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Category: Local SEO

So much goes into building a comprehensive local marketing strategy. Discuss all things local with other marketing professionals.


  • Examine the impact of maintaining consistent and accurate local listings on your local SEO strategy.

  • Dive into how to manage reviews and ratings for your local marketing strategy.

  • Considering local SEO and its impact on your website? Discuss website optimization for local SEO.

  • I have a buddy with about 100 localized directory sites (similar to,, etc.) that he has been working to convert from being managed by another entity and start to handle hosting, management and development internally.  He has converted about 20 of these sites and has experienced, in each instance, a traffic drop of about 50%. I've been running through all the aspects of his sites I can think of that could be causing such huge drops.  He definitely needs some on page optimization, but everything else I know to check seems to be in pretty good shape.  Is there a checklist you guys go through when making these sorts of changes? Thanks!

    | Andrew_Mac

  • I work for a Canadian company and we are re-doing our website (corporate and branch sites) and the question has come up if we should change our current main domain from .com to .ca for local SEO benefits since we don't target an international audience.  We own both versions but the .ca re-directs to the .com and we use .com in all our marketing materials. My understanding is that we can specify in Google Webmaster Tools that the focus of the site is Canada and I feel that switching to the .ca as the main domain isn't necessary, but I was wondering if there are real SEO benefits to make us seriously consider the change? Thanks, Taira

    | ArborMemorial

  • A local seo firm has approached us and mentioned that we should incorporate something called buffer websites into our SEO. I work with a Houston based real estate agency that sells single family homes.  In a nut shell they suggested that we create 5-10 separate standalone websites that each have 40-50 pages of unique copy for specific targeted keywords of our choosing. The idea would by that all these websites and copy would all point back to our main website and help generate substantial traffic. This concepts seems to have been a couple years ago and now sure if we should go this route. Would we be better off just building unique copy on the main site and not focus on the 5-10 websites we would need to deal with? C

    | RETEX

  • We have a plastic surgery client in Las Vegas that we've been working with for about a year. We've got all the technical infrastructure of their site running well (running on Hubspot), we've gotten the appropriate keyword markup done like H1s, title tags, etc. We also disavowed a large amount of spammy backlinks that their previous SEO provider had built that was penalizing them last year. Now our ongoing work is primarily blog content production (topics are split between long-tail procedure-specific keywords and more general health and beauty content), as-needed new web page production, and content sharing over email and social media. Their organic search traffic saw excellent gains for several months, but organic search growth has flattened out now. What should we do to restart organic search traffic growth?

    | ClearPivot

  • I have briefly reviewed the API data available through the Moz API endpoints and did not see that the rank tracking data is available. I first wanted to confirm that? Second, I am looking to start tracking rank for nearly 1 million keywords (local pages multiplied by dozens of core keywords). I want to watch the rankings for a region move over time, as well as keywords generally, and then keywords in a region. My momentary initial research shows that there are a LOT of rank tracker tools, which felt a bit overwhelming to sift through them all and figure out which one would be best. My biggest needs are: handling lots of keywords and URLs exporting the data automatically (via an API or recurring export) allowing for localized results without having to qualify the keywords not breaking the bank to do so -- I'm not an SEO w/ multiple clients, these are all on 1 domain

    | Mase

  • My client is a new law firm that represents criminal and personal injury cases. They want one site for criminal defense and one site for personal injury. Both of these sites can be filled with a ton of unique content. It is two separate areas of law and two different client bases. What I want to know is if this is bad for rankings? Will Google punish the sites? Thanks

    | mrobby1

  • Sorry to bring up this question again. I have done a ton of reading on it and most of it shows me that it is not a good idea: But then there are a few articles showing some semblance of it having an affect. Here are some from my company that were done by our last marketer. We're trying to determine if we should continue doing these. Probably launched close to 200 of these. What's your take?

    | Mase

  • Hi I've recently started a Web design and Local SEO business in the UK and would love some advice on best practices and resources to do best by my clients. The last thing I want to do is get their site banned or penalised by Google. In the past I have used article marketing to get 100s of backlinks but I understand it isnt that simple anymore.I might add that I always did SEO for my own sites, never offered it as a service to others. So, I'm less reluctant to take chances. From looking at the competition in the local market I won't have to get too many backlinks to outrank most other companies. Just need to get the right good quality links. I am fairly experienced with onsite SEO. ANy advice or relevant resources would be greatly appreciated.

    | malkeenan

  • I run a business that provides entertainment services for parties, inc weddings and business functions, but I wanted to take advantage of the visitors that I have and work with other businesses to offer other services for parties, I started with a caterer, and created a catering page on my website. Thinking that my domain authority of 28, which is better than some of the local catering businesses, would be an advantage. I'm just getting going on that so I am only on page 2 in the new niche, 2 days since I launched, but I am creating quality off page content, and watching the results, but I just thought that I would ask the question: Which is better a page on the website of the same wider niche, eg party suppliers, with some DA already built up Or a brand new domain for each partner that I work with, having to build up DA and PA as I go. And having to create on page content for the new niche Or even one new website for party services with new content for each services, starting at no DA or PA One issue seems to be that when I add my sitemap, google does not seem to be indexing the page (and about 20 others, even though I now have a clean robots.txt file) according to webmaster tools, and yet it shows up on page 2 of Google for the keyword. Answers appreciated Mike Collins

    | singingtelegramsuk

  • If you search "venn digital" then the correct meta description is pulled through, but if you search "venndigital" then it pulls through our twitter feed from the bottom of the page. My only suggestion is that it is doing it because there is no mention of " Venn Digital" in the body of the copy, so it is going to the twitter feed at the bottom of the page where Venn Digital is mentioned to pull this info through.

    | AndrewAkesson

  • One of our clients was told that they need to implement schema on their website, and now they're very concerned that the lack of schema might be holding them back. We could certainly implement it for them, but I'm doubtful how much of a difference it will make. The client is a plastic surgery practice, so their content is fairly straightforward (services, locations, photo galleries, etc.). We're planning to add schema markup to their name, address and phone info in their website footer, but we're not sure if it's worthwhile doing anything beyond that. (I'm assuming schema markup for customer ratings would best be handled by a dedicated review management system like What would you recommend for schema implementation?

    | ClearPivot

  • I have been comparing my results with my main competitor It seems as if I have the green check marks for everything except internal links. Page authority, domain authority, rank, trust and external links are all better for my website The competing website has only 6 external links compared to my 130 The on page grader gives me an A grade for all my keywords, and gives anything from an F to a B to my competitors site. The only thing that is different is internal links, Their page has 438 internal links and  39,000 - 41000 internal links in the other sections and of course the total number of links is 41000+ They are number one and I am number 5 Analysing their top pages, I discover that they only have a limited number of actual content pages on their website. over 400 of the 438 internal links, are formed from some sort of internal search engine, that produces pages that say "No results found" for hundreds of almost related keywords but there is no content pages relating to those keywords. So my questions are: Is that a legitimate SEO strategy, that Google approves of. I'm guessing not. If it is I have found out how he does it, and would consider it, If I thought Google would not penalise me for it. What other strategy, can I take to combat it, my answers are slowly creating content pages and manually building links until I eventually overtake them. If it is a dodgy strategy, why isn't Google on top of this? and finally 4) Are page authority, domain authority, rank, trust, and external links really not as important as internal links or total links. Sorry for the long question but I would really appreciate any input on this Thank you Mike Collins

    | singingtelegramsuk

  • The question is specifically about local rankings, not the organic ones. My client recently acquired another Law firm. Acquired firm's website is ranking well in Google local and has a decent SEO authority. Its Google mybusiness page is also established and has a lot of positive reviews. Client's main website is comparatively new and doesn't currently rank well in Google local. The Google mybusiness page is sort of incomplete and doesn't have any review. Both businesses are listed in local directories (client's main business is listed in lot less directories and has fewer citations). The client wants to merge the newly acquired website with his main website, without losing Google local rankings the acquired website has. Or in other words, transfer newly acquired website's local rankings to his main site. Client wants to transfer the website to his main website in all cases while minimizing the damage. I'd transfer acquired website's content to main website, properly map the pages and place 301 redirects. Regarding Google my business pages, what would you suggest? I can either update main business NAP and Website address in Acquired business's mybusiness page, or transfer acquired business's mybusiness ratings to main mybusiness page via this form: I've also heard that Google support can merge two business page, however not sure about that. I'd also need to update the business listings and citations. Could you please suggest the best way of doing this? And have you practically tested it?

    | Woofire

  • I am working with 9 different clients/websites. The websites can be grouped into 2-3 categories, for example, 3 of the websites are related to "Tattoos", another 3 are related to "Local contracting services" Would it be beneficial to create a "Sponsors" page for every website where I write a mini-article of each client and link to them? In other words, every website will have a backlink from the other 8. I already spoke to every client and they are willing to do this, as long as the link to the "Sponsors" page is only accessible in the footer nav. I can't see this hurting the rankings of the sites, but I am not sure if it's better to only include the websites that are categorized the same, or I should include every website.

    | brfieger

  • Lets say that  a prior writer did a horrible job with more then a few pages on your site and you wanted to rewrite the content for each landing page. A few of these landing pages are actually ranking pretty decently would it be ok to rewrite them as long as you kept the keywords and the density some what equal?

    | Spartan22

  • Good morning, We've recently launched Pea Soup Digital, a new UK-based digital agency. However, when you search 'pea soup digital' in Google, the business info doesn't appear on the right-hand-side of the SERP. But when you search 'peasoup digital' it appears? Our Google+ and business account have the name registered as separate words - Pea Soup Digital - so why is Google doing this? It's not the end of the world, but slightly annoying. Is there anything we can do? There's also an issue of our privacy policy page ranking above the home page. I know it's early days (1 week), so Google might be sorting itself out, but I guess we could add this page to the robots.txt file? Cheers, Lewis

    | PeaSoupDigital

  • I am a newby to the SEO world. We are a graphic/web design/development company that has been pulled into the SEO world. We work for a lot of clients that are sensing the need for websites but they don't have the capital to invest in a large website. So after building simple sites for them they come to us wanting to be ranked better in the SERPS. I can go through and do the basics of meta tag info but with small sites, there isn't a lot you can do. I feel I need to learn to do backlinking but am completely lost. When I read about backlinks a lot of people talk about blogging websites, not service industry websites. Does anyone have tips to learn backlinking for small service companies that want to target their local area? loggers, woodworking shops, landscape companies, cabinet shops, home cleaners, bulk food stores, etc. I'm interested in maybe blogposts, or tutorials to read/watch, or software to help me out, etc. Thanks in advance for your help!

    | Olvtr

  • I manage SEO for a franchise business that has multi-point markets like Toronto, where several locations are competing with one another for visibility. Assuming Google wants to give preferential treatment to businesses that are putting effort and energy into their unique website landing pages and their Google My Business pages, the exercise is like whack-a-mole. Put effort into giving visibility and ranking priority to one, another one gets upset. Also, it just so happens that the business is a competitive market (automotive repair) and so Google wants to show variety in search results; i.e. multiple businesses offering repair services in a given area. It tends to select one of four locations for a given multi-point market for the brand, which makes three out of four franchise owners upset. Anyone run into this before? I'm just trying to balance out the effort so that each of the locations gets equal visibility, but alas I have no control over what Google decides to display as the authoritative result for the geographical area. Looking for suggestions on how to manage client expectations and explain this issue properly. Anything I am missing?

    | Treefrog_SEO

  • Background: A business has 5 brick and mortar locations, in 5 different states, with 5 separate Google+ profiles. The corporate headquarters are in Michigan. The Michigan Google+ Local profile is the one that should be most closely associated with the brand. Problem: We want the Michigan Google + Local page to show up for branded searches nationwide: right now, it only shows up on geolocated searches in Michigan. Of course, it totally makes sense that the other 4 Google+ local pages will appear for users searching with IP locations (or logged in locations) near those states.  But for other states - is there a way to help Google understand or give preference to the main corporate location? What we're trying to prevent is someone in New York City searching for "company name", and then seeing a lesser location appear in SERPs associated with the brand, instead of our favored Michican location. Ideas so far: Continue to enhance out the Michigan location's Google+ page (check categories, photos, description, share content frequently, expand circles, get reviews, yada yada yada - we've already done much of this). _Maybe give this page more attention and content than other locations if we have to? _ Build links into Michigan Google+ page? Ensure general citations are up to date - use localeze/moz local etc. Website - We have a page for each location. While Michigan is featured, we also do promote our other offices as well - all kinda promoted equally on site in terms of metadata, content, etc. Any other brainstorming advice or out-of-the-box (oh no, did I just say "out-of-the-box"?) ideas to help Google associate the Michigan location as our "primary" one we want shown on more generic branded searches, even though of course the other 4 are impt too?  Tricky...

    | mirabile

  • Hi All, How do I correct wrong stock price card information for the specific brand in Google SERP? When I search for "DBS Bank stock price" it returns PowerShares DB Silver Fund (ETF) stock price instead of the correct D05.SI Thanks


  • Hello Moz-folks, We are doing SEO for a Calgary based company - The domain was ranking really poorly (even though the website was structured quite well). This lead me to believe that it was penalized for poor links. I redirected the domain to We also improved the website structure and content. We began building citations, and eventually, after a few months, it made into page #1. Unfortunately, after the last pinguin update, the domain virtually disappeared. We waited, but it did not become re-indexed. I elected to change the domain yet again to That domain has now been indexed, but is on page #7. We are building citations for it, but it is a little daunting because it is so far back. Right now, the redirets look like this:  -->  --> Should it go like this:  -->  --> Do you agree with my decision to change the domain? Thanks, Anton

    | Web3Marketing87

  • Hello Mozzers, I would love some advise from some seasoned SEO people PLEASE. The company I work for are replacing their static website for a new dynamic website which affectedly serves blocks of generic content based on the users activity. Currently we rank really well, especially for local long tail terms - however I am very unsure and apprehensive as to how this new approach will affect our rankings. Can Google index content pulled together on the "fly"? Can anyone recommend an article, website, white paper - explaining how to limit the change to SEO? Kind regards Ben

    | Bendall

  • Our firm is considering adding another person and adding that person's name to the firm. In terms of our online presence, what all would have to be done for that to work? For example: 1. We aren't changing the domain, but should we get a domain with the new name and redirect it to our current site? 2. Do I need ask the people who have linked to our site with our name in the anchor text to change it to the new name? 3. Do I need to get back to all our old posts/blogs/etc and edit them with the new name? 4. Can we use our current social media names or do we need to setup new accounts? 5. If we decide to just keep the onsite marketing the same, but change the name in regards to offsite markeitng (banners, billboards, etc) will that conflict have a very negative effect? 6. Anything else, anyone wants to point out would be great. Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • A photography company I am helping to SEO is listed on google maps: But it doesn’t appear on the generic wedding photography search....,115.7027624,12z Can someone explain to me how Google works in this regard? What does it take to feature on the map when one is broadly looking at the locality of Perth. Thanks in advance for your help!

    | Gavo

  • My question is about local SEO rankings.  How does the Moz Rank Tracker track local results, meaning I do not see a place to tell the tool what local market to show results for.If I have a dentist in Denver and I enter the keyword “dentist” into the tracker, is it looking for how my site ranks locally in Denver or how it ranks for “dentist” on a national level.Thanks in advance for the help!

    | ifuseurbiz

  • Hi, i have a question about the use of rel=publisher tag on a large retail website with multiple local stores. There is 1 e-commerce website where i want to put the rel publisher tag from the main Google + businesspage. There are also 60 local google+businesspages, And on the main website every store has his own store-page. Is it good to put on all the 60 storepages their own rel=publishertag connected with the localbusinesspages on google? Or should i Stick at the main rel=publisher tag connected with the main google+page? Thanx, Leonie

    | Leonie-Kramer

  • Hi, I want to start a very limited in funds adwords campaign to get signups for my newsletter, an example signup form is on the right of this page. I've advertised with adwords before. One additional thing I need is a spend $25 get $100 coupon, but I bet I can do a google search for that. The campaign will only be for the area in and around Boise, ID. It will only be for women who want to lose weight. My main investment is facebook ads to a landing page with a video to sign up for my newsletter, but is there some way to harvest the low hanging fruit easily in adwords where ads lead to signups in my niche? I have a lot of technical background and am looking for kickass ideas. Thanks! 126fajdkql

    | BobGW

  • Hello, I'm making a facebook ad to go to this page. Criteria: Lives in Boise Idaho, likes weight loss, diet tips, etc. 35-55 yrs old, women What tips do you have? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • I've seen several instances of this domain scraping and rehosting an entire site as a subdomain of  I know ReachLocal and YP have used similar techniques, but I can't find any references to Not my client, but a specific example (dermatologist) of what I'm talking about:

    | medtouch

  • Hi there, I was wanting to know the value of local pages for a service company that operates nationally. They do not have a phone number or address, but they do maintain employees in each of the locations and are thus, keen to emphasize this fact with location pages. The location pages merely explain that they have staff in each of the locations and experience working there, alongside a variety of information that is relevant to the industry/market in that location. None of the location pages are currently ranking well at all - in fact, all of the ones I've looked at so far have had a page authority of 1. Most of the major towns, cities and counties for the entire UK have been covered which means the location pages constitute a significant proportion of all of the pages for the entire site. My questions are: Is a national service company likely to benefit from having location pages? And could it even be something they could be penalised for at some point down the line? Thanks very much, in advance, for your time. Kind Regards, Tom

    | National-Homebuyers

  • I need some advice. We are a real estate company that offers real estate sales and rentals. I have a domain (for example lets pretend there is an imaginary island called Pumpkin Island) - (as many people just refer to pumpkin island as pumpkin eg. I am going down to pumpkin this weekend). will be a website that offers all the properties for sale, local real estate community information, buying process, selling process, etc for the Pumpkin Island real estate market (we are a brokerage). I am also beginning to build out a new website that will be for our vacation rentals at "pumpkin island". I have a domain called "" Question taking this factors in account: EMDs work well in our area IF the content is good. So assuming I will have a good link profile and good content, on page seo and offpage - - - will have a decent amount of traffic naturally while will have very dramatic increases of traffic during the winter, spring and summer (due to people planning vacations) would it be best to have the vacation rental website under its own domain and the sales site under OR have the sales site as and the vacation website a subdomain of it for example: (maybe helping to leverage the traffic for both sites for benefit of one domain). Puzzled and need some thoughts, advice or suggestions. Thanks!!!! CHris

    | topsailislander

  • Hello, I am concerned as all 30 of our clients show traffic coming from Brazil-and they are all locally-serving businesses. What's more, the visitors from Brazil is increasing in GA. It's looking more and more like our competitor is trying to thwart our good rankings by using some overseas IPs to mess with traffic. Is there anything I can do? There is no reason why any of our clients would be relevant to Brazil, as they serve only local clients. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

    | lfrazer

  • In my niche, there is an EMD that even though their content, domain age and link profile are very weak, they continue to rank at the number one or number two spot. So I want to run an experiment and build out a site with better content, etc but have a similar domain. For example, the site that is ranking higher is (fictitious) I want to create a domain called Is the stop word going to hurt my experiment? (the word "on") Thanks Chris

    | topsailislander

  • Hello all, We can't use Moz Local as we're in the UK. Tempted to use Whitespark, but not quite sure what the differences are between the two. Also, can a website design / digital marketing agency be considered to be a local business - in Googles eyes? Thanks!

    | wseabrook

  • I am looking at all the various press release sites out there. I have a local business relocating and we want to use a press release to get the information out there and hopefully get the move picked up by a local newspaper. Any experience/suggestions on best PR sites?

    | bricegump

  • Hi i seen some huge website does that, even their facebook cover photos are different but they are all linking to the same page. one of the example is groupon. You can check their fan likes are the same across different web address such as Singapore and Malaysia. any idea guys?

    | andrewwatson92

  • Hello All, I am just in the process of updating all my google business locations for each of my depots. I have been uploading photos but I am wondering if the file names of the photo's need to be unique for every location ? I know I need to describe the picture in the filename so it's good use of keywords but I am wondering if google will see it as spaming if I upload the same product pictures etc to ever google business location ? thanks Pete

    | PeteC12

  • I have noticed that my rankings for broad terms have dramatically improved in the area I service. But, when I put the broad term in my search query with a geo-modifier I notice I am still not ranking even though my domain authority and page authority is higher than the competitor who is ranking. Why might this be? I am not penalized, or have a manual action. I am also featured in more hyperlocal niche directories.

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • We have come up with an idea to add a cool mapping app to our website. This will enable users to find locations to be able to play a range of games in their local vicinity, such as pool/table tennis/pinball/arcade games/foosball. Players and venues will be able to add locations to our mapping system. They can add a review, details, what machines/equipment is there, add photos. The owner can add any special offers or events. Potential benefits: Community - finding places to play these games is hard. This would be great for everyone who loves these games to find new places to play them Engagement - visitors to our site will find this really useful and show us more love and respect SEO - this is the tricky bit... If we ask venue owners to show a "We're listed!" logo on their homepage linking back to our mapping system will this be beneficial to us SEO wise? Potential positives: lots of relevant homepage backlinks to us lots of relevant visitors to our mapping system who may choose to peruse the rest of our website Potential issues: will this type of backlink be viewed poorly by Google? will the relatively low DA of the sites that will be linking to us weaken our link profile? This will be a massive project for us to undertake, both financially to build the app but also for us to populate our maps by contacting all the relevant locations to invite them to participate. Any insight, views or experience the Moz community can share with us on this would be gratefully received!

    | AndyB_UK

  • A client has two businesses running from the same address.  Both businesses will operate out of Unit 1.  Would it be safe to go for Unit 1 and Unit 1A.  Will that distinction be enough for Google local and has anyone had any specific experience with this issue?

    | MickEdwards

  • Hi, I have two particular clients who I built websites for and they work in the same industry as one another. To add to this, they both have the same geographical location. So, for example when you search Google for 'fencing contractors in [county]' they both appear underneath each other next to the map and have the same address. The problem is that client A doesn't rank as well as client B and client B seems to get outranked by its Yell listing. Both websites are similar in size and markup structure. The content although based on the same topic is written differently and isn't exactly sparse. Client A launched their website probably about 6 months before client B. I have a hunch that Google may be penalising client B, thinking that it is in fact the same business as client A due to their physical location or is somehow trying to copy client A. Does this hunch have much ground in the SEO world and if it is possible, what are my options to help remedy the situation? Unfortunately I've never had the situation where two competitors of each other are literally in adjacent offices! Ideas anyone?

    | ahead4

  • Hi dears
    I want to start multi lang (en,fr,de) project focus on europe's ,japan,new zealand and australia.
    Please advice me to have a good start and success
    (keywords difficulty=54% )

    | vahidafsharicom

  • Hi. I have a client who is looking to target locations. In their PPC campaigns they have generic keywords such as web design but the campaigns are location based so Surrey, Kent etc... Would they be better to target UK wide but use localised keywords such as Web design surrey? Also in your view, is the Display Network worth it for a small business competing against cheaper/bigger services/companies? Any views be great. Thanks

    | YNWA

  • I just got a new client that offers travel information for cities throughout the US and Canada. They have a specific page set up for most locations. I want to promote each page for that community, but the task is very daunting, as you could imagine. It's almost like having a separate client in each city. I've optimized the title tags, meta descriptions, content and so forth, but that's not enough. Engaging in a backlinking and social media strategy for each location is insane - I wouldn't have enough time in the day. Looking for off page promotional ideas that can be scaled nationally. Does anyone have a similar situation with a national brand, or any ideas you'd like to share?

    | Masbro

  • Hi, I just want to know if there are any impact on seo ranking if my home page has no or less content, for example I only have a slider with my logo, slogan, navigation and my company info schema? Advance thanks for the help!

    | bchilders22

  • A client of mine had purchased a lot of domains. They all start with the same keyword following by "in" following by a cities name. The cities are all the cities around their location. They had the pages set up to all look the same with very small differences in content. A bunch of duplicate content. All of them have a DA of 8 and PA of 19. There are 35 of them total. They get roughly 30-60 hits a month each but it's mostly all spam. The idea was for users to type in [keyword] in [city] in Google and these websites show up. A competitor of my clients had done something similar which was working for them. The main website (separate of these) gets ~1500 visits per month of non spam traffic and gets ~10 referrals from these websites. What should be done with these domains? Chalk it off as a bad idea and have them 301 to the main website until they expire? Or can they be changed into something useful? If so, how? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Note: I did search for this similar topic but it was hard to search it out and I did not find an answer. Thanks!

    | RedKeyDesigns

  • Hi I only have experience working in Local SEO and now Im facing the challenge of 1 clients which is based in Australia and wants to sell in Australia (protein bars) but the company doesn't have a physical presence. What do you think would be a good strategy? Do you think I still need to create NAP citations (if so that would probably benefit the SEO for one city and leave the others with less SEO influence?). Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Nico

    | niclaus78

  • HI everyone, I hope you can assist me. I am trying to set-up the Google graph that appears in the Google search results pages that appear to the right hand side of the screen. I have tried contacting Goolge but never receive a response from them, which I think is rather strange. If anyone knows how to action this please help. Regards,

    | KJDMedia

  • I am in the planning stages of franchising a cleaning business and was wondering if anyone had some ideas on SEO strategy. If money were no object and I had a team of hundreds of copywriters at my disposal, would the ultimate solution be to have the following sort of URL structure within which there are numerous pages? If this is the best strategy then is it worthwhile to begin work towards ranking for cities and local towns within them prior to actually operating there? I understand that lack of physical presence will penalize me in terms of local search but would a lack of physical address and phone number render any foundation work pointless (for example, prior to having any franchises in say London, would it be worth while building quality content and links on a page, and then, alongside a blog and so on?) Interested to understand the best way to go about this given the enormity of the campaign! Thanks

    | EdwardoUK

  • Hi does anyone know or can advise a resource for looking into social media platforms share of Turkish market and if tjey have any of their own popular social media networks ? And search engines too if applicable ? all best dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

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