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  • I had a free trial and I thought I had cancelled it, and was charged $179. I need help cancelling the account and getting a refund. i already sent email to [email protected] but no one answer me...

    Product Support | | i9hdads

  • Good afternoon, how are you? I want to know how could i change the titular person of an account and how could i change the creddit card which the account is related to. Thanks, Nahuel

    Product Support | | N.Cabrera

  • For years I've been managing campaigns in Moz through Moz Pro. This enables up to 5 campaigns. One of my clients wants access to their campaign and are happy to pay for a new Moz Standard account just for them. My question is - can this be done? They would like my company (or more specifically me) to still have admin access to the account. I'm confused as to whether multi-seat is the right way to go? I don't want my client to login to my current Moz Pro account as I have other client's campaigns on it. Can anyone help as to the best approach.

    Product Support | | T_Cooper

  • Dear Sirs, This is Valeria and I d like to ask you the way to not reniew any Moz plan after my 30 days free trial. thanks

    Product Support | | Valeriaita

  • Hi, We have 3 campaigns running for our websites in different territories. All was going well until April 11th when Moz reported that our .com site ( could not be crawled.  I get this error "Your page redirects or links to a page that is outside of the scope of your campaign settings ..." I've been through the site a number of times but have been unable to get to the root of the problem. Robots.txt and 301's look fine. Is there any way I can find out which page is causing the issue? John

    Product Support | | johnmc33

  • I keep getting an error when using the page optimization tool - Moz staff replied when I used the chatbot and said that they're receiving a 500 error from my server and to whitelist pagella however my server is not blocking anything. I don't know how to fix this issue any ideas? I've attached a picture of the error message I'm receiving for reference. zzwUlt0

    Product Support | | GogoBusinessAviation

  • How can I solve this my blog is : هيروتك qyMLrQe

    Product Support | | moham3dnabil

  • We are MOZ pro subscription, we want to change our keywords that we are tracking. Before doing anything I want to download our current keywords for our records. Better yet, if I could download in excel, i could do some sorting and such. Can't find how to download our 1,900 keywords in MOZ that we are tracking.  Help?

    Product Support | | JDView360

  • we’re trying to pay for the Friday Webinar on advanced auditing, but typically PayPal uses the balance when you click “Pay” , which we DONT want. We want to use a credit card.  When you click on “change” on paypal you typically are offered the credit cards you have on file, but this version only gives you the option of putting in a new credit card instead of serving up the cards that are already on file with PayPal. When we try to add a new card it tells us that that card is already linked to a paypal account (which would be the same one we are using). How do we pay with our credit card?

    Product Support | | GraysonK

  • I would like to still be able to view my historical data once I cancel. Will I still have access to it? Thanks.

    Product Support | | StudioX

  • Hello, I wanted to try your services in the 30 days trail period, but I got instantly charged!? I haven't used any of you services yet, so can I get my money back? Thank you! PS. Can you explain the attached picture to me? Why there is written "Today's charge : $0.00", but you do charge $179.00 in the next second?? qJ9XHvw

    Product Support | | polarica

  • Hi, As the title states, I forgot to cancel our subscription before the trial expired and was charged USD 159.00. The product isn't a good fit for us at the moment. Will look at in the future again. Thanks J

    Product Support | | jandigitalstudios_seo

  • Has the price for moz pro gone up considerably this year? I hadn't noticed or will it renew on the same price as previously?

    Product Support | | Libra_Photographic

  • My free trial will be over soon, and I want to cancel and do not use any more. How can cancel the account? I do not want you to deduct my money from my credit card. Thanks.

    Product Support | | MOUYONGHONG

  • Hi, I had two email addresses with Moz accounts, and I thought the free trial had been cancelled on the other ([email protected]). I just got billed today. Can this charge be refunded for this account? Thank you for your help!

    Product Support | | thenumberfour

  • We're getting an error saying Moz is getting an errors crawling our client's site, but when I've put this though Google Search Console I'm not seeing any issues - any suggestions?

    Product Support | | Ramarketingrob

  • Hi all, My rankings have not updated from last week - latest date is still showing as 1st April. Has anyone elses not updated? Thanks, Jack

    Product Support | | Jack_Jahan

  • I have subscribed for 1 month free Moz trial account. It was free but to subscribe this account I need to put my credit card details. Suddenly at the end of this 1 month term period, Moz tried to cut 149 Dollar from my account without notifying me. But they could not because there were insufficient funds on my credit card. I haven't used any services and would like to remove my account from Moz service? Would appreciate your assistance.

    Product Support | | edgarsb

  • I added a new site to the crawl, but it seems to be stalled. It was supposed to crawl Feb 19, but it is still in process Feb 22. It tried to crawl the site and there was a robots.txt issue, but that issue was resolved way before the 19th. Not sure what is going on. this is for the clear lake campaign.

    Product Support | | dpsoftware

  • Hello,
    I have added the campaign IJsfabriek Strombeek ( to my account. After the website had been crawled, it showed only 2 crawled pages, but this site has over 500 pages. It is divided into four versions: a Dutch, French, English and German version. I thought that could be the issue because I only filled in the root domain , so I created another campaign with the name ijsfabriekstrombeek with the url . When MOZ crawled this one, I got the following remark:
     **Moz was unable to crawl your site on Feb 21, 2018. **Your page redirects or links to a page that is outside of the scope of your campaign settings. Your campaign is limited to pages with in the URL path, which prevents us from crawling through the redirect or the links on your page. To enable a full crawl of your site, you may need to create a new campaign with a broader scope, adjust your redirects, or add links to other pages that include Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster. I have checked the robots.txt and that is fine. There are also no robots meta tags in the code, so what can be the problem? I really need to see an overview of all the pages on the website, so I can use MOZ for the reason that I prescribed, being SEO improvement. Please come back to me soon. Is there a possibility that I can see someone sort out this issue through 'Join me'? Thanks

    Product Support | | Benjamien

  • I had a free trial and I thought I had cancelled it, and was charged yesterday $150. I need help cancelling the account and getting a refund.

    Product Support | | cassy_rich

  • As I'm looking through my Moz Pro reports on Pages with Duplicate Content, almost all the results are from the automatically created "tag" pages from my blog. I.e., Should I worry about this? Does it have a negative impact in my search visibility? Should I be using canonical tags on these pages (and if so, pointing them where if there's multiple pages that use the same tags?) How would you recommend handling this issue?

    Product Support | | flyte

  • I was cancel my trial account on yesterday, can you check my account? and is it true that i do not have to pay if i cancel my trial account..

    Product Support | | MAYA_miae

  • I want to know when the subscription will end for QMetry and we are a team of 3 using Moz, out of 3 of us who is the admin?

    Product Support | | vatsala

  • Site Crawl report defaults to the last crawl. Is there a way to get data from a previous crawl for comparison?

    Product Support | | JThibode

  • i can not delete my account from account setting , so what should i do??

    Product Support | | woline2008

  • Please can you tell me why the 'thumbs up' information is incorrect on my personal profile? and When does the URL become personalised? | Thumbs Up: | 7 | Regards Nigel

    Product Support | | Nigel_Carr

  • I am tracking 77 keywords for a particular company. These have been running for well over a month while I have been working on some page optimizations across the website. Why have NONE of my keywords fluctuated in rankings at all? This is very strange and I have never had this happen before.

    Product Support | | Lkantun

  • Hi, I love your tool and your company, but I am doing SEO for Swedish sites and there is often very little information available for my customers' URL's. Is there any way that I can get a discount until your corpus includes Swedish sites for real? BR Thomas

    Product Support | | ThomasNorden

  • I have a question about tracked keyword reports. When I extract my data for November for one of my campaigns, there seems to be 3 duplicates of each keyword in the report, each showing different ranking and rank change data. Can you confirm why this happens and how I can tell which the most recent data is? Thanks

    Product Support | | John-Clark

  • Hello, when trying to access the site crawl to be able to analyze our page, the following error appears: **Moz was unable to crawl your site on Nov 15, 2017. **Our crawler was banned by a page on your site, either through your robots.txt, the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header, or the meta robots tag. Update these tags to allow your page and the rest of your site to be crawled. If this error is found on any page on your site, it prevents our crawler (and some search engines) from crawling the rest of your site. Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster. Can help us? Thanks!

    Product Support | | Mandiram

  • Hi there, I've been waiting on my site crawl to complete since Friday (it's Tuesday now), but it still has the 'in progress' notification at the top. Is it normal for it to take over 3 days? Or is there something holding it up?

    Product Support | | VAPartners

  • We have not gotten our updated stats for this week. Is anyone else having this problem? We usually see the updates by 6am on Tuesday mornings.

    Product Support | | baseballbargains

  • Somehow the Moz tool has assigned the main keyword here this to my Google Structured Data Update page. Most likely, I missed something which caused the error. "Keyword np - /google-structured-data-update/" This is for my page titled "Announcement of Google algorithm updates Impact SEO techniques"The canonical tag links to as it should, so I am wondering how to update the keyword Moz associates this page with.Any leads to solving this would be appreciated.

    Product Support | | jessential

  • My client's site is down and the web host gives says that Moz is the reason why. "The fact that your site was limited is because the traffic generated by Moz. This is why I have suggested to block their IP addresses." Now we have unblocked the IP addresses and as you can see your site was limited again. And again the : Code: - - [26/Oct/2017:16:00:43 -0500] "GET /amp/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/page/2/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/page/2/@Smile_Design_/page/2/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/ HTTP/1.0" 200 58551 "-" "rogerbot/1.1 (, [email protected])" - - [26/Oct/2017:16:01:02 -0500] "GET /amp/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/page/2/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/page/2/@Smile_Design_/page/2/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/page/2/ HTTP/1.0" 200 58521 "-" "rogerbot/1.1 (, [email protected])" - - [26/Oct/2017:16:01:16 -0500] "GET /amp/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/page/2/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/page/2/@Smile_Design_/page/2/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/page/2/@Smile_Design_ HTTP/1.0" 301 - "-" "rogerbot/1.1 (, [email protected])" - - [26/Oct/2017:16:01:30 -0500] "GET /amp/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/page/2/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/page/2/@Smile_Design_/page/2/@Smile_Design_/@Smile_Design_/page/2/@Smile_Design_/ HTTP/1.0" 200 58528 "-" "rogerbot/1.1 (, [email protected])" "Please check with Moz if they can reduce the rate your site is crawled. Only after you confirm that the rate is decreased we will remove the limit imposed on your account." NOTE: Can you resolve this? NOTE: I have achieved the campaign at this time in an effort to keep the site live.

    Product Support | | jessential

  • I had to get the free trial to complete a course that i was doing, but i really dont have money to pay, and want to cancel it. How do i do that? I saw anothers questions about cancelling, they say "go to account and billing then click in cancel subscription" or anything like that, but dont have anything here! Take a look at my print about "account and billing" page: Please, help me.

    Product Support | | udacity-tuisfr

  • Hi, Can you give me more insight to what might be causing a Meta Refresh? I’m seeing this is where most of my redirect issues are coming from, but I’m not sure how to go about fixing them. Thanks!

    Product Support | | VanessaBurton18f

  • Hello, Is someone out there from support staff. I charged before my trial period ends. As I am leaving in India and Time zone is different. I assume my trial period ends midnight of 17 September 2017 but You charged me before without mailing me. My account shows you are in trial period what should I do. I do not want to continue though I am happy with it. Please reply as soon as possible. Thanks

    Product Support | | sandeepsitoe

  • I have already cancelled my account but I can access until 5th October. Will they charge my card? I cancelled everything and I don't wanna pay for it. Thank you so much!

    Product Support | | alejandrarr_

  • I'd like to cancel my MozPro subscription and I don't know where.

    Product Support | | alejandrarr_

  • Our client changed their domain name. Can we replace it without the new domain without losing the data for the old domain in MOZ ? We are at our campaign limit would the old domain count as a campaign?

    Product Support | | ThomasCenterInc

  • Hi,I would like to double check something. We have set up our site to be international with multiple language. However we have at the moment only 1 language live. SO when you go to, you will be redirected to URL should I add at the general campaign settings. I have now added, but it shows that I don't have any incoming links or domain authority. Should I change the link to That is also the link that Google shows in the search results. Regards Jack

    Product Support | |

  • Hi all, I am new to using Moz and on a couple of the campaigns that I have been running, I am seeing some keyword rankings drop -14 , -21 etc. etc. I understand that the SERPs fluctuate a bit. I am just surprised to see this happen in such large quantities. We haven't changed the website at all yet, and there is no chance of a penalty on these sites. Keep in mind some keywords have also increased in rank 1 or 2.

    Product Support | | Ryan_132

  • Just upgraded to full account so unlimited users can be created but they're simply not receiving the email to set it up.

    Product Support | | NisbetsUK

  • I don't need subscription anymore and i'm already quite my subscription now i want to refund my money. How to return my money?

    Product Support | | beeresearcher

  • I cant afford moz pro at this time and would like a refund. I forget to cancel my subscription, and Im a struggling student  who is interested in this software  but cant handle this payment plan can you please give me a refund

    Product Support | | Marketing2.

  • I recently used the trial free 1 month subscription for Moz Pro as it was suggested in a continued education course I was doing. My email was hacked and I had no access to it for which I had no access to Moz and while getting my email sorted, I got this message that they have charged me and it has come off my account for next month. They also took the money off my account which is extremely difficult for me as I am a student and cannot afford an expense as such. This is creating havoc for me. Currently Moz Pro a service charged in US$ is too expensive for me in India as a student. Any advice on how to get this amount reversed. Today is the day the invoice was sent and immediately afterwards they charged me the amount.

    Product Support | | Adilene

  • i have been not using MOZ, my log in can give details,and i was charged for plan of 149$.please refund my money.never did used any tool,it s all inactive .

    Product Support | | rush7072

  • Hi Mozzers! I've received an error message saying the site can't be crawled because Moz is unable to access the robots.txt. I've spoken to the webmaster and he can't understand why the robot.txt can't be accessed as this seems to be fine: and Google isn't flagging anything up to us. Does anyone know why this may be? Thanks, Matthew

    Product Support | | K3Syspro

  • I canceled my free trial, will Moz charge after expiring date, unless I canceled?

    Product Support | | Samantha-Amarakoon

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