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Category: Moz News

Learn about news around the Mozplex and projects that Mozzers are working on.

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    | somialvi

  • Exciting news, Moz fans! We are thrilled to announce that Moz has been acquired by iContact Marketing Corp! Check out Sarah and Michael's chat discussing the details in our blog post here, and please celebrate with us as we chart the future of Moz together.

    | KristinaKeyser

  • You heard from me back in the fall about our plan to shift away from brand and mentions monitoring as a standalone feature when we made the decision to sunset Fresh Web Explorer. Based on customer feedback and usage trends we’ve decided to move forward with sunsetting the Mentions without Links feature within Campaigns and the Mentions module at the bottom of the Keyword Overview page in Keyword Explorer as well. This functionality has become a relic of the past and no longer provides as much value as it once did, nor as much value as other solutions in the market (or in Moz Pro) do for link building. On April 15th, we’ll be saying our final goodbye in order to make room for more valuable and innovative features on the horizon. We plan to add a better way to find easy link wins with Link Intersect. Currently found in Link Explorer, having this powerful research tool built directly into your Moz Pro Campaign (as well as Link Explorer) will make it much easier to find and report on who’s linking to your competitors’ sites, but not to yours–giving you the keys to understand which pages/content are attracting links from authoritative sites and identify sources for link outreach. If this planned sunset will pose a major disruption to your work, please let our Help Team know so we can do our best to accommodate. If you have questions, this is the place to be. I’m ready with answers!

    | jacob.butler

  • Hi there, You’re probably aware of Google’s upcoming algorithm update, which includes Core Web Vitals as a ranking factor and will now be released throughout summer 2021. With this announcement, it’s important that modern SEOs prioritize steps to ensure their site’s are user-(and search engine-)friendly. To help you get ahead of this, I’m super excited to announce our Performance Metrics beta – available for Pro customers on all plans, up to 6,000 pages per Campaign per month.
 You can check it out here. In the beta, you can streamline your technical audit workflows and analyze thousands of URLs of your choosing for Core Web Vitals and other performance metrics. You can also: Analyze performance on an ad-hoc basis, separate from full site audits Report on performance across mobile and desktop, at scale Understand performance in the context of other search data, like Page Authority, other crawl issues, and top pages from traffic See a breakdown of how many pages require fixes, need some improvement, or look good Filter and manipulate your performance data with CSV exports Analyze individual page reports for Core Web Vitals and additional performance metrics. Deep-dive into the opportunities on how to fix issues Receive powerful prioritization recommendations We have a list of features and functionality on our roadmap, but we'd love to hear your thoughts! Go check it out, analyze your important pages for performance, and comment below! Got questions? I’m also here to help. Also make sure to check out other helpful resources, like our Help Hub documentation, Learn Center content, announcement blog post, or our webinar “Make Core Web Vitals Your Competitive Advantage” with Moz’s Senior Search Scientist Tom Capper (recorded live on April 27.).

    | ChiarynMiranda

  • Hello! I wanted to give you all a heads up about some changes we will be making to the MozBar very soon. We will be making an update to the MozBar that will require you to log in with either a free Community account or with your Moz subscription to access link metrics. Don’t worry! We will never charge you for link metrics in the MozBar. Why are we making this change?
    The MozBar has historically made use of a free endpoint in our Mozscape API. Unfortunately, over time, we have been experiencing increasing levels of abuse on this endpoint. For a long time, we were able to manage this mis-use but recently we have reached a tipping point whereby this malicious traffic is starting to degrade other legitimate API traffic and cause performance issues within our products. By asking you to log in to the MozBar with either a free Community account or a Moz subscription, we can ensure only authenticated users are able to use the MozBar. Also, if you don’t need link metrics, you can still use the MozBar. Logged out users will still be able to access on-page information. A note to Firefox users
    With this change, we will temporarily disable the Firefox version of the MozBar. You may have noticed that the Firefox and Chrome versions of the MozBar are not the same. This is due to Mozilla’s review process, and us being unable to get new versions approved despite multiple attempts. Good news on the horizon! Firefox will start accepting Chrome-based extensions with the release of Firefox v48, which means soon there will be one version of the MozBar. When v48 is released, we will re-enable the MozBar in Firefox. In the meantime you can use the free Google Chrome version. Thank you for your understanding while we make these changes in the MozBar! Please feel free to let us know what you think, or ask questions, in the comments below. Thanks!

    | Roxana_Nelson

  • TL;DR Many sites and CDN’s across the internet use SNI to help keep pages and resources secure Right now, Moz Pro is unable to crawl sites that use SNI, affecting these customers (you will see an 804 HTTPS SSL error if you are affected) This is being fixed, and we are almost ready to provide beta access to SNI customers If you have an SNI site, are a Moz Pro customer, and wish to be a part of this beta - sign up here Detail SNI (Server Name Identification) is an extension to the TLS security protocol that allows for multiple HTTPS websites to be served from the same IP address without requiring them all to use the same certificate.  This was always possible using wildcard certificates, but these are often impractical, since they are restrictive, and require a webmaster to know all of the hostnames to be served at the time of requesting the certificate.  With SNI, a webmaster can issue a single certificate and support multiple (and changing) hostnames. SNI has become increasingly popular over the last couple of years thanks to: Increase in mainstream browser support Its flexibility for usage in CDNs, like Cloudflare Unfortunately the Moz Pro web crawler has not kept up to date with this trend, and is at present unable to crawl sites that use SNI (the symptom is an 804 HTTPS SSL error).  This affects customers with SNI hosted sites, who miss out on the value of Moz Pro’s Site Crawl tools.  Whilst it might seem a simple fix to support SNI, our crawler software uses libraries that are unable to support the technology without a significant re-write. However, I am happy to say that this re-write is in process, and almost ready for testing.  Behind the scenes we have been working on a major overhaul of our crawl technology which you are going to start to see across many of our products. In fact, Moz Content adopted the new crawler this week, resulting in much faster crawls and support for SNI. Moz Pro is not ready for full implementation yet. That said, we are pretty close to being able to beta test with customers.  For that reason we would like to invite any customers with SNI sites into our closed Beta that will likely start some time in August. Some notes about the beta: Initially, it will be a little behind where the current crawl tools are in terms of features and configuration. That said, we will be iterating fast and beta customers will get automatic access to all new features As with any beta there will be bugs and potential data outages - I want to be transparent about this up-front We will be looking for feedback throughout the beta, and we would love to have our customers help shape the future of our software You must be a paid Moz Pro subscriber (or in a free trial) If you are interested please sign up here - Questions and comments welcome below!

    | jon.white

  • Happy to announce to you all that our new Mozscape Index is fully live. We were so excited to beat our target date two months in a row and deliver the update early. Unfortunately, we ran into some minor crawl hang-ups towards the end and a now-identified upload issue -- that being said we are still very pleased with this most recent index, albeit being a day or so late. The December release has nearly 181 billion URLs, 5.5 billion subdomains and just over 1.25 trillion links*. Best of all, the crawl issues of previous months appear to be a dust in the wind and we are looking solid as ever on the backend. We hope the work we are doing helps better reflect the hard work you all are putting in to grow your clients and your own websites. Looking forward to another successful release a month from now! Happy Holidays! *More in-depth details on the index can be found here: December 15, 2015 Index Update **If you have seen any  Domain Authority and Page Authority drops since the index release, please see Rand's post on DA/PA fluctuation for more

    | IanWatson

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