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Category: Conversion Rate Optimization

Chat through best practices for conversion rate optimization.

  • Hey folks, I am a little out of my depth here because I have never SEO'd a website that is not in English - and especially in China. I have a few questions that I hope someone can help with? What are the primary SE's in China Are there any specifics with regards Keyword Research Are there any specifics around SEO techniques and climbing up the SERPs? I know I don't speak Chinese but I will need to be advising. Thanks, Andy

    | Andy.Drinkwater

  • Before I started working on Organic SEO, I did Adwords.  Being that I am entirely self-taught with adwords, I am concerned that about what I might not know.  From time to time I have looked for outside advice, but I never got very far.  It seemed that I would be talking to a salesman, someone who knew less than me, or someone who was horrified that I had 7,500 tracked words.  So I am presenting my methods here for comment. Each keyword I have used is placed into an exact match campaign, phrase match campaign, and broad match campaign.  Exact match gets the highest bid, broad match the lowest.  Every week, I cull new keywords from phrase and broad results.  I also create negative keywords each week based on searches that are obviously not looking for my products.  Over time, I get very few searches triggered from broad matches.  Keywords are kept in ad groups that generally have less than 6 keywords.  Acceptable conversion costs are decided based on product category.  I have made an assumption that first position adwords results are too expensive (idiots overpay for them).   I automatically reduce my bid 10% on any ad that has an average position of greater than 1.5.   I automatically reduce my bid 10% on any ad that has a conversion cost greater than my target.   I delete keyword that have a CTR below 1%.  I generally require 300 clicks to make a determination. All ads have been endlessly split tested to the point I don’t split test them much now.  I judged ads for both click through rate and conversion rate. End result:  After 4 years of doing this, conversion costs are below target costs.  Not sure what else I could do to improve it, but looking for ideas.  Management of the system is pretty easy now, as well. Anything I am missing?

    | EugeneF

  • Hi. I am using google adsense and trying to find the best way to have them on my pages but being knew i am not sure the best way to lay them out. I am playing around with the pages and would love to see some good examples of adsense pages that work. If anyone can give me advice on the following page and let me know what is wrong or right with this page to help me understand where i am going wrong, then that would be great. I am trying to sort it out so each page is set out the same.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • One of our sites is for a local Promotional Products company that focuses on local big businesses to set up accounts with. We are trying to grow our customer base with this site through use of a PPC campaign, but are unsure of where to send them. We were thinking about a page with content about what we do and our contact information, or putting together videos with this information to send them to. Does anyone have any advice for a killer landing page that not only is good for getting conversions for promotional products through PPC, but also could get us organic traffic? Thanks in advance for the help!

    | ClaytonKendall

  • I understand that keywords and adgroups within a campaign can affect the performance of other keywords within that parent campaign. I was interested to understand whether campaigns in my account can affect one another. I have an adwords account with around 30 campaigns. Some are heavy hitters and others get minimal to 0 traffic. Will these low quality campaigns drive up the costs of my high end campaigns?

    | peigenesis

  • We are noticing more and more spam around: Customer Name: Sylvia Abernathy Customer Email: [email protected] Customer Phone Number: Service Type Requested: Please Choose From List Service description: We found your weblisting on one of the back pages of Google. Wouldn’t you rather be up front? Our experts in Search Engine Optimization can help you become more visible and more productive. A quick email will get you details. This is from a site around auto and truck service and is an actual cut and paste. My question is twofold: Is there a way to report individual Gmail addresses to Google as purveyors of spam and beyond a capcha, is there any other work around? This is form to schedule a service appt. so they are not emailing to an [email protected] type address. It is a contact form. Thanks

    | RobertFisher

  • Ciao Mozzers! I'm currently looking at revising a clients signup process. We need to grab lots of information to populate their profiles with higher-quality content. Some ideas so far: Facebook Connect - grabbing information from Facebook profiles (a few clicks for users) Use multi-step/paginated signup form (with progress bar), perhaps using jQuery to show the next question once one is finished More shorter, specific questions > fewer longer questions I've been looking around for examples of pages which need to capture lots of information, and like what Quirky do, but has anyone got any other awesome examples or ideas for helping capture more information?

    | edfryed

  • I've recently noticed in my adwords campaigns that using exact match domains improves my quality scores so I've been snatching up all kinds of domains which include different keywords. On these new sites (which I only use to bring down my CPC) I've been tossing up a landing page, scraping some content form my main site and direct a canonical tag to my organic site so google doesnt penalize me for duplcant content. It is ok to use a canonicle to an outside website and Is there any precautions when doing this? I just want to be sure I'm not hurting my main site where we rank well organicly on and I was also wondering if any of these sub sites which also have links to my main site carry any vaue. Appreciate any feedback! -Cliff

    | CliffAuerswald

  • Hi All: Over the past couple of months, I have heard a few people mention Spring Metrics as something I might want to try to help with conversions. Sure, SEO can lead a horse to water, but getting the horse to drink the water is a whole different issue. Do any of you have experience with Spring Metrics, and is it something that you would recommend to help with conversions? Has it actually made a difference for anyone that would make it worth the time and money investment?

    | holdtheonion

  • Hello Everyone, I'm stumped. My primary website has a horrendous bounce rate of around 75% My domain is My home page has a bounce rate of around 68%. The funny thing is, I have a page on Google Analytics basics for small business owners that is my 3rd top page for content, I have an average time on page of over 3 minutes yet my bounce rate is 90%. I have another page on how to depersonalize your google searches in Chrome and Firefox that is a top page with a time on page over 5 minutes and this page has a bounce rate of 96%! I felt that my old design was really hurting me so I changed the design in the beginning of this month and it does not look like it's helped much. I really simplified the site, created a lot more white space and added some links to my other important pages in hopes to get more click throughs. I would really love some honest "constructive" feed back on my site as to why the bounce rate could be so high. I have a ton of content on my blog and I get a lot of positive feedback. One thing I did not do was exclude my IP from Analytics so I could be influencing the numbers. I've added this filter and hoping this will help. Another issue is I do email my list with each new blog post. This could mean those folks visit the post and then leave without reading anything else on my blog. So this could be hurting me as well. Would love your suggestions. Thanks, Bill Parlaman

    | wparlaman

  • Hello, we have 2 questions, regarding reviews from rating websites. 1. Reviews on google Search We have several reviews for our website from various rating sites (e.g. qype, yelp, remotegoat, etc.). When searching for theprintspace on google, only some reviews and only some rating website are shown, most are not. For qype, for instance, we have 8 reviews, but google only indicates that we have 3. The yelp reviews (and many others) are not shown at all. According to google, it takes a maximum of 2 months for the correct number of reviews to be shown on google, but the reviews have been online for over 2 months now. Is there any way this problem can be solved, so google shows the correct number of reviews? 2. Seller rating extensions on google adwords We would like the reviews to be displayed in our google adwords as a seller rating extension. These will include the merchant star rating for advertisers that are highly rated on Google Product Search. We are setting up a google merchant account to do so. Google says: "Ratings are based on the user reviews collected by Google Product Search, which aggregates reviews from a broad base of sources across the web, including Reseller Ratings, Bizrate, and Viewpoints." Do you know if the following rating website are in google's "base of sources" and will thus be recognised and used in google adwords as rating extensions? Yelp Qype Scoot Remotegoat viewlondon tipped Or does google only source from big e-commerce rating websites? How do we get the ratings into our adwords? Thank you for your help!

    | Waplington

  • I have a client who shows up in the Places results for his targeted keyword phrase, but one of his competitors' listing shows 5 gold stars next to the reviews which causes him to stand out visually. I was under the impression that at one time the stars only showed for listings that had official Google reviews, but the other listings in the results also have "Google Reviews" but no stars.

    | joshualfink

  • Hello everyone, thank you in advance for your suggestions. I have a new product rolling out that will require a monthly fee from my customers. In return, they get a daily email/video on a particular topic. I want this to go viral, meaning, I would like a program where it's easy for the customer to buy into, easy for them to promote with incentives and as hands off as possible for me to manage. Are their any good tools out there that have already been developed? Any ideas about the best way to make this grow?

    | TheVolkinator

  • Hi, Has anyone got any Tips / Advice on how to build an email subscriber list up? Has anyone had any success in doing this? What's the best way to start it? PPC? Forums? Competition? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    | activitysuper

  • Any recommendations would be very welcome. Thanks!

    | jim_shook

  • This is more of a conversion and usability question than an SEO question. Does anyone know if there's any comprehensive research about the accuracy of the well-known "How did you find out about us" question in web forms? I need to convince a customer that they shouldn't put the question in their form, at least not the way they do now. I hope someone can refer me to a credible online source / article about this subject?

    | Melonmedia

  • Hi all, I am managing the SEO for my company. We operate in a small niche market in the UK, and so our online optimisation is proving fairly successful for our main key terms as there is not a vast amount of competition and our website is well established. However I am noticing a difference in ranking position (and quoted search volume - as per Google Adwords) depending on whether the optimised terms is in its singular or plural version. Now I can understand this where the difference in the plural or singular version may lead to a different search requirement by the user. E.g. as quoted by Rand elsewhere on this forum "Microsoft Office" and "Microsoft Offices" are quite different in what the user is looking for. However for our terms the users search requirements must be identical for the singular or plural. One example is "stainless steel shower tray" versus "stainless steel shower trays", we have optimised for both now, but still rank differently for each, by a couple of places. Why does Google treat these terms differently, when users entering the terms can only be looking for the same thing? Also, Google (in Adwords) seems to show different search volumes for the singular versus the plural. For most of the search terms, the singular seems to have more volume. Does anyone know how this is working in Adwords - i.e. is Google saying, for example, 150 searches per month for "stainless steel shower tray" and 100 separate searches for "stainless steel shower trays" (i.e. 250 in total), or 150 searches per month using a search terms that contains "stainless steel shower tray", of which 100 are "stainless steel shower trays" (i.e. 150 in total)? Thanks in advance, Gareth

    | gdavies09031977

  • Do these mile-long pages with a call to action at the bottom really produce more conversions? For example, see Has anyone A/B tested this format vs. breaking up the content into tabs or some other format with multiple pages? Personally, these turn me off as they seem disorganized, they take forever to read, and they always sound like scams.

    | john4math

  • Does anyone have a SEO report for resorts or hotels? Templates would work as well.

    | Melia

  • First, thanks to those who have helped me before. Second, according to Google Webmaster there are about 14,765 external links to my site.   According to Open Site Explorer I have 22. So a couple of questions: 1. Why such a discrepancy? 2. Of the 14,765 links shown in Google Webmaster 14,665 are all from one place and all link to my home page.  The site is  In August of this year I bought a sponsorship there.  There are several of these sponsors so which show up on a rotating basis. Will having 14,765 links all of a sudden showing up be grounds for some type of a Google downgrade? Why are there 14, 765 links instead of just one.  Is a new link created every time our sponsorship rotates to the page? Another thing, in the past couple of months our conversions have dropped significantly.  we average about 180 visits a day with a 50% bounce rate.  Is there anything obvious thatt might have caused this drop? Thanks for any insights. Don

    | uniquegifts-277879

  • I need a complete online marketing plan for the weekend SEO activities. As it relates with festive time so the plan must be covered all the elements of online marketing as well as offline marketing methods.

    | srpatnaik

  • I'm looking for a website survey tool so I can get more targeted feedback from my users. I've looked at a few (4Q, KISSInsights) so far but I think I might need something more robust. There are specific actions that users are taking on our websites that we would like to investigate deeper so I need a tool that can either only survey users who perform that action (users who bounce, users who enter via a specific page, users who visit a landing page but don't convert, etc) or at least let me segment after the fact so I can identify feedback from a specific type of user. I would appreciate any specific tools that you know of that can accomplish this type of targeting. You don't even need to describe it, just provide a link and I'll give you a thumbs up. Thanks

    | kimwetter

  • Hello there! A Google-AdWords-guy call me for give me advice about how to optimize my last campaign in google Adwords. He told me to “Capitalize Each KeyWord of the Title” of the ad to catch the attention of the users in it. Does it make sense to apply this “rule” in the title tags? Does Google interpret this like “hey, you are trying to manipulate the SERP click-through! You are cheating, now go down in the SERP!”. Do you think this rule works also for the tweets? Ok, I hope I’ve been clear enough to expose my issue. Any comment, advice, test or experience that you share about this is appreciated. Thank you! — YESdesign team —

    | YESdesign

  • I am about to start some research on software for experimental design on websites. So I'd really like to know which A/B test software do you prefer? Howcome?

    | ThomasHgenhaven

  • Hi, In a meta description I was wondering which is best for click through rate: A Meta Description Written Like This With Leading Capitals and Some Fully Capitalized Words Eg FREE, BUY NOW Etc? OR A meta description written normally like this without leading capitals and fully capitalized words? My initial thoughts is the capitalised one stands out more and may get more click throughs, but I also don't see anyone else doing it this way so I was wondering what the generally accepted thought is on which one improves the CTR more?

    | GrantEllis

  • Hello MozPeeps! I wanted to see if I could get some help on the best method for troubleshooting our abandoned shopping cart funnel. Maybe point me in the best areas to research, or what are the best tools to use, or an improved method for analyzing and interpreting the existing data for more clarity about what is happening. I have attached the screen shot that shows what's going on. This account is using a Magento shopping cart with a custom built checkout page that is trying to copy's checkout page. Here are my thoughts: 1. Use Clicktale to monitor the checkout pages in question to try and get a feel for what people are doing or why they are clicking off? 2. Use another tool (not sure which one) that allows us to monitor page load speeds for the checkout process to see if orders are being hung up by slow loading pages. 3. Or, maybe 62% is not an uncommon abandoned cart rate and therefore we should just focus on automating abandoned cart follow up emails for the customers. Thanks in advance for any help! funnel-goal-visualization.jpg

    | JerDoggMckoy

  • Oh great mozzers, I fall at your feet... I feel like I'm going insane... My client, 35 Degrees ( is quite the mystery.  I handle SEO and paid search for them, and we're doing great in those areas... however, we're just not seeing the conversions once I deliver these folks to the site. The people are targeted, the keywords are sound, and from what I can see, the checkout process isn't a mess... but they are just not getting the sales. We're currently starting to test some price points with some newer, lower cost "intro packages", so we'll see if that's one of the pain points.  I'm also in the process of convincing them to include a Verisign or some other logo in the checkout process. However, I was hoping the great minds here could take a quick look and see if I'm missing anything else. Thanks in advance! Jeff

    | fangdigital

  • What is the best option for Bid Managment? Enhanced CPC or Conversion Optimizer? What should I be looking at in our Account to see where we are throwing money out the window? My goal is to have more ROI with much less expense.

    | hfranz

  • Hope you don't mine me asking a PPC question on an SEO forum but... Has anyone tried yet? They just got funding. Crowdsourced CTR improvement for AdWords. Looks like a clever idea (for those of us who are not AdWords copywriting experts). Opinions or experiences? (I am not affiliated, just found out about it...)

    | scanlin

  • We re-developed our website (adboards(dot)com) around 6 months ago. This has in turn led to a downturn in sales/visits. We have managed to get visits/sales increasing steadily but not to the level of the previous site. Even though we believe the new site is (seems) much more friendly both for SEO and potential customers. We currently run a PPC campaign which seems to bring in steady sales, the problem seems to be our organic traffic and getting our keywords ranked higher. We have tried various methods for increasing our organic traffic including:- Keyword Analysis for our landing pages Backlinking: From various directories and industry related sites Googlebase submission Blog relating to industry news & products Any advise on which area we should be focusing on or any obvious errors you can see on the site would be greatly appreciated.

    | bwfc77

  • Do you calculate shipping, warehouse cost, cost of goods into your CPA? Lets say my current CPA is $20 and average order is $100. Its 20% of each order cost goes to lets say ppc, seo, email or affiliate. Do I include cost of shipping lets say its $7.00 and cost of goods are $40.00 I end up with a profit of $33 and that doesn't include taxes, salary, warehouse cost ect. *this is all hypothetical, Im trying to see if my real CPA is inline or I should work on decreasing it. Any thoughts? Thanks

    | perytestusr

  • Here is the scenario. We have many brick and mortar store locations as well as an ecommerce website. It's hard to get exact, but my estimates seem to be that approximately 1/3 of the visitors to our website are interested only in obtaining information about the brick and mortar store locations and not interested in ecommerce transactions. Of course this kills the conversion rate. We use google analytics and I'd like to somehow be able to quantify with more accuracy what the "real" conversion rate might be. Is there some method to weed out specific pages/traffic (like brick and mortar landing pages) from being taken into account when conv. rate is calculated? The number that matters for conv. rate of course is "visits" and not unique pageviews, so I'm not sure that really would do anything helpful. Any tips?

    | dickslee23

  • Suppose I have a adwords campaign, with an adgroup targetting the broad match term "cell phones". Is it possible to get metrics on the exact keywords users have used to create ad impressions, clicks or conversions for that campaign? Many thanks

    | James77

  • Hello Sir, We have build hotel website and enabled google analytics on that. When we were going through the report of google analytics it shows that 69% have java and other 31% visitor has no java. We have designed Slideshow/banner on home page which shows different pictures of hotel which is in javascript. My question is as per google analytics report 31% have no java, that means they are not able to see that slideshow/banner of hotel pictures? is this the reason for 23% bounce rate on our website? Please help on this because I have spend nights on seo and tried lot of goal conversion techniques with different landing pages. I will heartily appreciate you response. Thanks, Bandro.

    | Bandro

  • Hi all, We run a website offering specialist turkey tours and gulet cruises. Our website holds a few information and recipes pages which are doing well in the engines and bring in alot of traffic. However these pages are crippling our bounce rate with bounces of about 80-90%. The time on site for these pages are above the websites average, but it seems that once the reader has finished with the information/ recipe, they bounce back to the Search engines. An example of one of our recipe pages can be found here: We have thought about moving and redirecting these pages from our main site to a new website, but we are worried that it may effect our position in the SERP's. Can anybody offer any advice on this? Thanks

    | petersommertravels

  • Ooppps, Looks like I closed this question a little early. So, I will give it another run. I paid to have some link work done...... (now I know better) Anyway, now there are several links and quite alot of traffic going to the site....... Unfortunately now my bounce is going up..... because online games really has nothing to do with Concrete Pumps and Pump Parts.... go figure. What is a logical next step to correct the problem. Thank You!

    | APICDA

  • Based on what seems like a general agreement that the Panda update has modified Google's algorithm and on page metrics such as Bounce rate, Time on Site & Page views per visit are now vital to a websites rankings. What methods are you using to improve these metrics? Have they worked?

    | donthe

  • I've tried several times to use GWO, and I can handle copy-pasting some code etc... yet despite this, it seems that I can't get GWO right. Furthermore, it appears to me that a lot of the things you'd like to test require fancier manipulation of GWO than the standard setup allows for. Do you guys also find GWO to lack user-friendliness? Are other platforms easier to use and get right?

    | Gab-Goldenberg

  • Hi Everyone 🙂 We are an auto dealership and our website is designed to capture leads. I'm looking into designing some landing pages and I understand that we should test anything we try, but I don't really know where to start. Basically, we want to capture name, email, and phone # on our page. What sort of incentive should I offer people to provide us with their information? Typically, auto dealers offer up a "Free Quote" incentive. I'm wondering if anyone else has an idea for something else to try. Thanks!

    | kylesuss

  • We want to use an overlay, like a modal dialog, in a landing page to show more information to support conversion without linking to another page or using popups. Anyone have any stats on success or risks? We've considered simple roll-overs to provide some more info, but everyone has raised alarms that we may be introducing a potential technical or usability hurdle for users. The overlay would display when someone rolled over or clicked a "Learn More" link on the page to provide additional offer reinforcement points to drive the visitors from consideration to conversion. Aside from our own testing, we don't have any sources to cite as to whether this approach can or will impact or aid conversion. Any insights would be appreciated.

    | lh2712

  • Hi Guys, I'm looking for any good examples of small business sites that you've come across that do a good job at converting potential visitors to clients.  I'm primarily thinking about service oriented business such as Doctors, Dentists, Salons, Clothing stores, small restuarants, car detailing services, local photographers, etc. I'm just trying to digest other examples and look for new inspirations.

    | DotCar

  • Following advice here on Seomoz we have managed to boost rankings of several keywords onto page 1. However, this welcome visibilty has revealed some weak meta descriptions. We also run an adwords campaign and are familiar with best practice in writing adwords copy which can be monitored via ctr. However other than testing which can be a little lengthy and given that we have 1000s of pages ( as a ecommerce store, what is best practice in writing meta descriptions to increase organic ctr? Thanks

    | seanmccauley

  • I'd like to use an analytics program to track Facebook like conversion.  I've tried just putting the code on the page that I'm framing in.  I'm getting some activity, but it definitely isn't tracking correctly. Anybody had any luck installing Google analytics or another tracking program on an FB fan page? I asked this question last week and didn't get an answer, so It'd be nice if one of the SEOmoz guys could chime in.

    | totalseo-155734

  • I have a client I landed about 1 1/2 months ago. The only traffic coming to the site is from Google Adwords.  The goal page is the "Get A Quote" page and the closing ratio is 32.4%.  So about 1 in 3 visits fill out the quote form.  I usually do eCommerce and I am used to seeing 2-3% goal conversions. But 32.4%???? Is that normal for a regular static site (non-ecommerce).  It's been like that for a whole week! Should I toot my own horn here?

    | Francisco_Meza

  • We'd like to track conversions using Google's Website Optimiser, but the conversion page is hosted on a different sub domain so Google won't allow us to use this as the conversion page. The plan was then to add a blank page on the original domain that contains Google tracking code and a meta refresh to the page on the sub domain. We would then block this page in the robots file so Google doesn't try to index the page with the meta refresh. Does anyone see any harm that may come of this? Or any other way around the issue? Thanks in advance

    | heatherrobinson

  • I'd like to get some more accountability in my Facebook campaigns in the FB ads interface is woefully inaccurate regarding fan conversion.  What's the best way to integrate Google analytics, or another tracking program into the new Iframe custom business pages?

    | totalseo-155734

  • Hi, I have a client whose contact page is the second most visited after the home page. However, there is a 93.65% abandonment rate on the contact page. This could be for a number of reasons: There is a phone number on the page, so people may call the firm There is a Google Map on the page, so people may get directions The top next pages are: Exiting the site (about 50%) Returning to the home page Going to the About the Company page Going to the Distributors page (the company is a manufacturer) What is the best way to analyze the performance of this page? Thanks, Josh

    | joshfialkoff-77863

  • How do you gauge setting your initial max cost-per-click for specific keywords? For example, you have a keyword that has an estimated "first page bid" at $6.25. If you are wanted your ad to show competitively with your competition, how much should you start at? Two times the "first page bid?" Three times? I'm working on revamping some ad campaigns to help with our paid marketing expenses. I do have quite a budget to work at, but we are hoping to cut down some of this cost. We just spent the past few months trying to spend our way out of some poor quality scores and CTR's. Our metrics have improved drastically, now I want try and cut down our CPC, which is over $19! Our ROI is hard to calculate due to the fact that it can take a few years to obtain profit from the market we are in. Our conversion rates are over 9% from paid advertisement to leads (which is pretty decent for our market). I am all eyes and ears on this subject... I am ready to start playing around with prices tomorrow to see how we fare, in hopes I get some solid responses before then. Thanks in advance!

    | TKIGWebTeam

  • We want to track users from a particular campaign to see what they do when they get to the site. The site generates revenue from clicks out so we want to be able to see whether visitors from a particular source click on multiple deals. i.e. enters from the source and then clicks on 3 different deals that take the user to other sites. Using GA, can I track this by implementing UTM on both the campaign links and outgoing links? Can I see exactly how many deals the average user is clicking on? As far as I know I can: Track visitors from the campaign Track overall clicks on deals Divide click outs by visitors But I can't track how many deals the visitors from campaign A clicked on... or can I?

    | Red_Mud_Rookie

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