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Category: SERP Trends

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  • seo googlescholar

    Hi all! We have a client who publishes scholarly research as a highly regarded non-profit. Their Publications aren't being indexed in Google Scholar 50% of the time and when they are, Google is pulling random stuff from a PDF vs. from the html page. Any advice on best practices is enormously appreciated

    | SimpleSearch

  • Often my Google Scholar alerts result in exactly what I think they will: scholarly articles published in academic journals. However, today I got this completely non-scholarly article and I have no idea why Google Scholar is indexing this site. I've read up on how to get indexed by Google Scholar, and this website doesn't seem to have the necessary requirements. I'm curious for anyone whose clients or industry need to get indexed by Google Scholar, what has worked for you?

    | newwhy

  • serp features

    I came across this SERP Feature in a search today on a mobile device. It does not show for the same search query on desktop. What do we know about this "Shops" SERP feature? shops-blur.jpg

    | seoelevated

  • serp

    Google search results are showing my site links in both URLs, "" and "". However the one with https is showing a favicon, and the other one is not. So i wanna keep the https one and remove the other one. I went to GSC to submit "" for removal and it said that URL will be deleted in ALL of its variations.So how do i delete the "" links? Should i just index the ones with https again? Would that work? Someone suggested me to do 301 redirect on all pages that are being displayed twice. But i am not sure if i need to do that since i am using squarespace, and both of the links lead to the same page?

    | winter2233

  • please share your experience. I don't know much about them and they approached me for our ecommerce site.

    | bizuhodge
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hello Team, I had one question that my website is being indexed and cached with Non-www but with WWW it is not caching it is showing 404 error. Even each and every redirection is proper. Still it is showing an error. Can you please tell me what issue i had with my site?? Here is my links:

    | CommercePundit

  • Over the past few weeks, my website pages have been showing as partial in the Google Search Console. There are many resources/ files (js, css, images) that are 'temporarily unreachable'. The website files haven't had any structural changes for about 2 years (it historically has always shows as 'completed' and rendered absolutely fine in the search console). I have checked and the robots.txt is fine as is the sitemap. My host hasn't been very helpful, but has confirmed there are no server issues. My website rankings have now dropped which I think is due to these resources issues and I need to clear this issue up asap - can any one here offer any assistance? It would be hugely appreciated. Thanks, Dan

    | dan_55

  • Hello, Few weeks ago, we have implemented a snippets strategy in order to increase our ranking for our blog posts. That was successful and our results were showing up in Google. But today, every single snippet has disappeared. We go back to a simple search result, without snippets for us or for our competitors. It seems that Google has delete rich snippet for specific keywords because for the generic keywords (for exemple "inbound marketing definition" in our case), there is still a snippet result. Do you know if Google has changed snippets parameters for keywords with low search volume ? Thank you !

    | Laure-Nile

  • I read recently that DuckDuckGo doubled in size in 2017. With their search engine, and other alternatives to Google, taking part of the search market away, how can SEO/Marketing/Web pros keep their websites optimized and get traffic from these private search engines? (Also, do any of you have experience with this? What portion of your search traffic is coming from private search engines?)

    | searchencrypt

  • Hi Moz community, We need to check our website/pages rankings for random keywords at random timings in different countries. Beside checking in search console, we would like to check in browser. But Google now is not allowing us to browse the results of other country. I would like to use best proxy service to browse Google from different location to check how our pages are ranking & fluctuating. Please suggest on this. Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Hi One of our sites has seen a 40% drop in traffic since a redesign We have a complete 301 redirect list and have replicated all successful content. Any opinions would be most helpful.

    | Andrew-SEO

  • Hi all, We use incognito mode or private browsing to check the Actual results which are not impacted by previous history, location (sometimes), etc. Even we browse this way, we can see the different search results. Why would this happen? What's Google's stand on this? What is the actual way to browse to get the unbiased results for certain search queries? I have experienced that Chrome will rank our own websites bit higher compared to the other browsers even in incognito mode. Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Hi Guys, I look after multiple automotive brands websites and one of my sites is getting these images (see screenshot) pulled and placed into search results. When you click on them it then takes you to the model page of that specific vehicle. You can also scroll to the left and more vehicle images will appear. I'm trying to figure out how these are pulled and what i can do to get them on my other website search results - any ideas? Thanks,
    Gareth yOgTK

    | InspireGlobalNetworks

  • I'm a Moz member, mostly just lurk, and love the Moz community. I work at a non profit company that does benchmarking data and helps school districts improve process in education. Our building flooded and our site is currently offline, is there anything we can do to stop/lesson any SEO page rank drop between now and when we are back up? We have worked very hard to get these rankings. I know it is minor compared to all tragedy in Houston, but we have worked hard to get these SEO gains (YEAH MOZ!) and I'd hate to lose them because of Harvey. Any suggestions, assistance appreciated! Ralph

    | inhouseninja

  • We have a category page that lists products. We have parameters and the default value is to limit the page to display 9 products. If the user wishes, they can view 15 products or 30 products on the same page. The parameter is ?limit=9 or ?limit=15 and so on. Google is recognizing this as duplicate meta tags and meta descriptions via HTML Suggestions. I have a couple questions. 1. What should be my goal? Is my goal to have Google crawl the page with 9 items or crawl the page with all items in the category? In Search Console, the first part of setting up a URL parameter says "Does this parameter change page content seen by the user?". In my opinion, I think the answer is Yes. Then, when I select how the parameter affects page content, I assume I'd choose Narrows because it's either narrowing or expanding the number of items displayed on the page. 2. When setting up my URL Parameters in Search Console, do I want to select Every URL or just let Googlebot decide? I'm torn because when I read about Every URL, it says this setting could result in Googlebot unnecessarily crawling duplicate content on your site (it's already doing that). When reading further, I begin to second guess the Narrowing option. Now I'm at a loss on what to do. Any advice or suggestions will be helpful! Thanks.

    | dkeipper

  • 1)      What point of day readers read news on Google News generally? 2)      Are there any special tags to rank higher in Google News? Is standout tag still relevant? 3)      Is there any special way to rank in “Featured”, “In-Depth”, “Most Referenced” etc. categories in Google News? 4)      How much traffic do big sized media publishing companies get from Google News? 5)      To how much extent Social Media is responsible for rankings in Google News? 6)      Even when the website has articles which are centered about trending topics or top Google News and are posted timely, why they are not able to rank in Google News? 7)      What are ranking factors in Apple News? 😎      Best practices for stories to be on top list of Apple News? 9)      How much traffic do big sized media publishing companies get from Apple News? 10)   What point of day readers read news on Apple News generally? 11)   Are there any special tags to rank higher in Apple News?

    | Prag

  • Hello Everyone. I simply wanted to know if anyone had some useful insight on what it takes for a legitimate website to appear within the Google News results. I have rarely, or ever, had to dabble in this kind of SEO, but after coming across a situation with a perfectly legitimate website, I'm now scratching my head. The site in question is a very well established website, with 0 "seo" done to it. All links organic, all traffic legit and they have VERY strong social media presence. The site's current DA is 50. Its a 3 letter domain. Some of the points I believe are important quantity and quality of content (% of aggregated vs actually original content) overall % of "news" content vs rest of the site content authors/writers credentials (how would Google evaluate the authority of a writer, so his/her content is newsworthy?) overall site authority rich snippet and code needed to be indexed? I think rel publisher or rel author tags have something to do with it? making sure to have basic SEO in place: canonical tag, unique headers, etc. What am I missing? They have one particular competitor that seem to be ranking for almost everything news related, while being a similar site in content and authority, however they are nowhere. They have submitted to Google News before (not even sure what that means) but have failed to be included -- does this put a "stain" on them for any reason or impede the possibility of being indexed in the Google News results in the future? ANY input is appreciated.

    | 1stOTLJK

  • panda update

    Is this a panda penalty? A slow decline like this. I've checked for penguin and nothing there. I've tried creating new content and we moved to HTTPS and added Rel Canonical to duplicate product pages. If you have time how you go about recovering this site? YZz9h

    | AaronRainsSEO

  • Google Analytics once had a feature that showed what keywords brought traffic to your site. Then "not provided" happened...if this is so...should I trust the "Search Analytics" feature. What is the difference between this feature and the one taken away by "not provided" f this is so...should I trust the "Search Analytics" feature in Search Console ads alternative? What is the difference between this feature and the one taken away by "not provided? Thanks!! NVrjz

    | HectorCortes

  • Hello Moz Wizards, Could someone help me out with this?  It's not related to my own site's SEO...but maybe you have some perspective on how Etsy and Pinterest do SEO... The issue is this - until recently, I was certain that individual stores/listings in Etsy (maybe Pinterest too) did not show up search results apart from the meta Etsy listing.  Now I'm seeing competitors on Etsy show up as separate search results - not via their own websites, but their actual store or listing within Etsy. How is that done?  I don't ever recall that happening, as I thought Etsy controlled the SEO access to their stores/listings. More importantly, how can I do that? Thanks for any insights you may have. Sharon

    | Sharon2016

  • Hi Moz Friends, I'm looking to try Facebook ads and I see online promo codes, but I'm not sure if they are real. I wrote to Facebook and they laughed at me. So maybe someone has a great idea on where to get even a $25.00 code to try it out. thank you all

    | asbchris

  • Hi, I am probably not the only one having this question regarding the quality of sitelinks in organic results. When your search returns sitelinks, I know the only thing you can do to avoid certain sitelinks to appear is to demote it for that search result. But what can you do about the description. For the main result you are pretty much able to create an appealing description, but when the sitelinks appear, all sitelinks display these crappy 'composed' descriptions. I've read Google did some tests a couple of years ago with multiple descriptions and multiple titles, but this doesn't cover the issue I just described. Is there a way to create 'sitelink descriptions'? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

    | ConclusionDigital

  • Is there any way to fetch all historical search query data from Google Search Console ? Google allows us to view only 90 days report at the maximum. Does integrating google search console with google analytics tool solve this problem ?

    | NortonSupportSEO

  • Hi I'm looking to try improving our positions on Bing - does anyone have any tools that monitor rankings for Bing? Or provide keyword research? Or is it a case of optimise for Google and Bing should follow?

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi, I have a lot of product in my GA ecommerce. Does anyone how I can split my product by product categories in Analytics? E.g. Category: Blue cars, category: Yellow cars ...

    | Tormar

  • Voice search represents a new challenge for SEOs, certainly, but it may also outline some pretty cool opportunities. In Purna Virji's post about the subject, there's an interesting line of thought raised in the comments: voice search reacting to differences in accent and mispronunciations, and taking those things into account for optimization. Let's just take a minute and think about all the wild possibilities in a hypothetical world where voice search is more prevalent than text queries. Release your imagination from the confines of current reality. cue Twilight Zone music

    | FeliciaCrawford

  • I own a site that that has about 15,000 pages that need some description content.  I plan to hire someone to retrieve or create content for each of these pages on my site. each page needs about 500 words. I was thinking that there is probably three ways i can go about this. If I hire someone cheap I can probably have them copy data from about 20 different sites. using about 5 sources for each page description. I can hire someone that has some experience writing english content, and have them go to a few sites and then in their own words summarize the description on my site. I can hire a great content writer, have them do research on each page, and create completely unique content. I probably will do some combination of these 3 things. (great content writer on a few pages, since thats all i can afford to do) and the rest do the cheaper route. Is copying sentences from multiple sources a good idea? or does the content really need to be original?

    | moneymm22

  • In a post earlier this week, Roy Hinkis makes the case that SEOs should be focusing on attacking diverse traffic sources and harnessing the potential of social, sites like and Buzzfeed, and new search engines like DuckDuckGo. Have you had success in diversifying your traffic sources beyond the Big G? What are your thoughts on the up & coming DuckDuckGo, and do you have any personal experiences to share in optimizing for it?

    | FeliciaCrawford

  • We've bought lots of country extensions, e.g. .es, .fr, .in, .me, etc. Rather than employing translators, will it be acceptable for SEO to install the google translate plugin to the site, and 301 redirect the country extensions to the .com address?

    | Tom_Rocks_Off

  • I work for a automobile transportation company that provides services in several different cities throughout the US. Our headquarters (and physical location) is in San Diego, California, however we have drivers stationed in several different cities throughout the nation. The problem is, we don't have physical locations in those other cities - our drivers essentially work from home. What local SEO options are available to us, if any, for those cities where we don't have an actual brick and mortar address? Listing the home address of our drivers is, for obvious reasons, not ideal. Thanks for your help!

    | SEOAspirant

  • Does anyone have any experience with the advantages of using a search product like SLI in comparison to the search available on Bigcommerce. We currently use SLI for the searches on our site but think over the years we have been using SLI that the searches on Bigcommerce have improved and we are thinking of switching back to using the Bigcommerce search. Regards Adrienne

    | CostumeD

  • Ok, so maybe I'm looking in all the wrong places, But where can I get good search volume data for searches done in iTunes app store? Or is this something that Apple just doesn't share?

    | TheSEOWiz

  • So if you haven't heard already - Larry Page released a statement regarding the newly founded company: Alphabet. Crazy to think that the name hadn't even been used before for one but most importantly throughout his write up - there doesn't seem to be much clarity on what it is going to accomplish. What are your ideas/thoughts moz heads? - check it out. /Chenzo

    | Chenzo

  • Hi everyone. I just added a blog to my site, and today uploaded a new post. But here is my problem: 1st content is not visible until i scroll down. then it appears in like 2-3 second or so. I checked the google page speed Mobile 73, desktop 86 seems to be not great but ok in my opinion. Can someone please look into it and help me I would greatly appreciate it. here is the link: Please don't judge the article it is not done yet. Once i noticed the problem i decided to find the solutions before continuing:) thanks in advance

    | Davit1985

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm doing a bit of research and need your help! I'm trying to find out what specific sites link to a particular page on a website. What's the best tool to use as I checked it with Moz and it only brought back 5 links? Then I tried an free online tool and it said there were 35 links. I'm a bit confused now. What tool/s do you use to check links to a specific page?

    | Leo_Woodhead

  • I’m looking for recommendations on how to power site search in an efficient way. Ideally, I would like to get recommendations on platforms, tools, trends, technology and resources. This discussion does not really refer to SEO or site search optimization. It is more related to the technology used to power site search. I would like to get an idea on the differences between full-text indexing site search and site search that requires manual tagging.

    | burnseo

  • Hi I have noticed using screaming frog that 302 redirect is in place but when checking the HTTACESS there no such thing in place. If I run a scan with: doing a test with: https://www. everything seems ok but then when I do: http://www. There is a 302 in place and seem to understand why. I have analysed the Httacess file and cant seem to locate anything that refers to the 302 any advise or previous experience would be great. Thanks

    | Direct_Ram

  • Guys, one of my sites are coming up as "hacked in Google". I have looked for the link they are suggesting but cannot find it in the database. I have tried to resubmit but they are saying It is against the terms of service.

    | Johnny_AppleSeed

  • I have read that a title tag should be no more than 55 characters. I have created a website with a long ulr that contains 33 characters, including the http://www. I have two questions: 1. Does the suggested number of characters include the http//.... 2. If so, is it best then to set up the url  to read without the http://. I have a wordpress website. Thanks again ( and I appreciated the previous fast response)

    | cchebaro

  • Hello, I have a website that receives international traffic from all over the world. A lot of our keywords that we go after unfortunately show up on google knowledge graph. I'm curious to know if KG is showing up in the google search engines for other countries for the keywords that my site goes after. Is there anyway to actually perform a test to see? Thanks!

    | thetimenow

  • Hello, I want to know how to find outbound links of any website.  is it possible to like search google as "" or with any parameter?

    | ekile

  • I'm trying to find the most effective way to do blogger & influencer (YouTube) outreach. Is there some type of site that you can use to find and connect with influencers that are willing to feature products and services in their posts and videos? Up to this point I have simply been searching for top bloggers in geo-targeted areas - i.e. "bloggers in sacramento" - then sending them an email and connecting that way. It seems like there has to be a better way, though, right? I'm envisioning something like a classifieds site where you can list your clients' biz info, budget and what they need, and an influencer can then decide if that is something they would like to feature. Does anyone know of something like this exist? Or at least a more effective way to go about connecting with influencers that are willing to feature products and services?

    | garrettkite

  • I have a client who is very focused on getting ranks in Yahoo! Convincing him that focusing on Google is much more important isn't going to happen. He uses Yahoo! He ranks very well in Google, and his site is relatively well-made with no glaring on-page issues. His backlink profile is also not an issue. I'm trying to find ways to rank specifically for Yahoo! since we're ranking well in Google and the client cares a ton about Yahoo! I know Yahoo! uses Bing's algorithm, but results aren't identical in the two engines. Does anyone know of big, glaring difference in the two algorithms that would result in great Google ranks, but almost non-existent Yahoo! ranks? I have him in Bing webmasters, his local SEO and citations are good, his backlink profile is good, and his on-page is decent.

    | WilliamKammer

  • I'm looking at acquiring a competitor who operates a WordPress plugin with the same function as mine (although ours is much better - they used this plugin to acquire leads for other software). We're trying to determine the best way to execute it. They are the number 1 result on a very high value search, and the number 3 on another (which appears to the source of all their customer acquisition, they are simply a very well named, long existing WordPress plugin, and so haven't had to fight much to keep their ranking). Ideally, we'd be able to take over that ranking, but I'm not sure if that is possible. For one thing, they don't have a website beyond the WordPress plugin, so even if we wanted to, we couldn't 301 redirect it (as far as I know). Second, wouldn't a 301 redirect likely result in entirely losing the ranking? We are actually highly relevant to anyone who ends up at this plugin (the owner has actually been recommending us and contacted us because his customers who have left have had a good experience), and wouldn't be redirecting it to piggyback on the link juice, we'd be trying to acquire the customers that have been discovering this plugin organically. I understand why Google defaults to policies making purchasing high ranking domains not very valuable. However, it seems like if you've built a company that derives a high volume of its leads (and thus acquisition value) from organic search, that there would be a way for a company in the same space to acquire at least the rankings, if not the link juice. Hopefully that was clear, if not, let me know where I lost you, and I'll attempt to clarify.  Thanks!

    | alecfwilson

  • Hi, a few days ago we talked to a seo agency. They told us something about the "site:" search, that we hadn't heard before.
    As they told us, a search for "" would give you the number of relevant pages that Google indexed for your domain. We tested this search with some domains. Lots of the results showed up to 25% less indexed pages, than the search for Has anyone heard of this before, or is it just a sales gimmick?

    | Sandra_h

  • We are trying to update the Google Knowledge graph for one our clients.  We would like to have company founding date, CEO's name and founder name in the knowledge graph.  This information is already included in their wikipedia entry. Where else can we make changes to update this knowledge graph?  Is their structured data option for founding dates, CEO/founder names?   Should we include this information in their Google+ profile?    We are using the publisher tag.   We are not sure how to update the freebase account.

    | VanguardCommunications

  • Hey I looked this up on Youtube, but I'm not sure it's right. is this our RSS Feed address It looks like our XML sitemap, so I'm not sure what's going on. I did what the video said to do, but I'd just like some confirmation this is right before I submit it anywhere. Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi , I am researching on a site and i am trying to find the main keyword from which this site is getting it's majority of traffic . I am also trying to find out all the posts published by that site .. Is there any way to get it  ? Any tool available here in Moz ? Thanks

    | SinbadKonick

  • Hello all and thank you for taking the time to read my question. I am struggling with a client of mine. I have done just about everything that I can think of that has worked on other sites. Banging my head up against the wall here. He is VERY active in the contribution area of (answering questions and making guides). His site use to rank very well but now it can't be found at all. One of the things that caught my attention is the way he would leave his citation in his answers for AVVO. He would leave a direct link to his website. Since his rankings have dropped I have advised him to stop. Do you think Google is treating them as spam? His link profile is small >1000 links but half of them are from AVVO I was wondering if anyone else any experience with this? Thanks in advance

    | mgordon

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