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Category: Conversion Rate Optimization

Chat through best practices for conversion rate optimization.

  • Moz, To help with our conversion tracking efforts is it possible to track contact Email Href clicks ? Preferably using Google Analytics so i can filter them into my reporting, Thank you, James

    | Antony_Towle

  • My commercial real estate web site has about the worst conversion form ever designed ( The form appears whenever a visitor does a property search. If they do not release their phone number and email address they don't get results. The form only gets completed 25% of the time and often the contact details are wrong. The visitors either exit the site at that page or go to the listing or neighborhood pages to view listings without doing a filtered search. In an attempt to increase conversions we are softening the form and not making completion mandatory. After entering an inquiry the visitor will be shown three property listings before the form pops up, The idea being that once they have seen product they will be more inclined to release contact info. Also, the form will appear once they have viewed three listings anywhere on the site, not just for search results.  Unlike the existing conversion form ( we are trying to keep the text very concise. The new form will be Java script rather than a URL. Can anyone  offer some ideas on how to make the text of these new forms more enticing? The forms are listed below. We will probably show the first one after the visitor views 3 listings and the variation of it after the visitor views another 3 listings. ** FORM #1** Quit wasting time searching for listings. (watch icon) Call me to discuss available space.                       Yes            No ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  FORM #2 Don’t search for listings, we will do it for you. We have off market listings that no one knows about. Contact us now about off market listings.                   Yes            No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi there! There´s a subject that comes to my mind every now and then, something which we always thought as a subject to discuss in a forum like moz´s: Hotel Booking engines, conversion codes, and overall user experience related to them. In these days, we are trying to help one of our clients to select the best booking engine SEO wise, but basically really oriented in measuring conversions and conversions funnels, and with confirmed excellent overall user experience. We are sick and tired on having booking engines which will “magically” change url once we get into the process of booking, this brings enormous doubts for the user who doesn´t really know where the hell is he putting his money (booking) hence, a very bad user experience. Not really sure we like iframes either, as we believe Google will not be able to access any data from the booking process once the iframe appears as we lose all control and also the possibility to handle conversion funnels or reading anything inside this frame. Usually we have also problems “losing” adwords conversion and analytics codes which we have to check periodically getting into the booking engine and making trial acquisitions which are time consuming and boring… then when detected the fault, claim the supplier to re load codes again, as they have being "lost" (once again), probably in some irresponsable update of the booking engine. Some Hotel Booking Engine Brands are “Google Hotel Finder” friendly (partners?), others, on the other hand, are completely ignored by Google and just OTA´s prices are displayed and offered by means of Google Hotel Finder, not showing official hotel rates and not even giving the possibility of making reservations using the “official” website. Adding to this, we usually find naïve programming issues with infinite problems when changing languages, different currencies, trying to go back to your previous selections, no wonder why booking is having his day in this so competitive market. Any good and thoroughly checked suggestions? Thanks in advance! Claudio Heilborn @ MD Marketing Digital Spain

    | ClaudioHeilborn

  • Moz, I have managed to climb onto page one for a couple of keywords i am really happy with, Just looking for any feedback on page titles and different effects on CTR The page i am working with is product pages I tried a simple headline which was a branded product keyword, this way when the keyword matches the user search it will stand out as the the majority of the title is bold because of this match,, Example below <title>Jeffs<strong> Lollipops</strong></title> and my other option is to look at testing a more descriptive title to fit the limit <title>A selection of sweet Strawberry and Cherry<strong> Lollipops</strong> from Jeff<//Title></p> <p>has anyone looked into this and tested for results in CTR ? i can see there being a youmoz about it somewhere?</p> <p>Alot of people i assume will just say test test test, but any feedback on how other moz users tackle title tags for CTR would be great,</p> <p>Thanks</p> <p>James</p> <p> </p> <p> </p></title>

    | Antony_Towle

  • Hi guys, We are tshirts printing company.
    We have of course a website and we have around 18k monthly visitors.
    We get around 75 daily quotes.
    We are not E commerce so we dot sale on the website. We can get all the information from Google analytic regarding to how many quotes we got and from where they came from but we can't know how many quotes was converted. I heard that i can add ref code on the url and then i will see that code in our quotes system and i will know from where that quote arrived.
    Another thing that i know i can do is that the system will remember that first url that the visitor enters the site so like that i can know exactly from each url we got the quote and i know that the professional name for this is  SESSION. So after all this, the obvious questions here is, Is everything that im saying here is make sense ?
    Can i add SESSION to WordPress site ? And how easy is that/or the cost for that ?
    For all of you the expert out there, is this the right way to track everything if you are not eCommerce ? Any help are welcome !!

    | WayneRooney

  • Hi everyone,
    I am running a PPC (Google Adwords Campaign) and it is pretty big. I have about 25 landing pages each with a Contact Form. I need the contact form to go to a unique thank you page for each landing page to measure conversions via Google Adwords. In other words I need the contact form on submission to redirect to a specific and unique thank you page that I can define. The contact form needs to be the same for all landing pages to avoid having to produce 25 landing pages. I am ok with producing 25 Example redirects to redirects to redirects to Can someone help me with this?

    | Carla_Dawson

  • Hi All, I am looking through a client account that is very mature (10+ years running) on Google AdWords. As soon as it became available, this client adopted a modified broad match (MBM) strategy and has removed all phrase match and exact match keyword types. The account has hundreds of thousands of active keywords. Over the past few years, the CPCs have been rising. While I know that market values of keywords in general have risen consistently year after year, I speculate that this client is actually causing their own prices to go up faster than they should. I have a couple of questions regarding strategy that I am considering that I want to know if anyone else has any experience with... by having many MBM versions of the same keyword, is it possible for cannibalization to occur for most of the variations? Example query: new red running shoes
    variations Ad group 1: +red running shoes, +red +running shoes, red +running +shoes, red running +shoes
    variations ad group 2: +blue running shoes, +blue +running shoes, blue +running +shoes, blue running +shoes based on the logic of MBM, the possible matches to this query from the available variations are +red running shoes, +red +running shoes, red +running +shoes, red running +shoes, blue +running +shoes, blue running +shoes. So, if the performance of those blue variations trump the more closely related red variations, this searcher may actually see an ad about blue running shoes, even though they have indicated they are more interested in red. in terms of cost, I would anticipate that MBM keywords are more expensive than their phrase match counterparts. can anyone confirm or deny this? My thoughts are that with several years of actual search terms being collected, this client should be able to do a great job of covering almost every variation of keyword that customers have used and create a strong list of phrase match keywords to satisfy all relevant queries. MBM keywords seem like they are a lazy way of getting traffic at a higher cost that can actually cannibalize close variations that exist in the account, causing the wrong ad to be shown based on matching/relevancy and a higher price CPC in the long run. Thoughts?

    | dsinger

  • Hi All, When it comes to Google Adwords, when considering conversions, Google assigns each conversion back to the click that originally drove that visitor on the day they clicked.  so, even if someone converts today, Google would show that conversion as occurring two weeks ago when the visitor originally clicked on a paid search ad and came to my site.  fine...whatever. My question now is if we use a remarketing campaign through the Display Network, and someone converts, will that conversion be shown under their new visit or back on their original click where they did not originally convert, causing them to be included in our remarketing audience? Cant seem to find a straight answer anywhere and hoping someone out there has some guidance.

    | dsinger

  • Dear Moz Friends,
    We are trying to calculate SEO ROI for our customer support website driven by Self-Help documents, Support Videos, and path to contact our Live Support. We would like to collect your valuable thought/inputs on how to better calculate support website SEO ROI.
    A typical customer journey scenario: Customer searches for a solution to a problem with our product in Google/Yahoo/MSN Customer then clicks our link in the SERPs that addresses his/her current problem Customer lands on the link, reads the fix/solution and does one of the five below-mentioned actions a) Customer resolves the problem and clicks the ‘Yes’ button to notify us is he is satisfied. Eventually, the customer leaves our support website. b) Leaves the website as a result of resolving the problem without clicking the Yes or No button. c) Customer does not resolve the problem and clicks the ‘No’ button to notify us that the problem persists even after he/she tried to fix the problem using the support/help document. Then customer might contact us using the contact button (when takes them to Live-help options page). d) Customer clicks the ‘Contact Us’ button to contact our live support agent either via chat or phone, who will help resolve the issue. e) Searches using the Internal Search, if the link doesn’t seem to solve his/her problem and can hop onto other support documents. Note: The website is purely for support. We currently do not cross-sell, or up-sell, or do any marketing activity like conversion, etc. Please share your thoughts and help us figure out the ROI formula for our efforts. Let me know if any questions. Thanks,
    Norton Support SEO team.

    | NortonSupportSEO

  • I've created a custom Google Segment which you can find here. Segment Settings: Organic Traffic Sessions with 1 visit. Sessions with less than 15 seconds time on site. To calculate Pogo rate then I looked at Pogo vs. Total organic and got the percentage of Pogo sessions. I tested a group of 20 sites and got 53% on average with a high of 87% and a low of 33%. What do you get? Any interesting insights?

    | eyeflow

  • Greetings MOZ Community? I manage a commercial real estate site ( Visitors view listings (for example: If they want more details they click on the "Interested In This Space, Contact a Broker" button. They get directed to a contact us form like: We are redesigning this form. Remove much of the text and allowing the visitor to check questions pertaining to the property, like "Schedule a Tour", "Get Floorplans", "Details on Similar Space'. Currently this conversion form is on its own URL, and as such has menus on top, which I am concerned could distract the visitor. Would we get better conversions if this form was a Java script pop up with no menus. That way there would be no distraction for the visitor and we would have a better chance of converting them. Any thoughts? Also, we are using Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics to track conversions. Would changing to a Java Script pop up form have any implications for tracking? Thanks everyone!!! Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi all Wondering if anyone could give me a nudge in the right direction with this please. When running an adwords campaign is there a way in which one can track the bounce rate on the landing page per keyword sending paid traffic? I've had a play about in adwords and GA and couldn't find the right option. The site I am sending traffic to is not a ecommerce site so cannot set up conversion tracking so we are going to monitor the bounce rates of different keywords and drop the ones which are bouncing much higher than others as it seems better to invest the budget in those words which are keeping people on the page for longer. Many thanks Carl

    | carl_daedricdigital

  • Hi Everyone, I am looking for some help, I have just taken over a campaign for a client and we are seeing huge changes in conversion rates overnight. The client is selling a health product and is consistently getting around 1-2k visitors per day. We are getting about 6% of the traffic to the buy page consistently. However, we have found that one day the order process may convert 1/20 of these visitors and another day it could be 1/80. We are only talking about 5-20 sales per day, but I am really confused why one day it can convert so well and another so poorly. The traffic being sent is the same and all other factors are the same (no split testing). There seems to be no logic, the day of the week does not seem to impact, it almost seems random. If anybody has any recommended places to look that would be very helpful as at the moment I am at a loss. Example: Sunday 15th Visitors: 1,279
    Order Page: 240
    Sales: 3
    Declines: 3 Monday 16th Visitors: 1,407
    Order Page: 323
    Sales: 17
    Declines: 5

    | Twist360

  • Hi all,I'm facing a strange issue with a website: www.foodmood.itI've written this robots.txt: in which I'm using all commands I've tested and used on other websites.The problem is that this website is not indexing correctly, and my fear is that I've written the robots in a wrong way.In this forum I've been taught that this command Disallow: /*? should be substituted with Disallow: /? in order to be sure the crawler is not indexing all the URLs containing a question mark.My question is: do you think this command modified in the above way can cause a problem to my website?I repeat that I've used it on several sites and this is the first time I'm having this kind of problems.Thanks in advance for your help.A.

    | OptimizedGroup

  • Moz, I am just looking for a little advice if anyone has any experience with Google Adwords and remarketing in particular, I am currently looking through the Adwords help pages to gain a better understanding of how Adwords remarketing works, from what i gather this can be a really useful resource to use in certain industries and i have a lot of ideas and scenarios where i think this could work really well, I am just trying to get a good understanding of the how remarketing lists are built up, Using Rule based targeting for visitors that have visited a specific page that gains roughly 1200 unique visits every 60 days, so i have set the membership duration to 60 days, So if i use the visit of this page as a rule for my list, then in a little less than 60 days time then my custom ads should start appearing to these previous visitors ? My Question Am a right in thinking the remarketing list is like a funnel, once 1000 visitors are added to this list/funnel then my ads will start showing, but then as those visitors in the funnel have reached the 61st Day they will be removed, and replaced with the new visitors being added to the list for that day ? Aslong as my list remains above 1000 visitors it will continue to show, but if i were to drop below 1000 visits within that 60 days my ads would not be visible ? so i would need to potentially extend the membership period if this happens ? Apologies as i really struggled to explain this question as best as i can 🙂 Hope someone can drop me a quick comment and straighten this out to ensure that i am on the right track and i am understanding this correctly 🙂 Thanks a lot James

    | Antony_Towle

  • Hello, We are currently setting up a way of customising a client's site based on PPC campaign. I am wondering whether or not there are any SEO issues we need to be aware of. Overview Our client’s site, as accessed by a user through Google Organic, will be the complete site; the same site Googlebot will see. The site, as accessed by a user through a particular Google Adwords campaign, will return a customised version of the site. How the Customisation is Happening The Adwords campaign will be set up to target a particular region, using Adwords’ built-in location targeting. Its ads will link to pages on the regular site, but each URL will be appended with a URL parameter that will trigger the customisation. A cookie will also be planted in these users’ browsers to ensure that the customisation continues as the user browses from page to page on the site. The majority of the content will be the same but the site will promote a particular store of the client, one local to the searcher. Other stores won’t be promoted on this customised version of the site. SEO Thoughts All pages will have canonical tags on them referencing the original, unmodified version of the page. I personally can’t see any issue with regard to SEO because we are approaching this in the spirit of helping the user. But with launch on the horizon I am starting to worry slightly and would welcome the feedback from anyone else here – are there any SEO issues that may arise from this?

    | xerox432

  • Hello all! Can anyone recommend any free heatmap services please? Want to get on top of CRO and give this option a good explore! 🙂 Alex

    | zeroabove

  • As our Contact Us page title was a little short I added in [email protected] So "Contact us : [email protected]" We don't get a lot of spam and it hasn't noticeable increased since we did this. Tynt suggests that a reasonable number of people have copied and pasted the email - presumably to contact us Is it worth experimenting with further or a waste of time?

    | Zippy-Bungle

  • I have been doing SEO for several years and I know LOTS of things play into factor when it comes to rankings, but what's your thoughts on ranking pages on a high authority websites vs a fairly new website? I'm thinking about buying an old domain and building links to it, rather than continuing with my fairly new domain. Do you think I have a better chance taking this route??

    | aldona00

  • Good day all, We are entertaining the idea of changing the Domain Name & Brand Name for While still in development, the website sells women undergarments. We did some survey research and it seems that women (age 18-40) really liked either "Demi's Dream" or "Almost Skin" as a good name. More specifically, Almost Skin seems to be the more popular choice over "Demi's Dream". I think "Almost Skin" catches attention quicker and may work best in PPC. However, when personalizing a brand name is considered, "Demi's Dream" might be the best choice. Would you please offer your advise on which of these two names might be the best for a new Domain and Brand name for the website mentioned above? Which would convert better? Thank you for your help. Carlos

    | 90miLLA

  • Hi guys, Im managing the campaigns in the company that im working and so far i think that the results are o.k more or less. The problem is how can i really know if it is o.k ?
    I really don’t have any data to compare to… For example, this is campaign from the insurance niche from the uk : Clicks – 132
    Impr – 6,958
    CTR- 1.90%
    Conversion – 20 (Not inducing the one that calls the office)
    Conversion rate – 16%
    Total cost – 704£ How can i know by these number that the campaign is working ? Same here (T-shirts campaign for the Spanish market): Clicks – 1,219
    Impr – 26,177
    CTR- 4.66%
    Conversion – 56
    Conversion rate – 4.5%
    Total cost – 493€ Probably you will say, check how much you spend and how much you got back ?
    This is also a problem for me. I can see the numbers of the conversion but because we are not eCommerce so i cant really know the total income. Do you know if there’s is a way that each for quote that coming to our system
    so i will know where it came from ? Like a comment in the url or something ? I think that 90% of our income/quotes comes from the organic as we are ranking very high in Google so its a bit mixed in the system. Any feedback or tips here on this will be very welcome…

    | WayneRooney

  • My client has created a product that he wants to market to two, very different, audiences.  The goal is to funnel them through the site and get them to purchase.  My question is about the best SEO strategy on how to do this effectively. Since they are distinct audiences with little in common we've recommended building two microsites, and optimizing each with unique content and different keyword focus.  I realize it will be harder to optimize two sites rather than one, but it seems to make sense from a user perspective.  But once the users goes to a "non-audience specific" page, like any page that is about the product or company and not about the audience, should we build yet a third website that houses the "company/product pages" and channel the conversions there in order to avoid having duplicate content on the two other sites?  Or should we put the same "company pages" on both the Audience A and Audience B websites, only vary the text so it doesn't look like duplicate content.  Or is the microsite strategy flawed all together? Please keep in mind this is a brand new product and it has national scope.  There is no local focus.  We will be building their rankings entirely from scratch.  I REALLY appreciate any insights you may have.  We have been going around and around about this.  Thanks

    | ptdodge

  • Hi, is there a way to track a lead (through funnel setup or similar) so I can see who the referring site is? I want to be able to be able to calculate ROI from display ads, social media initiatives and other partner integrations. Thanks.

    | Majsan

  • I notice a lot of sales blogs have contact forms at the end of all their posts.  Can anyone give me some information on the effectiveness of this tactic?  Case studies, examples, or your experience from adding contact forms and what it did to conversions? I imagine it would help increase conversions.  It would reduce a step from moving to a new page, but might turn off some visitors? Any information would be appreciated.

    | Oren.

  • Hey everyone, I have a question. We already have conversion tracking set up for our landing pages, however Adwords has the option to import goals from anaytics, one of which is for the landing pages. What will happen if I do? Will it erase all the conversion data I already have? Will it mess things up? Or am I not understanding this correctly... Any help would be appreciated 🙂

    | jhinchcliffe

  • The blog for a client is at . I am not sure how to tell them to add Google+ authorship tags to the site, and link the posts to the individual G+ profiles of each individual author. One source shows it is highly complex, seesee  However, in the Google webmaster account, there is a real simple explanation, i.e. Considering that this is an area that is very murky for me, is one of these directives out of date? Is one preferable? How complicated would that be, for this particular blog?

    | DianeDP

  • Can anyone recommend a really good PPC agency in the UK?
    I am in the Car and Van Leasing market and have a PPC budget of approximately £10,000 per month. Thanks

    | Johnnyh

  • Most are aware when doing work on Local citation sources, if a phone number is to be used as a tracking number and it is not the main number used for the business in Local, it should be an image without alt text identifying the number. With a major citation source like Yellow Pages, we choose to use the regular business number which, of course, creates an attribution problem. If the same number is used in organic and Local, where did the traffic come from: YP? organic listings? Local? G+? With one client, we use a sophisticated proprietary call tracking mechanism that is the property of the franchisor. We also utilize GA and WMT. My question is: Is there a way to draw a reasonable corollary to other (non-call) conversions from overall traffic? If we know that for referring sites using an image number that those sites generate as many calls as they do contact forms filled out can we draw a reasonable corollary that other sites would be similar? On my example I have included, Angies list shows 2 visits and one form submitted. The next referrer shows 7 visits and 2 forms submitted. If each of these referrers are using image numbers and we know we got one call from Angies and 2 calls from the other, can we draw a reasonable assumption of: YP had 5 forms submitted, they would have had close to 5 calls additionally? So, if forms to calls for A is equal, and forms to calls for B is equal, can we assume that for a third or fourth referrer, calls to forms would be near equal with rare exceptions? If not, is there a way you are aware of to statistically draw an inference from this situation? Obviously, the big unknown is do people from one referrer have a significantly different motivation, etc. than those from another? One thing we know with this client is there is no affiliate traffic referring so there is little likelihood one or two referrers are distorting the numbers. I realize this takes some thinking, but I would appreciate a couple of you who did better than me at statistics and modeling to throw your thoughts in here. Thanks a ton, Robert rKeWl72

    | RobertFisher

  • While researching ways to optimise images for SEO and quick load speeds, I've come across this: Is anyone using this and are you seeing any SEO benefits?

    | adamlcasey

  • Have any of you moz folks recently had experience deciding where to build a small ecommerce site and had considered the following: Shopify Big Commerce Lemonstand Yahoo Our site has been on Yahoo for 12 years.  And I've seen designers the last several really complain about the limitations of customizing Yahoo stores and the checkout pages.  Going to be creating a new ecommerce site for jewelry and thinking we should consider another platform. Things like built in responsive design, ability to customize checkout, customize store easily without RTML (Yahoo proprietary language - not many developers use it), ability to scale up if needed, but affordable for entry, conversion optimization best practices built in, ability for good seo built in without having to use 3rd party.  (Another crappy limitation of Yahoo stores is that they do NOT support a blog as part of the domain, ie, which is much better for seo than their way - I read on Rich Page's blog that he likes BigCommerce.  I've spoken with Lemonstand and they have a lot of fashion sites using their new platform, and I'm seeing lots of new sites spring up using Shopify. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!  I'm sure there are a bunch of folks like me that have similar decisions to make now. Thanks! Ron

    | yatesandcojewelers

  • I work for a B2B software company and have recently begun implementing PPC via Adwords.  I was wondering what you guys use as a standard benchmark for a successful landing page, specifically conversion rate?  Conversion rate being defined as someone clicking to the landing page, then clicking on a link or filling out a form on the landing page.

    | Manseo

  • Is anyone aware of any e-commerce stores that have any sort of conversion rate from image search? Have any particular changes they've made resulted in an increase or decrease in sales?

    | Alex-Harford

  • Hi Mozzers, I run a website that has some buttons on the homepage. These URL's are not unique as they are accessible from the nav bar at the top of the page. I want to see the conversion rate of the homepage buttons. Is this possible? I currently use Crazy Egg to see how many people are clicking on the buttons but I want more information as I'm sure whether they are converting. Thanks, Karl

    | KarlBantleman

  • Is there a way to test if the Google Tag Manager is set up correctly? Am I right in thinking that the only code that will be output on the page will be the actual embed code, eg: SCRIPT REMOVED Cant work out if there is an issue with what has been set in the account of if there is a problem with how the code has been added to the page..

    | edwardlewis

  • I  have always felt that having your brand name in every title tag though-out your website when your URL is your brand name is a waste. The space your brand name takes up could be used for more valuable non-branded keywords. If your brand name is unique, the URL (and content optimized with your brand name) should be enough to have you rank #1 across the board in search results. Though I beleive this I still think it is valuable placing your brand name in the back of your homepage title tag. Example: Full Service Advertising Agency | Your Brand Name Any thoughts why you should or shouldn't do this? Isn't this useful for branded purposes? Doe this help click-though rate? Don't you want your visitors to know our brand at first glance of search results? Another argument I had for doing it was if it weren't important, than why does every search site do this? Thanks for the help!

    | EvanC.EGC

  • Hi I am reaching out to the community to see if anyone can see why our site is not converting or point out anything that might be hindering conversion. Our site is Any help would really be appreciated. I can provide more details on request Thanks

    | tidybooks

  • I would like to create a report that shows Campaign-Ad Group-Ad-Keyword but only for items that have conversions. Anyone know a way to do this? Thanks

    | EcommerceSite

  • Hi, I was wondering what percentage of organic conversions is related to ppc previous traffic. I mean, when we evaluate the results of a campaign, we take a look at the cost per conversion in analytics for one specific word. Lets say that we know that for PPC campaigns we have the following data Adwords / PPC Visits: 4500 %conversions rate = 1,15% Cost per conversion = $10 ORGANIC Visits: 1300 % conversions rate = 2,10% DIRECT Visitis: 1000 %conversions rate= 2,54% It is obvious that if I cancel the adwords campaign part of the organic and direct traffic will drop too. So, I was wondering if have you ever done this calculation and if you know what percentage of the organic a direct traffic is related with de ppc campaigns. I mean... Let's say... "20% of the ppc traffic will come back to the website as organic traffic or direct traffic", or something like that... Anyone??? Thanks 😄

    | teconsite

  • My main problem is Google Analytics doesn't show data from Google Adwords because a redirect in my site removes the special parameter(gclid) supplied by Adwords. Here's an email from one of Google Adwords representative: "When I reviewed your website, I found that a redirect set up on your site is removing auto-tagging information from your URLs. Auto-tagging automatically adds a parameter to the end of each of your AdWords destination URLs in order to identify visitors as AdWords referrals. The tag captures keyword, campaign, ad content information, and your ad's position when a user clicked it. The parameter used in auto-tagging is called "gclid." However, due to your website's redirect, the "gclid" parameter is being removed from the URL. As a result, Google Analytics is unable to properly track visitors reaching your site through AdWords. We suggest contacting your webmaster to append the "gclid" parameter to the redirected URL. If this isn't possible, you may want to consider removing the use of the redirect." Thanks in advance!

    | esiow2013

  • Everyone here knows that SEM and SEO "experts" are everywhere. But our company has a particular challenge - our Volusion-hosted e-store's product offering is so wide that it's a huge challenge to make a dent in our search engine placement. In our earliest days, one SEM "pioneer" company issued us a refund after realizing they couldn't do anything to affect our placement. The problem is that the revenue from any one particular keyword term doesn't return enough sales to make the effort worthwhile - sales are scattered allover the product spectrum. Does anyone have any experience with this particular challenge? What would be considered a realistic monthly budget - given that the business itself is quite small? I don't know what the etiquette on Moz is but YES I am looking to engage a company to help us out.

    | CrashAlpha

  • To all the PPC expert, Im new with all the PPC world but im learning every day.
    I wanted to ask if any one know if there is a good tool for organize / creating ads groups from a big keys list ? Another thing,
    what is the best way to manage the budget for all the campaigns ? Thank you

    | WayneRooney

  • My client has explained to me that they want to drive sales CALLS instead of form submissions because they feel they have a better chance of "closing the deal" on the phone. So my company is working to design a PPC landing page that focuses on the phone number. But the question is, do you still think we should include a simple form on the landing page? There are two competing trains of thought in my office. One is concerned that if we offer a form, people won't call. The other is that if we DON'T offer a form, we will lose out on possibly good customers. In addition to the form, no form question is the question of providing additional links to other parts of the website. One person I work with is concerned visitors will leak away and not pick up the phone. My concern is that if we do not offer a way to "learn more" the visitor will become agitated and not call at all. This is specifically for a focused PPC effort. To recap:
    1- Form or no form?
    2- Links or no links?

    | WestAdvertising

  • Hi all! Okay, here's the scoop. 33% of our site visitors use Safari. 18% of our visitors are on either an iPad or iPhone. According to Google Analytics, our average page load time for visitors using Safari is 411% higher than our site average of 3.8 second. So yes, average page load time pages loading in Safari is over 20 seconds...totally unacceptable, especially considering the large percentage of traffic using it. While I understand that there are some parameters beyond our control, it is in our own best interest to try to optimize our site for Safari. We've got to do better than 20 seconds. As you might have guessed, it's also killing conversation rates on visits from that browser. While every other browser posted double-digit improvements in conversion rates over the last several months, the conversion rate for Safari visitors is down 36%...translating into 10's of thousands in lost revenue. Question for anyone out there gifted in Web design and particular Web Dev....Do you think that it's possible/reasonable to attempt to "fix" our current site, which sits on an ancient platform with ancient code, or is this just not realistic? Would a complete redesign/replatform be the more realistic (and financially sound) way to go? Any insights, experiences and recommendations would be greatly appreciated. If you're someone interested in spec'-ing out the project and giving us a cost estimate please private message me. Thanks so much!

    | danatanseo

  • Does anyone know of a good SEO company for Spanish speaking sites besides BeyondROI? Thanks

    | geekdesign

  • Hi, We have a magento build site ( and are selling our own branded goods. So far it is a very limited range of products. It's 1 baby crib in 5 variations. We recently started getting more sales from the site, so I started to look a bit more into optimising our site. I rewrote item name, created better descriptions, added meta titles and description etc. and subscribed to the MOZ analytics platform to understand a bit better ways to improve things up. From what I saw we have a big issue of duplicated content because our product pages are the same and only the product colour changes, which is something google apparently doesn't like However it is important for us that each colour get referenced by google so people who search for grey cot can find a picture of our grey cot etc... Also I was thinking to create only on multi variation page with all colour but when you have only 1 product to sell it might look a bit empty on the site. 1- Do you guys have some advise on how to go round this issue? 2- Do you have any other advise for my site in particular to optimise things and actually do you think i should be worried at all with such a small catalogue? Thanks Sam

    | mokeestore

  • Hi, I just got off the phone with TrustE and McAfee. They want approximately $1400 and $900. Needless to say these are significant amounts. Is it a must for a small business selling luxury goods (transactions above $1000). Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Hi All, I am want to run an appraisal of my companies website but am a little unsure of how to approach this in a logical order. Is there a good guide / template for website analysis that i can use? I am planning on looking for improvements to the user experience and want to look at all important aspects design, functionality etc. Cheers in advance Nic

    | niccord

  • Hi Folks, I was wondering if anyone has come across a similar situation, I have setup adwords campaigns and included these in my Google Tag Manager setup and deployed the GTM snippet to a clients site. In adwords I can see clicks (2,000+) however in Google Analytics I can see only a handful ot conversions. Is there anyway I can test/track a conversion to ensure that it is being processed and report correctly? Also within AdWords Conversion Tracking I have noticed that under the "Webpages" tab that pages other than the pages that should have the conversion code on them are listed. Have I setup my Adwords camapign or GTM tags incorrectly? Any and all feedback or insight would be greatly welcomed and appreciated.

    | icanseeu

  • anybody have an opinion as to whether gravity forms is worth the money? is it pretty popular? thanks for any thoughts!! Matthew

    | Mrupp44

  • I came across this tool: I would like to add this to my bag of tricks but want to see if anyone has actually taken the time to verify that this tool presents an accurate representation of where things are placed on different screen sizes? I would appreciate any input. Ron

    | Ron_McCabe

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