Track Keyword Rankings

The SEO Keyword Research Master Guide - Chapter 6

Rank checking and visibility

Last Updated: March 13, 2023

While keyword tracking isn't strictly a part of keyword research, it helps complete the circle and can inform future keyword research endeavors.

"How am I ranking?" seems like a simple question. Unfortunately, the answer is usually anything but simple.

There are several ways of measuring keyword visibility, each with its own pros and cons. Let's explore each one in turn.

Rank checking and visibility

1. Traditional keyword ranking

This is "classic" organic keyword tracking. It tries to answer the question of keyword performance at an individual level by asking "What's my search engine ranking?"

The challenge with traditional keyword ranking is that it's very hard for an individual to do on a personal computer or phone. This is because of the amount of personalization on the SERPs. For example, Google tends to deliver different results to people based on thousands of different factors, including:

  • Device

  • Locality

  • Language

  • Browsing history

  • … and more

The end result is that two people may never see the same "ranking" result no matter how many times they search.

SEO ranking tools try to account for these personalization factors by using sophisticated methods to de-personalize search and simulate "average" results. While imperfect, this typically results in a good estimation that you see in rank tracking reports.

Here's one of our own internal keyword ranking reports we actually use at Moz from Moz Pro.

Moz keyword ranking report

Note that "branded" keywords are specially marked, as you typically expect and hope to rank higher for terms containing your brand name. You can also label the keywords you’re tracking with relevant labels. For example, if you’re tracking keywords that are questions, you could add a ‘questions’ label to your keywords. Another example would be if you sell products in vastly different verticals, such as shoes and umbrellas, you can label all your keywords to do with shoes, and separate them from the umbrellas, in order to see your average ranking status for just your shoe products.

If you want to learn more about keyword tracking, and want to understand how to customize your very own keyword strategy, Moz Academy’s Keyword Research Certification can help with just that!

Here's one of our Mozzers, Maddie, walking us through the process of checking rankings for a set of keywords.

Another popular tool SEOs use to track keyword visibility is Google Search Console (GSC). In GSC, they use the term "position" instead of rank.

Here's our own Search Console Position report for Moz:

Google Search Console Position report

According to Google, "position" is a specialized metric that attempts to show “approximately where on the page a given link was seen, relative to other results on the page… in Search Console, the metric is shown as average position, which averages the position value for all impressions.”

Confused yet? Don't worry, so are most people at this point.

While Google's own documentation for how they calculate position can be confusing, and sometimes the reports may not seem very helpful, Search Console does have some good use cases. For example, you can sort and filter each keyword position by page, query, country, and device. This is actually super useful!

2. Local rank tracking

If your keywords have local search intent, rank tracking is a different beast entirely.

This is because keywords with local intent can have different rankings based on city, area code, and even neighborhood.

How do you know if your keywords have local intent? Typically, if a keyword triggers a Local Search Pack in Google, or any other kind of localized result, it's often a good indication that Google thinks this keyword has local intent.

Unsurprisingly, many of our "motorcycle jacket" keywords trigger a Local Pack, signaling local intent, as seen here.

Google local results

(Be warned, not all local intent keywords will trigger a Local Pack for everyone, based on their own personalization.)

If you operate brick and mortar stores in these local markets — a Harley-Davidson, for example, or even a local store with only a single location — a local rank tracking solution that tracks keywords down to the neighborhood might be a smart idea.

Local rank tracking means tracking keywords in multiple locations, so you can see how your rankings change over distance.

In the Rankings section of Moz Pro Campaigns, you can track your keywords on a local level. You can track your keywords by country, city, or postal code. As a result, you will be able to see how your particular page or website is ranking for the keywords you’re tracking in that area. For example, the image below shows that a web page from Rad Power Bikes is ranking in the third position on the SERP for the keyword ‘step through electric bike’.

Local Keyword Tracking

By analyzing keywords at the city and neighborhood level, we can start to see both problems and opportunities that we wouldn't see using a global, non-personalized ranking system.

Miriam Ellis: Local Keyword Research
Miriam Ellis: Local Keyword Research

"Keyword research is market research for local businesses. Understanding demand at a large scale can help you analyze demand at a local level for products and services. Keyword research is critical to ensuring that your local business promotes offerings in the language of customers. Your findings can inform everything from what you brand your company, to how you optimize your website, which categories you choose for your local business listings, what content you publish, and even what you talk about in your social media accounts. Keyword research can foster image and video content, too. In the local business context, keyword research takes you a long way from a place of guessing towards a place of knowing how best to serve your community."

Miriam Ellis - Local SEO SME, Moz

3. Rank indexes

Tracking the ranking of individual keywords can be helpful, especially if the keyword has high volume — but what if you need to track thousands (or tens of thousands) of keywords at the same time?

The individual data becomes much noisier.

In this case, it's helpful to use rank indexes — grouped around topical themes — that combine the ranking of several similar keywords into a single, useful metric.

For example, let's say we want to track these keywords in our "motorcycle jacket" topic. Instead of looking at individual keywords, we want to see how our website performed overall for this topic.

Keyword Rank Week 1 Rank Week 2 Rank Week 3 Rank Week 4
motorcycle jackets 8 11 9 7
motorcycle jacktets for men 6 7 5 5
motorcycle jackets leather 15 17 25 25
motorcycle jackets amazon 8 8 8 8

If we simply took the average of these rankings, we might get a chart that looked like this:

Keyword rank index

It's a good start. We can see that our average position for "motorcycle jackets" actually got worse (higher) over time.

If we want to make this type of analysis even more valuable, we want to do a couple of things:

  1. Add a lot more keywords (hundreds or thousands more)

  2. Include other data points, such as keyword position

Different SEO rank tracking software solutions also allow you to group keywords and track rankings by using these indexes. Here's how the dashboard of STAT (our enterprise rank tracking solution) displays data for a set of keywords we track at Moz:

STAT Rank Tracking

4. Share of voice and visibility

Rank tracking and rank indexes are great for measuring your own keyword performance but ultimately aren't very informative about how you stack up against your competitors.

Enter Share of Voice (SOV).

Share of Voice shows you how much visibility you have for a given set of keywords compared to your competitors. In some toolsets, Share of Voice is simply known as "visibility".

Different tools calculate Share of Voice differently, but typically they attempt to show how much traffic and/or visibility you earn through your ranking keywords, taking into account such metrics as:

  • Ranking position

  • Expected CTR

  • Keyword volume

  • SERP features

These metrics are calculated not only for you but also for your competitors who rank for your chosen, tracked keywords.

Here's a Share of Voice report we use for Moz from our STAT dashboard:

STAT Share of Voice report

Rank tracking: the final word

Executives and business owners like looking at rank tracking metrics because it informs them about performance.

Smart SEOs like rank tracking because it uncovers opportunities.

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When we see certain keywords performing well, it can indicate that it’s a topic we should explore more. When we see competitors beating us on our own keywords, it can make us stop and question why.

Onward and upward

Congratulations! You've made it this far.

But you're not finished.

SEO literally starts with keyword research, but keyword research never ends. As you grow your content, optimize your pages, and continually reevaluate your strategy, your keyword research process will continue to pay dividends.

Happy optimizing!

Next: Tools, Tips, & Resources

Congratulations! You've made it this far. Next let's finish up with some of the best tools, plus tips and resources.