Yes, WHOIS is a protocol that provides information about a domain, including its creation date. There are several WHOIS lookup websites where you can enter the domain name and retrieve details about the domain, including its registration date. Simply search "WHOIS lookup" on your preferred search engine, and you'll find multiple reliable websites for this purpose. I came to use this platform for years to check my website domain age.
Posts made by alenKylian
RE: How to check the Domain Age?
RE: domain authority has not changed
If you've been actively working on improving your website's SEO and building high-quality backlinks, it can be disheartening not to see any changes in domain authority. Keep in mind that domain authority is influenced by various factors, and changes might take time to reflect. Continue focusing on producing valuable and relevant content, optimizing your website for SEO, and acquiring authoritative backlinks from reputable sources.