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Category: Competitive Research

Uncover new and exciting ways to conduct competitive analysis

  • I know this is basic stuff, so sorry for the beginners post... I offer primarily web design services, and I need to know when taking on a new client, how can I assess the current 'lay of the land' for their site in terms of their SEO? I have had some issues in the past where launching a new design negatively affected their performance for their keywords, and obviously I would like to avoid this in future without having to go to 3rd parties. In particular I have an issue where the client themselves are very bad at giving information about what keywords they currently rank for, and what SEO activities they may have done in the past. How can I make these assessments myself? thanks for any help p

    | panamandm

  • Dear all, My domain authority ( is about half that of my competitors (groupaccommodation and thebigdomain - Other than blogging/social media and trying to drum up back-links, is there much more I can do? Many thanks!

    | Edmund123

  • Im currently doing a research for a low-medium competitive keyword (SEO Moz Keyword difficult Tool it showed 36% competition, its a one word keyword) in my country. That keyword had a Google AdWords Broad Match of 368.000 searchs and a Google AdWords Exact Match of 33.100 searchs in April. The currently number one site for that keyword have an exactly match for that keyword, and nothing else. Then I ran and advanced report to that keyword and heres the initial result: This number one site has a domain authority of only 11 and a page authority of 25. The second site have the following domain name -> (its in Brasil, so theorically and .br should worth more than a .com domain right?) Anyway the second site have a domain authority of 37 and a page rank authority of 45. So after this link all the others are like that, and the domain and page authority is according to how it suposed to be (higher domain and page are ranked better). The exactly same thing happen when I search for a more long tail of this keyword (wich are 2 words) happen. The exactly match are ranked 1st with a very low page and domian authority while the others come first. Some more info about that number 1 ranked site- The layout is terrible and not user friendly. The site took more than 10 seconds to load Have not a single inpage SEO optimization. According to alexa the bounce rate is around 50% Now follows the data from Linkscape data between the 1st and 2nd ranked pages Overal Score - 19% x 38% Page mozRank - 2.04 x 3.95 Page mozTrust - 4.92 x 5.45 External mozRank - 2.04 x 3.95 Subdomain mozRank - 1.81 x 3.45 Domains Linkin - 4 x 163 External Links - 8 x 265 So, looks like that only two things should be 90% of the focus from a SEO perspective. Have an old exactly keyword match domain and youre good to go 😄 Edited 1: About the linkbacks to each page The 1st page in rank biggest page authority linking back (dofollow) have an authority of 36 from a domain authority of 49 The 2nd in the rank the highest dofollow linkback have a page authority of 40 and domain of 85 Edit 2: 1st in rank were created in 2000 2nd in rank were created in 2007

    | bemcapaz

  • Hey everyone, Been a paid member for 3 days and this is my first time posting 🙂 I have a quick question about competitive analysis with the MozBar.  I do not want to point out the exact website (unless that is something cool to do on this forum), but there is a site ranking for a single keyword in the local 7 pack in slot one, which is also slot one for the SERP entirely.  When I go to look at the page in more detail, the MozBar is showing no DA, PA, anything at all, and the Open Site Explorer is showing no links internal or external. I know that the page has to have at least some of these elements populated in order to be ranking for a term this competitive, so why is the bar not showing anything?  The bar works GREAT on other sites below this one. Thanks for any help!

    | tonyflorespsa

  • I'm checking some domains/pages where I could acquire some links, but I'm seeing huge differences between Moz metrics and PageRank and I'm hesitant about the meaning of it.. Given that PR was updated recently, is it safe to assume tons of crappy inbound links or a penalization by Google? Here is an example: Page Authority: 60
    Page MozRank: 6.0
    Page MozTrust: 6.0
    Domain Authority: 50
    Domain MozRank: 4.0
    Domain MozTrust: 4.0 Google PageRank: 1 Any clues?

    | Branagan

  • I am currently trying to do a massive study on Penguin right now, you can read more about it here if you wish Anyways I need some data, can anyone who is willing give me a list of known sites that were hit from Penguin 1.0 Only. This can include the 2 Data refreshes after that, but basically nothing from 2.0 I also need a site in the same niche that you are aware of that did not get hit from Penguin 1.0. Possibly the #1 guy at the top would be nice. So I need Domains Hit from Penguin 1.0 Top Domains in same niche that were not hit You can send me a message with the domain if you are not comfortable posting it here. Thanks all ahead of time 🙂

    | cbielich

  • Greetings Mozzers, I'm wondering if duplicate content could potentially function as a "link" in Google's eyes.  Since they know I have content first and then someone else just uses it, Google could maybe think of that as a recommendation that the content is good? Reason I ask is, when I first starting going after a keyword for a company I wanted to go after two (2) separate regions, let's say "San Antonio" and "Dallas".  My non-region based keyword started to rank for "San Antonio Keyword" because the content on the San Antonio page was too closely related.  So i'm wondering if maybe having that content so close/duplicate may have boosted the original page because it was kind of like a recommendation? Thoughts, Information, Clarification, any and all are welcome and appreciated!

    | MonsterWeb28

  • Hello, For I'm going to work on getting some natural backlinks by making a better article than even though they're 30 times more of an authority than me. If you think this is a good idea, how do you recommend I top this thing? I'm just brainstorming

    | BobGW

  • Hi,  I want to add another url to compare link metric, but it does not work. I still see the waiting signal for about 4 hours now. is there something wrong with it?

    | JoostBruining

  • Greetings Mozzers, I came a cross several sites and when looking at their link profile I found they had several links from these free services to gain links.  Obviously duplicate content is bad, but if all the content on each one was completely unique, would these links be of quality?  Let's say, 1 link per site that is external to your site. I know it's a tricky topic but just wanted thoughts, would the above be a potentially beneficial method for gaining a simple quality link. Your advice and information is much appreciated!

    | MonsterWeb28

  • I did a search for "Bella Thorne Jimmy Choo Maylen" and the first result that comes up is "". Basically they just have our site in some sort of frame, and I can't even see our site among the other search results. How do they manage to outrank us? I never submitted our site to Floost, but normally I don't think they should hurt our SEO as it's just a content aggregator. What do you think? aO6bBSU

    | Jantaro

  • Hi Mozzers. My company uses an SEO agency. They are building links from relevant sites but, since hiring them around 9 months ago our SERPs for our important search terms have remained pretty static (dropping slightly). I'm in charge of my company's marketing budget so need to make decisions about ROI when determining where best to invest my resources. It seems to me that it ought to be possible to predict (with a fair degree of accuracy) how long it's likely to take us to move up the SERPs based upon an analysis of our website, link profile and how it's changing over time vs those of our competitors. Unfortunately my SEO agency keeps dodging this question. Am I being unreasonable in expecting this? Is what I've described above even possible? If it is possible what are the factors you would consider when trying to make such a prediction? Thanks for your help David

    | davidoff574444

  • How are the Linking Root Domains under Keyword Rankings being found? We've noticed for many of our key terms that big brands like Amazon, eBay, Home Depot, etc. only list 1 linking root domain, while much smaller competitors in our industry have hundreds. Clearly big brands are going to get more links than a company most people haven't heard of and the idea that these companies only have 1 linking root domain to a specific subcategory on their site is not believable. What's going on here?

    | Kingof5

  • Hello there, I am looking for a great SEO specialist to help us with ranking ( ) We would prefer this specialist located outside of Ontario. Would be great to develop a working relationship with someone who can provide an expertise on on-going basis for our clients as well. We just re-started this company after a two years break and redesigned the website. I would like to get an expert opinion on on-page and off-page optimization and our marketing strategy. Would anyone be interested? Thank you Dmitri

    | axewarb

  • I have a client who ranked #3 for a very important and highly competitive keyword phrase.  Using the 'Compare Pages' tool in open site explorer I could see that we were far better optimized than the two websites that were out ranking my client.  Our PA was higher, the MozRank was higher, more internal and external links (and the external are all high quality) more linking C blocks etc.. etc... not just the page but the website, in general, was better optimized. The one thing I did notice was that although we had more internal and external links, our ratio was far heavier to the external side than the ratio of either competitor. So, at a loss of what else to do, I went through the website and beefed up the internal links to the specific page in question.  I didn't over do it, just moved up from about 6% to about 12% (one competitor was at about 20% while the other was about 65%).  Six days later we are number two rather than number three. Coincidence?  Should I beef it up even more?  Has anyone ever come across anything like this? Thank you for your comments in advance.

    | Vizergy

  • Is there a way to find sites that linked to my site during a certain time period? Say in the past 2 weeks or from March 1-March 15th ?

    | priceseo

  • This is one of my competitor's sites. I ran the on-page report card and the word Hyundai is on the page 102 times, and 67 times in the body. Here is the link: I would love to hear your guys opinion, if this is keyword stuffing and could it get penalized by panda? Thanks for your help.

    | PeterRota

  • Greetings Mozzers, I've posted several clients on sometime ago and it doesn't look like it is showing up on OSE.  Its been well over 5 weeks. I have looked on their profile and none of the links are rel="nofollow" is there another thing I can check that would take all the juice away from them? Or does someone know if this is a good place to use? Thanks for any advice and clarification!

    | MonsterWeb28

  • Hi All, I've just agreed to undertake an AdWords campaign for a client, and I was wondering if there was any competent way to project an estimate for what their CTR might be before the actual campaign begins? I do know that the average Google gave in 2012 was about 2%, although I've read that a diligent content marketer can certainly achieve double digits. I'm just trying to figure out how to roughly quantify what CTR might be for the client before we get started, and if there was a way to do that **per keyphrase **that would be so much the better. Does anyone have a formula they use? Any ideas? Thanks!

    | G2W

  • I'm a complete newbie at this so please bear with me, I'm using the free trial version of Market Samurai and I was just researching some keywords and the figures were off from google adword and MS.  Is this due Google banning MS about a  year ago?  Because from what I've read appantely they get their SEOC figures from Bing? Which would defeat me logging in with my adwords account in the MS program right? I'd appreciate the help guys. Thank you in advance.

    | CrisDamien

  • Would listing my content / blogs on Technorati have an SEO benefit? A few months ago, I did a piece of analysis on our competitiors' link profiles and then ranked the linking root domains to get the highest scores. Technorati was one of the domains with a high domain authority and is also relevant to our business. On the other hand, I've seen on whiteboard Friday's that directories are losing their importance. My gut feeling is that this is something that is worth doing because it is easy to implement but that we shouldn't expect amazing returns in terms of traffic / page authority scores. Your opinions would be much appreciated 🙂

    | RG_SEO

  • I'm puzzled. I've optimised a particular page for a particular search term, and the SEOMoz tool gives me an A for on-page optimisation. So no problem there. I can understand why my webpage/site is being outranked by pages from (for example) the Guardian and Oxford University, but there are several sites that Google is ranking on page #1 though their page and domain scores are well below ours. Specifically: my page/domain authority scores are 46/52, compared with 22/46 for the competitor that Google is ranking #5 - yet we only rank a lowly #12. And it's not as though the particular page in question isn't an obvious and appropriate part of our site. We work with new writers and the page in question offers a selection of creative writing courses. It's not like we're a writing-related site that suddenly has a page advertising fake rolexes. It's not a timing issue either, as most of our links have been in place for a couple of years at least. So I'm puzzled. And concerned. This page of ours was a reliable revenue generator for us and it's dying out there on the page#2 wilderness. If anyone can help, I'd be massively grateful. I don't know if this is helpful, but the page in question is and the search term is ... well, heck, you take a wild guess. We're a British firm, so the only search engine that really matters to us is

    | harrybingham

  • I have been doing competitive research on the keyword phrase "atlanta pest control"  this website is #1. Why? The number 2 website makes some sense for its rank, but this one does not.

    | SammyL30066

  • Hi I have just signed up to use this software and would like to know how to use it properly. Is there a video tutorial on how to get the most out of the tools? I want to get the competition's backlinks but for some reason it's not openiing the page. I also want to know how the backlinks are assessed to find the real quality ones that I can link to. How are the backlinks assesed and what standards are used to asses backlink quality? Thank you Sunil.

    | sunilmuse

  • I just took over an SEO campaign for a company we recently did a website for.  The old company created individual landing pages for each city they service, but they didn't have any original content except replacing the city name.  We are in the process of creating completely unique content per page. My main issue is that there is a company with no link profile, duplicate content on every page, no social media presence, etc - but consistently ranks for city + fence company The company we are starting to work with is: The company that is ranking for everything is: Any ideas?

    | BeardoCo

  • In the last 2 months, a previously unranked/unheard of website jumped straight to no.1 position for a particular keyword when searched from USA and is even ranking over many other big brands or stronger DA/PA sites. I did notice some very strange JavaScript popup links that are heavily keyword linked from the first mention of the keyword on the page content. What are they trying to do here? Otherwise they don't seem to have much PA/DA or seo going on. Why are they doing so well?!

    | emerald

  • Latest years google is working a lot on mobile things. How do you think, is it possible after some time to see in mobile search results only mobile versions of websites. As valuable website parameters are completely different for web and mobile versions. Web needs quality content; mobile needs fast and simple content. Now it looks like something is missing in mobile search results when google gives me heavy website, which might even have no mobile version. Either redirection is also not the thing i searched for.

    | bele

  • Hi everyone. I seem to have a lot of questions the past couple of days! Take a look at these two URLs: Site A: Site B: I will mail 2-dozen homemade chocolate chip cookies to anyone who can tell me why Site A massively outranks Site B for the term "roland m-200i" - Seriously. Thanks in advance!

    | danatanseo

  • Hi Folks According to Site Explorer this link ... .... has a page Authority of 42 and a domain Authority of 87. Looking at this it seems to be 3 links embedded in a forum comment. What I would love to understand is... how valuable is this link? (Especially with Panda and Penguin?) ... How do i decide if I should also peruse a similar link for my site? Thank you in advance

    | PHD

  • Greetings Mozzers, What would be the cause of the Title of the SERP to read a company name only instead of the <title>content?</p> <p>For example, if everywhere on my website, it reads SuperFun (if SuperFun is my company name).  And I have a <title> of "SuperFun | Great Fun that is Super | New York"</p> <p>Let's say I then Google -> Great Fun in New York and I'm ranked 3rd. Yet the SERP reads "Super Fun" as the title.</p> <p>Any reason for this? Or ways I can further optimize this so it reads:</p> <p>1- the correct company name</p> <p>2- the <title> I specified in source code.</p> <p>Thanks for any clarficiation/advice on this matter!</p></title>

    | MonsterWeb28

  • I have a website which is showing different serp rankings. On one computer, he's on the first page, on another, he's second page and another person from outside our office sees him ranked differently. What would account for the inconsistency in rankings?

    | priceseo

  • Hi all! Long time Pro member first time question asker! We are in real estate in Barcleona and, although we create tons of content (daily blogs, free ebooks, videos) we have never properly optimized our root domain page for any keywords that might bring us specifically real estate related traffic from Google. Our website is www DOT SuiteLife DOT com. My question is about keyword analysis. We've had this sort of paralysis whereby we're nervous to start link building etc… for the wrong keywords. The problem we have is that most all keywords in our space are VERY competitive. So far the two tools we've used are: Google Keyword tool: About the top 20-40 keywords we'd like to go after are rated as HIGH competition. SEOmoz Keyword tool: Only the really too-obscure or long tailed keywords related to our business fall under a 50 rating. We were wondering if anyone could shed some light on how to further analyze keyword possibilities for our homepage when it seems like anything with any decent search traffic is super competitive. Please let me know if there's any important info that I've left out! Thank you SO much in advance for any advice/help. The SEOmoz community is so amazing! Rock on guys and gals! ~ Benny

    | SuiteLifeBarcelona

  • Google's Display Network Ad Planner used to be the best for this (although was often still way out), but the data for the sites I used to check has disappeared. Does anyone know any other sites that provide half-decent estimates of traffic?, Compete and Alexa are way off. I'd be interested in paid services too. Thanks. 🙂

    | Alex-Harford

  • Hello SEO Community, So I was able to rise to #2 in a highly competitive search term after a guest blog post that I wrote really took off (wish I could recreate that for my other terms, haha) Anyway, I steadily rose from 30ish to number 2 and have obviously seen more traffic, which is awesome and I'm happy. But still, in terms of the amount of traffic that google estimates the keyword gets, and the amount I'm getting at #2, it seems like #1 is getting the VAST majority (I know this is how most markets work). Judging from my link profile compared to #1, it would be extremely difficult to dethrone them. So what do y'all think? Is it worth spending time and resources shooting for the glory and traffic of #1 and potentially never getting there - or focusing my efforts on my middling keywords and getting those on the first page as well?

    | CleanEdisonInc

  • Is there a quick and easy way to create an excel spreadsheet with a list of all blog content and it's SEO factors i.e. URL, title, description, etc.?  I know I could use screaming from to get the entire site but is there a way to just get the content on the blog?

    | RonMedlin

  • Greetings, I have started up a team of web designers. But we are located in a very competitive market and having a fairly new domain our chances are narrow standing out in the seo for a while. But to my notice most of the top search results for website design related terms don't use rich snippet or don't even have quality links from high end websites. So we believe we stand a chance with content marketing. As the competition is nowhere in social signals we plan on using content marketing by adding a blog. Now I am short on content/blog ideas. So any help in it would be a great help. Our focus is primarily on website design and search engine optimization. Thanks

    | hard

  • Greetings Mozzers, I wanted to see if someone could clarify the power of domains for me a bit.  Is there an SEO benefit in purchasing fresh domains for a specific website? Something that would effect certain metrics like parking keyword domains to pages that target that keyword? I'm not talking about buying pre-existing domains that have value and are for sale. I'm talking about newly registered domains. Thanks for any advice/clarification.

    | MonsterWeb28

  • Hi Guys I am asking a lot of questions lately, so I am very grateful of the community support.  Hopefully I can start giving back soon. I am getting myself tied up in knots with SEO on my site.  I have read so many articles, and many contradictory opinions that I can't workout which path to go down.  So could you look at this specific example and give me a brutally honest kick in the right direction? If you do a search on google (UK) for "Vogue Magazine Subscription" you will see one of our main competitors in position 7,8,9 for Teen Vogue, Luomo Vogue and Italian Vogue.  We come in at position 4 page 2 (UniqueMagazines). Why is it that our competitor ranks higher than us, for what is really an unrelated search?  I mean, yes Teen Vogue, Italian and Luomo are relevant to those keywords, but surely our page is more relevant? Is it because the competitor has a slightly higher domain authority?  We are working on generating content to drive back links, and so get authority. I have looked into so much, generating content, updating internal link architecture, creating back links.  What in this specific example should I be looking at? I have analysed our back link profile, it's ok.  I did some work on internal links, as our site ranked first for Italian Vogue, which seemed to be due to more links internally pointing at the italian version. What metrics should I be looking at to determine what makes our competitor rank higher? Many thanks if you can help Paul

    | TheUniqueSEO

  • I have a Website who was ranked top 6 for most competitive keywords on but suddenly dropped to page 2 after 21st January 2013 and later back to top 10 position and now dropped to pages 2 to 5, for most terms. I initially thought it was the transition rank causing this fluctuations. The strange thing is, i haven't done anything wrong in terms of back linking efforts. My site is content rich and offers real value to users also, the website PR increased from 3 to 4 recently, my site seomoz rank, PA, DA and Moz trust is higher than top ranked websites above mine. Please any suggestions?? Kindly help.....

    | ayo1

  • After just a couple months I'm placing on the first page for some keywords but I need advice on how to get over the hump. Search results for "Lakeville Snow Plowing" and "Lakeville Snow Removal" return directory results for the 1rst 3 listings above the local results.. I'm right below that at 5 and 7..  (I'm not showing up in local results even though I have a radius but that's another issue) Any tips or advice to compete against these type of results rather than a direct competitor?   How does a small company with limited to no budget go about outranking BBB and I'm considering purchasing the BBB membership, and I imagine a link from them would be helpful, other than that, I could use some advice. Derrick

    | dwallner

  • Lets say I have a PA 50 website, and I just got a PA 60 link from another site. Is there any way to project, mathematically, what that new link will do to my page's authority? Would the formula look something like this? New PA = Current Page PA + ((New Link PA*dampening factor)/Total number of links on new page) In the absence of a mathematical model to predict shifts in PA, how can you be confident that a specific action will help you progress towards an authority objective?

    | phantom

  • Hey Mozers, I was in a discussion this morning about the value of Exact Match Keyword domains vs. a company name domain and wanted to get a little more clarification. Let's say we are doing a site for a company called Favored Dental, and they have had the domain for quite a while and have their authority built up in it.  Is it better to have or or keep its current form? The reasoning behind the alternate domains would be they have the exact match keyterm, in this case lets say "Favored Dental" is the keyterm we were going after. To my knowledge EMDs aren't as relevant as they'd use to be as Google would rather branding of companies instead of keyterm domains?   Is this correct, or do EMDs of keywords you're going after hold higher authority? Thanks for the clarification!

    | MonsterWeb28

  • Hey everyone, I'm doing the keyword research for a new virtual assistant services website that I am building. Being that there's almost a limitless number of services that a customer can outsource to a virtual assistant, I have a lot of service keyword options. Here's the problem: I don't know how to layout my services in a scalable fashion so that I can continue to add onto the services list (each with their own unique and helpful page) after the website is published. I have two options: 1. Create a service page with categories, each with links to the individual services. Like on my competitor:  but with links to pages focused on the individual service keyword (ex. virtual receptionist services). 2. Don't have a services page, but include the services as blog posts like on my competitor's website: Obviously, the blog would be much more "scalable" in the terms of adding more services. It also reduces a lot of clutter on my website. However, it's not categorized like the average service or e-commerce website. Not sure if this is necessarily a bad thing. What do you think? Your help would be greatly appreciated!

    | Stryde

  • I love using seomoz and have done for a few years. I am no SEO expert, but like to think I can get away with making out I know what I'm on about! I use opensiteexplorer regualrly and usually enjoy delving deeper into it's metrics, but one thing is bothering me (before I start with this, please forgive me if I am missing something obvious - you may have to point it out in your answer!) So I run a comparison of a few sites and pay attention to the external followed links section. On checking this number at root domain level, company A has 12,666 external followed links. So I want to dig a little deeper as to the qulaity of those links and click along to the inbound links tab, here I select the following: "followed & 301" > "only external" > "all links to this root domain" > leaving the results ungrouped Downloading this table I only have results for 3,416 links - why such a big difference to the previous 12,666 or am I missing something here? Would just like a bit of clarification 🙂

    | iThinkMedia

  • Why do I have low domain authority and what steps can I take to improve it?

    | cbeuoy

  • Hi everyone! Using the Open Site Explorer tool I can see many of my competitors leave blog comments which (according to the tool) are providing link value to their sites. This seems like something that can easily be used in a black hat sort of way. My question is this - Is leaving comments on blogs an effective way of generating positive links to my site? Adrian

    | adrianaldous

  • The question sounds complicated but is actually quite simple. We want to rank high for the keyword "publicity". Here are some facts: Google Keyword Research: Competition 0.02 & Global monthly searches: 22,200 SEOMoz Keyword Difficulty Tool: highly competitive We are producing plenty of editorial content every day on our online magazine which right now resides under and we are thinking of renaming the magazine: "Publicity" and moving it to That way every new article will be under the publicity subdirectory. Of course we would redirect all the existing articles under the old structure to the new one using 301's. And we're hoping that with time we get the top position for the keyword publicity. I am interested to hear from the experts out there what are the pros and cons of this approach?

    | davhad

  • Ok well I'm serious about may business and everything I do the problem is that I just can't seem this ranking for a keyword thing I do rank on the 1st plage for every keyword but in this business it's all about the top 3 my page is a pr 2,I can't rank for this keyword it's low competitive the site has a pr 0 and has one back link to it on open site explorer. They rank first. i want to say my site is the best out there I have a seo company working on it and I have spent around 5k on it since we launched it in 2010. I just can't rank for "chesterfield lawn care" or chesterfield lawn service. My webite is I have watch the. Videoson here but it just does not answer my question I need to know how to do the right seo. I have a ridiculous amount of content on the site everything I do it to help the customer. It just need to know what to do I have started to blog but what do I need to do to really help my seo? I mean is it blogging should i blog about stuff and use keywords should I blog and not use keywords maybe 50/50? Do I go out and blog about pages on my site or pages that are ranking of google? I heard that links are not as important as they used to be I do try to update my Facebook and twitter pages but its hard to anyone to RT or comment or like my stuff its lawn care it's not that interesting I try to make it as interesting as i can. keywords that I rank for are st Charles lawn care, st Charles lawn service,St. Peters lawn care, st. Peters lawn service, o'Fallon lawn care. Creve coeur lawn care. If you have any suggestions on how to make my site better please let me know. thank you to all that can help me

    | gslc

  • I have a competitor who is buying links in the Featured Advertiser Links section of Washington Post online. His backlink profile is a very low # of referring domains. (38ish) with a good bit being repeats of Wahington Post. My question, is their strategy within Google guidelines, and what can I do to combat it? Thanks.

    | bozzie311

  • How can I do a competitor mobile website analysis? I am having troubles finding competitor tools for mobile sites.

    | seoflorida

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