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  • keywords ranking homepage seo

    I am an independent artist and all of my business inquiries come through my website ( Over the last 6 months I have been trying to get pages other than my homepage to rank for my keywords, but I haven't made any progress. I worry that I am cannibalizing my keywords since my pages all have similar information. Should I just delete my other pages and focus on ranking my homepage? Also, if I delete my other pages will that have a negative impact on my rankings?

    SEO Tactics | | PunchyMcSkeletor

  • page authority domain authority internal linking homepage

    I've been looking at the PA and DA scores for the homepage of websites we have built and have been comparing this to competitors. What I'm finding is that the PA score is always higher than the DA, however on competitors sites the PA is much higher in relation to the DA. What could be the reason for this? For example, some of our website homepages may have PA / DA scores such as the following: Website #1: PA37 DA25 (PA:DA = 1.48)
    Website #2: PA31 DA21 (PA:DA = 1.47) However competitors often have figures like this: Website #3: PA40 DA21 (PA:DA 1.9)
    Website #4: PA 25 DA 11 (PA:DA 2.27) I even saw one website with the following scores: Website #5: PA36 DA5 (PA:DA 7.2) How do you explain such a high Page Authority in relation to the domain authority for that site? When I look at the scores for our websites I often feel that the DA is at a good level, but the PA for the homepage doesn't seem as high as it could be compared to competitors. My initial thought was that maybe we had a lot of backlinks to other pages on the website (not the homepage) but this is not the case at all - pretty much all our backlinks are to the homepage. Could it be to do with internal linking structure? Any other ideas? Many thanks in advance for any help with this.

    Link Building | | getnoticedlocally

  • homepage homepage seo strategy homepage keyword mapping

    The USA Glitz I search the exact title & keyword but still its not showing though there is no related websites in this term. What can i do ? What kind of strategy needs to follow ? Kindly help me out . Thanks 😢

    On-Page Optimization | | henrichjrr420

  • ranking homepage sub-pages not ranking

    Hey Community! I am facing an ranking issue, I am trying to rank on multiple quires with my sub-pages. The issue is homepage is ranking on every single query. Even the homepage's content is not relevant to that query! I have made sure to remove any sort of content relevancy from homepage which i trying to rank with my sub-pages. Business/Website Details: We are a recruitment agency based Pakistan providing manpower around the globe and other recruiting services. We are targeting each country with a sub-page. Even after I have done some necessary things but still there is not effect on rankings. Let me share some examples: Query: recruitment agency for gulf in pakistan Home Page Showing
    1.jpg Page i want to ranking:
    2.jpg This issue is not only with this page, it's appearing on multiple quires but I think it should clear the issue I am facing. Now: Any Possible Solutions to this technical or ranking error. Backlinks on this query don't matter because you can check the other search results don't have any backlink data on them. Please share some quick thoughts on-page content. Even I make a page that have the word recruiting/recruitment in it google will automatically rank homepage and not the page i want! Thanks in advance for help 🙂

    SEO Tactics | | xShams
  • Unsolved

    wordpress homepage duplicate content noindex

    Hi, I have a large WordPress blog with thousands of posts. By default, the blog homepage contains the excerpt of each posts. As there are so many posts, the homepage is paginated(Totally 1341 pages) I use siteliner to check and find a lot of duplicate contents on the blog homepage. So, what should I do with it? Should I noindex the homepage and all the paginated pages accordingly? Thank you

    On-Page Optimization | | ccw

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