere from Charlotte, NC to Munich to Singapore in the next couple months. The coolest part is that we're attending and speaking at some conferences for the very first time. It feels good to get out and stretch a bit! Plus, the developer in us will be attending conferences like Chirp and CCGrid 2010 which will both enhance our geek factor!

As always, if you're attending any of these events, please say hello! We may never get to know you if you don't wave, nudge, or kick us. Ok, you really shouldn't kick Joanna, she'd probably pull a ninja move on you. Included in the list below are both SEOmoz employees as well as associates. Come... take a peek and join us!

SMX Toronto - April 8-9

You definitely don't want to miss SMX Toronto! Not only will Gillian be moderating several panels, but she is also organizing a Search Spam Party (of PubCon notoriety). RSVP now!

April 8 1:50pm - 2:40pm Link Building Strategies and Ranking Tactics
  6:00pm - 7:30pm SMX Search Spam Party
April 9 8:30am - 9:35am What’s Next In Search: The Crystal Ball Panel

Joanna Speaking
Joanna at PubCon 2009

PubCon South - Dallas - April 13-14
20% discount tickets. Get 'em while they're hot: rc-2080720

We have quite the crew heading to PubCon South this year. As always, PubCon has tons of great sessions and speakers to knock your socks off. We're excited to be speaking and attending this excellent conference with gusto.

Check out where to find Gillian, Joanna and Kate Morris:

April 14 11:30 am - 12:45pm Gillian 2010 - SEO
  4:15pm - 5:30pm Joanna Competitive Intel
April 15 10:15am - 11:30am Kate Social Media Landscape: Hot Tpoics and Trends
  2:55pm - 4:10pm Kate

Advanced PPC Management

Chirp - San Francisco - April 14-15

Twitter is having a first ever developer conference, called Chirp. Nick will learn about their new ad platform (hopefully) and what they're doing with their API. This is super interesting to us for both our tools and our API businesses. Sounds like an awesomely, geekified conference! Be sure to say hello to Nick if you're there.

Danny at SEOmoz training in London

SMX Sydney - April 22-23

We're all quite excited about SMX Sydney this year (ok we are every year... but still). This year Danny will be helping run the Developer Day (filling in for Vanessa Fox) as well as speaking about using rich applications and search. Gillian will also be speaking at this power-packed event on post-click optimization.


April 22 3:55 - 4:20pm Gillian Checkout Process Optimisation
  5:00 - 5:30pm Gillian The Long Table
April 23   Gillian Keynote Session – The State Of The Search Union
  10:30am-2:30pm Danny Developer Day (the sessions in blue)

Pacific Conference - Singapore - April 27-28

"This will be my first time at Pacific Conferences. I'll be running a power-packed two day workshop that covers everything from the basics of search marketing to integration of social media into marketing plans and tracking ROI from the multitude of search marketing opportunities available to us. I'll be sharing the stage with Dennis Yu, CEO BlitzLocal, who will be covering PPC, Facebook advertising, social media marketing, and more. In truth, I expect this will be one of the most valuable conferences in the region this year. If you're in the area, don't miss this one!"
- Gillian
You can still get a 20% discount on your ticket by mentioning this blog post when you register.
SEMPO event planned, too. Stay tuned for tweets with specifics on a SEMPO event to coincide with Pacific Conference Singapore.

Tom at SEOmoz training in London

SAScon - Manchester, UK - April 28th

Two of our esteemed associates, Tom Critchlow and Richard Baxter will be speaking at SAScon. Reading over the session topics and seeing the list of speakers, makes me jealous I won't be attending!

April 28 11:15am – 12:00pm Tom Black Hat/White Hat – does it matter any more?
  2:30pm - 3:15pm Tom & Richard Advanced Link Building Panel

Pacific Conference - Hong Kong - April 29-30

"If you miss the Singapore Training event, you can catch us in Hong Kong the same week! Dennis and I will provide the same presentation. Again, if you go to only conference in the region this year, come to Pacific Conference. This will be one amazing show."
- Gillian

Search & Social Spring Summit - Tampa - May 3-4

The Search & Social Spring Summit is pretty much the place to be in May! Really... Florida in May just sounds like perfection! Plus with topics like "Outsourcing Secrets: Cut Costs & Spend More Time on the Beach" and "In-House SEO : Tactics for Managing Multiple Sites & Headaches" it will definitely be hot! Lindsay and I will be attending and blogging from the event. [Plus I get to meet the Wassell babies YAY!]

Conversion Conference West 2010 - San Jose, CA - May 4-5

May 4 2:00 - 3:00pm Gillian Spiders Versus People - SEO & Conversion

International Search Summit - Innovations - London - May 13-14

May 13 11:50am Gillian The State of Search in India

A4U Expo Munich - May 18-19

"I was so surprised by the depth and breadth of the speakers and presentations at A4U Expo London, I'm really looking forward to being a part of this conference in Munich. Focused on affiliate marketers' needs, this conference covers everything from SEM to SEO, analytics, and on page optimization. Our friends at Distilled will be there and Ben Jesson who helped us with our own conversion rates will sharing secrets. I'll be speaking on the convergence of Local-Mobile-Social marketing and how to grab this tiger by the tail."
- Gillian
May 18 2:30pm - 3:30pm Gillian Local - Social - Mobile: The Power Triumvirate of 2010
  4:00pm-5:00pm Tom Data Feed SEO & Advanced Site Architecture
May 19 10:30 - 11:30am Jane Link Building for Highly Competitive Markets

Rand giving an interview in London

eMetrics & SMX London - May 17-18

Both eMetrics and SMX London are happening at the same time, in the Grand Connaught Rooms, Covent Garden. You can get a combo pass for both conferences, then you don't have to decide between the two! Sounds like the best of both worlds to me. :)

May 17 10:30am - 11:45am Rand SEO Ranking Factors In 2010
May 18 1:15pm-2:30pm Will Top Ten Customised Search Analytics Reports

CCGrid 2010 - Melbourne - May 17-20

Chas will be attending the 10th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing. It's a great opportunity to be exposed to new ideas/methods in high performance distributed computing. (That's geek talk for kick butt!)

Search Exchange - Charlotte, NC -  May 17 - 19

Search Exchange will consist of keynotes and panel discussions on search engine optimization, social media marketing, pay per click advertising, and web analytics.

"I am so excited for Search Exchange, its the first conference of its kind down in Charlotte. It's tackling the trifecta of marketing channels--organic, paid and social. Not to mention the lineup is top-notch with industry all stars like Chris Winfield, Rae Hoffman, and Chris Brogan."
- Joanna
May 18 1:30-2:45pm Joanna The Latest Social Media Tools From The Experts
May 19 10:00-11:20am Joanna Landing Page Optimization Tactics
  1:30-2:45pm Kate Measuring PPC Campaigns

International Marketing Conference Copenhagen - May 19-20

Gillian will be speaking on New Social Media Oppportunities.

We look forward to seeing you on the road! Oh, and just for fun I thought I'd throw in a wordle image based on this post. Enjoy! ;)


Joanna's photo courtesy of Andy Beal

Danny and Tom's photos courtesy of

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