To check the domain age, you can use various online tools and methods. Here are a few common ways:
WHOIS Lookup:
WHOIS lookup provides information about a domain, including its registration date. You can use WHOIS lookup services available on many websites. Simply enter the domain name, and the tool will display details, including the creation date.
Domain Age Checker Tools:
There are dedicated domain age checker tools available online. These tools are designed specifically for retrieving information about a domain's age. You can find them by searching "domain age checker" on a search engine. Enter the domain name, and the tool will provide the creation date.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) maintains a WHOIS database. You can access it directly at the ICANN website or use WHOIS commands in your terminal or command prompt. For example:
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Domain Registrar's Website:
If you know the domain registrar, you can visit their website and use their domain management interface to find information about the domain, including its registration date.
Remember that domain age information is not always 100% accurate, as some tools may estimate it based on available data. Additionally, if a domain has changed ownership or if privacy settings are enabled, the actual creation date may not be visible.