Paid Search Marketing (PPC)

Adwords Agencies, Don't Get Mesmerized by Pretty Graphs

Adwords Agencies, Don't Get Mesmerized by Pretty Graphs

I'm head of online marketing at a lead generation company which has a very large internal spend on Adwords, and we also manage Adwords accounts for other clients. I personally deal with about 70 campaigns, so looking at them all weekly needs to be done efficiently. This is a very step-by-step guide on how we operate daily to do so efficiently without wasting hundreds of hours lost in the world of statistics! It applies to the Search Network, not the Display Network.

Useful PPC Tactics for Online Retailers

Useful PPC Tactics for Online Retailers

In PPC, the retail industry is one of the toughest areas to crack in terms of managing a successful campaign. There are many reasons for this, as online stores try to stand out from the crowd by holding frequent sales, product giveaways, offering free delivery and distributing voucher codes. Some online shops claim to have year-round sales which are always quite amusing as their prices seem to remain the same.

Use Analytics to Set Pay-Per-Click Campaign Goals
Chad Hill

Use Analytics to Set Pay-Per-Click Campaign Goals

Anyone that has worked in SEO in any capacity knows that it's a complex business and you learn something new just about every day. But the ultimate SEO goal is easily defined: improved search rankings. It's challenging and somewhat frustrating because of the unknowns of search engines (alright...Google). But at my firm, we have an extremely fine-tuned SEO process that works for us and for our SEO resellers.

What SEOs Must Learn from Adwords Folks

What SEOs Must Learn from Adwords Folks

AdWords folks. They're the traders of the online marketing world. They spend their time analyzing scoreboards, making little improvements and brainstorming their next ideas. They split-test their ideas, scale the best and ditch the best. In a world where scarce resources force them to make choices over budget, positioning and copy, they're having to think totally differently to SEOs...

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Considerations for Targeting Specific Devices and Platforms using PPC

Considerations for Targeting Specific Devices and Platforms using PPC

In the last couple of years, the mobile web has taken off considerably. This has allowed advertisers to target content at mobile devices, users and reap the rewards. Structure your accounts properly. Firstly, account and campaign architecture based around devices is key. Create your campaigns based on the individual devices you are targeting. This will all...

Multiple Stage Remarketing Campaigns

Multiple Stage Remarketing Campaigns

First of all, What is Remarketing? In case you've been living under a rock for the past year, Remarketing is a form of interest-based advertising used by Google. Joanna Lord did a great job of explaining it here on this post about Remarketing. The short version is that you tag a visitor who comes to your website with a browser based cookie, then Google uses that cookie to serve your display ads across the web.

7 Killer Tools in AdWords Editor

7 Killer Tools in AdWords Editor

In PPC management time is always an issue, and a minute cannot be wasted waiting for a web page to load or for changes to your account to be saved. That's why it's vital to use Google AdWords Editor in PPC management. The time saved using this tool is unbelievable and can be time spent optimising your client's account rather than manually changing bids and adding keywords on the AdWords interface.

Leveraging your SEO for Search Retargeting
Joanna Lord

Leveraging your SEO for Search Retargeting

Here at Moz we work hard to break down those silly silo things (frankly they scare us). We believe that the different pieces of marketing should constantly be communicating with each other. Cyrus (our SEO lead) and I try to communicate on what we are seeing, where we might be overlapping, dropping the proverbial ball and so on and so forth. We know that leveraging each person's daily activities for maximum impact is the key to any company's success.

Retargeting: What It Is & How to Use It
Joanna Lord

Retargeting: What It Is & How to Use It

I've wanted to write this post for a couple weeks now. The topic of retargeting and remarketing is hot, hot, hot. As more blog posts get written and more resources get pushed out, there still seems to be quite a bit of confusion around what it actually is, and how it is different from regular display media buys. This post is meant to help with that confusion and hopefully leave everyone w...

The Effect of Activating Google AdWords Sitelinks

The Effect of Activating Google AdWords Sitelinks

Around one year ago Google announced that sitelinks could be added to Google AdWords ads. What effect has this had? A company I have been working with activated sitelinks in their AdWords ads on search for CompanyName. They also ranked #1 organically on this search phrase. From experience it is smart to advertise with the company name as long as the paid clicks are cheap and give the Ad...