Content republishing
Much of your content has been republished on other websites. This is generating competition for you and may be costing you a significant amount of traffic. You can see some of this here. If a website a lot stronger than yours starts republishing your content you can expect them to outrank you in the SERPs for your own content. If you can get some of these other sites to stop, use rel=canonical, or at least attribute your articles to your site, that will help.
Interlinking within your articles
I don't see you linking between your articles. Within an article if there is a relevant tie to another story you should consider linking to it. This will facilitate the flow of power between your pages. It will also encourage your visitors to view multiple articles. The more they see on your site that interests them the more they will like your site and share it, bookmark it, link to it, tweet about it, etc.
Also, at the bottom of each article feature other related articles on your own site. Study the content ads distributed by Taboola, Outbrain, and other content networks to get ideas on how to elicit more pageviews. When you have an interested visitor do everything that you can to get them onto another page.
Overall, I think that your site is poorly interlinked. Think about some category pages, some featured topic pages, an image gallery that links to relevant articles. Get the linkjuice pumping through your site more vigorously.
Call your tribe into action
A site like yours with compelling stories certainly has a lot of supporters. I think that you can do a better job of calling them into action, mobilizing them to help spread the word about your site and your cause. Place obvious social share buttons on your site. Create graphics or text boxes with attention getting titles that ask your visitors to spread the word, share on Facebook, email, link etc. You have a little of this but you need to SHOUT ABOUT IT.
I don't do anything directly to share my content on social sites or build links. My visitors do that for me. Your fans are probably doing this already but if you tell them HOW YOU CAN HELP they will do even more. Your content is far more compelling than mine. Use the power of your stories to motivate sharing. You can probably figure out numerous ways to do this. Brainstorm at your office.
Some other websites and some bloggers might post small banner ads of chicklet ads that link to stories on your website. Offer them to your visitors, tell them this is how they can help call attention to the problems you address. Your own audience is your best linkbuilder. Take advantage of it. Tell them what they can do and some of them will do it. That is how powerful your content can be.
Promote your website on your website
Your site has hundreds and hundreds of stories and very few visitors who land on your site know about them. You could have topical navigation, or geographic navigation, or theme navigation. Find out which stories on your site are the most popular the most compelling and feature them prominently. Which ones convert the best. Do you know the path to conversion through your site. Learn about these things and set up your site to promote your strongest content. Make sure everyone knows about these most compelling stories. If you have a story that lots of people are sharing, mentioning, linking to, do what is needed to make sure that everyone who lands on your site knows about it. Play your strengths.