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Category: SERP Trends

Discuss new SERP trends

  • We were recently tasked with finding out the traffic information for international versions of a particular website.  We use tools such as Compete and SEMrush, but these are only based on US visitors to those international sites.  Is there a tool out there where you can actually see competitive search data in specific countries?

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • We put 2 different classified advertisements in printed publications and would like to track the visits to our website from each of the ads. For the ads, we used custom pages: We used a 301 redirect from these URLs to the homepage but it didn't record the visits to the custom URLs in google analytics and clicky (other analytics software). How do we set this up?

    | Motava

  • I've noticed a lot of backlinks to sites consist of SERPS from other search engines that Google. A link to a query like: for instance. Does Google index these links and do they give any value? Regards, Henrik

    | euromillions

  • I'd really like to know if Chinese nationals living outside of their home land use Baidu...

    | NoisyLittleMonkey

  • I have a new client that is using Word files on their site, downloadable press releases. They feel that reporters prefer downloading press releases as Word .doc's instead of .pdf's since they can open and edit the content. Do these files offer any SEO?

    | ringstonmedia

  • Hello I m interested in some first data or studies about how often the new google quick flight search application is used/clicked compared to the organic or ppc results. Would be awesome, if anybody knows more about it thx 5766285218_b588a1eb4e_z.jpg

    | Aris

  • A journalist contact of mine was asking whether we were getting close to the point where 'developers' (for which I read Google) can take account of opinions/interests/actions of people who don't use the Internet (the example I was give was 'poor' people and 'rich' people). This got me thinking about what (if any) offline signals that Google/Bing etc. use as signals for ranking. I understand that some household demographic data may be used for ad targeting (I think I read that Axciom do that) - but are there any others?

    | JaspalX

  • Hello, Just opening a quick discussion to see what you guys think are the best practices and tips for Google news article optimisation? Looking forward to hearing your suggestions. Thanks, Elias

    | A_Q

  • We have done some work on the Google Place entry for this website: We have spent a lot of time ensuring we have consistent address information, to make sure we have a good number of citations, and have worked with the staff at the hotel to ensure that there is a regular stream of reviews coming into a variety of websites  that we know are used by Google. However.... Our target searches are 'Isle of Wight Hotels' and 'Isle of Wight Hotel'. If you do a Google map search for 'Isle of Wight', it drops a pin in the middle of the Island, which is 30 miles by 20! The main areas for hotels on the Isle of Wight (dictated by tourism), are about 15 miles from where Google percieves the Isle of Wight is, in the coastal towns. So it seems that no matter how hard we try, in terms of citations and reviews, GP is always going to prioritise those close to the middle of the area. Anyone got experience of a similar issue, or got any suggestions?

    | MatrixCreate43

  • So if you misspell something (no dns to connect with... unregistered domain as an example) on a browser that uses a Road Runner connection, it takes you to a search engine 'powered by yahoo search' which searches for whatever you typed in. Anyway, today we noticed that the website of one of our clients isn't coming up in this 'Powered by Yahoo Search' via roadrunner but comes up in Yahoo Search for the same query. In fact, we noticed that our clients website (10 yrs + established site) is missing in yahoo powered by search but on all other engines. Any clues? I thought this should be generally the same across Yahoo / Yahoo Powered / Bing / Bing Powered. Could this be using something pre-bing merger?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • There are 2 parts to my question, Part 1 - Does anyone have any advice on how to optimize for google places and do you know of any good links to any resources on this topic? Part 2 - Is there a way to optimize feed submissions to shopping search engines like google base, shopzilla etc. Thanks

    | gregster1000

  • We use TubeMogul to diversify where we display our videos  (in addition to YouTube), but are looking into using a video hosting site so that we can drive traffic back to our own website. Would uploading videos through TubeMogul be essentially like competing with a much more highly-ranked website with the same content?  Worth it?  Are there any disadvantages to using TubeMogul in general? Thanks!

    | tennisexpress

  • Im constanly getting approched to use cheaper link builders abroad does anyone have experience in this and is their anything I need to look out for I wouldnt normaly ask but ive got loads of link building to do and I dont have the time

    | francesco27

  • Outside of Google & Bing what is your favorite search engine and why? This could be for personal use, competitive research, user experience.

    | elephantseo

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