Paid Search Marketing (PPC)

Are Specific Keywords the Most Valuable?

Are Specific Keywords the Most Valuable?

One thing I've noticed in both my SEO efforts and in PPC advertising is the difference between general and specific keywords. By getting a feel for the value of different keywords, you can make better judgments about how much to bid for them on AdWords. To make this as concrete as possible, I'll describe it in the context of my own business.I'm a lawyer. My law firm, based in...

Beware of Google AdWords - Keyword Tracking Proven to be Misleading

Beware of Google AdWords - Keyword Tracking Proven to be Misleading

I've always been a fan of Google Adwords. I was excited when they updated the AdWords interface this year with a plethora of new features and vastly improved the user experience. You can imagine my surprise and dismay when I found out that the tracking right in the Google AdWords account interface is completely misleading. Here is the problem: The Googl...

True or False: Organic Traffic Converts Better than PPC
Nathan Libbey

True or False: Organic Traffic Converts Better than PPC

As a webmaster of a small business website, I get a lot of SEO's calling me, touting their services.One of the claims many make is that the traffic from organic searches converts better than that from PPC searches. I currently handle all of our search engine optimization as well as PPC management. Having never tested the theory, I cranked up Google Analytics and started rummaging thr...

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Do Not Overlook the Importance of the Display URLs in PPC Ads

Do Not Overlook the Importance of the Display URLs in PPC Ads

When creating a pay-per-click ad (PPC) ad, it is easy to overlook the importance of the display URL. However, search engine marketers have only a limited number of lines of text to work with and should take maximum advantage of each of them. This article summarizes the results of an eye tracking study and reviews the findings of two other tests of display URLs. The eye tracking study demonstrated that the display URL in PPC ads captures a significant portion of the gaze time allocated to the ads. The results of the other two tests showed that display URLs can have a meaningful impact upon click-thru rates.

Brand-Thinking and PPC Campaign Management

Brand-Thinking and PPC Campaign Management

If you've done any Pay-Per-Click campaign management, you know how expensive PPC can be. Additionally, PPC campaigns can require a significant time investment, as you must constantly be tweaking your ad text, keywords and bids in order to maximize your advertising dollars. And nothing is more frustrating in PPC campaign management than doing all that work, spending all that money, and getting very few clicks or a poor Clickthrough Rate.

How to Find Out What Search Engine Users Are Really Asking

How to Find Out What Search Engine Users Are Really Asking

As the SEOmoz team have been away at Pubcon I've been asked to fill in with a blog post. I'm Richard Cotton and I work for Distilled as their paid Search marketer. One of my colleagues sent me a link to a fun little tool that he had been using from Wordtracker Labs, the people who brought you the fantastic keyword suggestion tool. You type in a word and it tells you what questions people have been asking on their partner search engines within the last 140 days containing that word.

Hot Tip: Don't Poison Your Customers

Hot Tip: Don't Poison Your Customers

I had an experience this week that I thought was a perfect case study in what not to do with Adwords. Background: I have Celiac's Disease (short explanation: Gluten—a protein found in wheat—has approximately the same effect on me that salmonella would have on your average person). My dad has Celiac's also. As you can imagine, we freq...