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When it comes to the link building process, there’s a lot to keep track of — and that process today is pretty different from what it was a few short years ago. In this week's Whiteboard Friday, Rand scores 20 different attributes that can influence a link's value based on whether or not they still matter in 2015/2016.

The concepts of advanced on-page SEO are dizzying: LDA, co-occurrence, and entity salience. The question is "How can I easily incorporate these techniques into my content for higher rankings?" The truth is, you can create optimized pages that rank well without understanding complex algorithms.


Disavowing links? This Q&A post covers important considerations before starting the disavow process, which links to disavow, and how to implement a disavowal strategy.

For those of us who are trying to earn links for our clients, receiving a nofollow link can feel like a slap in the face. But these links have hidden powers that make them just as important as followed ones. Here's why nofollow links are more powerful than you might think.

This step-by-step guide aims to help users with the link auditing process relying on own judgment, without blindly relying on automation. Because links are still a very important ranking factor, link audits should be carried out by experienced link auditors rather than third party automated services. A flawed link audit can have detrimental implications.


Are all paid link submissions dangerous, or can some be helpful? This Q&A post explores the ins and outs of this question.

Have you ever redirected a page hoping to see a boost in rankings, but nothing happened? Or worse, traffic actually went down? When done right, 301 redirects have awesome power to clean up messy architecture, solve outdated content problems, and improve user experience — all while preserving link equity and your ranking power. When done wrong, the results are often disastrous.

To many webmasters, Google’s Disavow Tool seems a lifesaver. If you’ve suffered a Google penalty or been plagued by shady link building, simply upload a file of backlinks you want to disavow, and BOOM - you’re back in good graces. Or, more than likely, nothing at all. To better understand, I used the tool myself to disavow 1000s of links, and talked with dozens of SEOs who used it in attempts to recover from Google penalties.

[Broken Link Building] The broken link building strategy is one of the most effective, white-hat SEO link building strategies ever. Learn exactly how broken link building works and how to use it in your SEO playbook.


How can you identify "bad" links to a website? Once those links have been uncovered, how can you remove them? This Q&A post dives into potential techniques and solutions.