Billing Info

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, we can arrange that for you. Please start with our card removal guide.
  • Yes, we can arrange that for you. Please start with our account removal guide.
  • Yes, we can arrange payment via invoice for annual Moz Pro plans. Please review our manual invoicing guide for more information.
  • There are some U.S. states in which we are legally required to collect sales tax. Please see our sales tax guide for more information including the states we charge sales tax for.
  • No, we do not charge VAT or GST.
  • No, we don't accept PayPal for Moz subscriptions.
  • Yes, please contact us with the details and we'll update your account.
  • If you can't access your billing details or invoices you may have shared user access in which case you'll need to reach out to the account owner for more information.
  • Billing dates are based on when a subscription is purchased or updated. Unfortunately we are not able to edit or change billing dates. Additionally, we are unable to invoice Moz Pro and Moz Local subscriptions on the same invoice.
  • If you receive the message that There was an error processing your payment info: Your card information is incorrect please try re-entering your card information. If you still receive this error after confirming your card information, please reach out to your bank for resolution as they may be declining the transaction. Alternatively, you can try a different card.
  • Yes, you can change the email address associated with your account from your account settings. Updating your email address will change the email you use to login as well as the email your invoices and Moz related emails will go to. You can learn more about how to update your email in our guide.
  • We do not currently have the ability to add an additional email address to your account for invoice receipts. The primary email address associated with your account is the email address where you will receive your invoices.

What's Covered?

This guide shows how to update the billing information on file for your account and how to view your invoices.

Quick Links

Updating Your Billing Information Step-By-Step

You can access your payment info and invoices from Billing Info in your Account & Billing section.

To update your billing information:

  1. Click on your profile icon on the top right, and select Account & Billing
  2. Click on Billing Info on the top navigation
  3. Click on the Replace button to update your card

Please note: If you have shared access to someone else's subscription, then you will need to reach out to your account owner for access to your account payment details and invoices.

If you need to update your credit card information, click replace under billing info.

Replace Button Not Present

If you’re trying to update your billing information but there is no Replace button present, this likely means you are manually invoiced. To update your billing information, please email [email protected] with the following information:

  • The email address associated with your account
  • The current billing address associated with your account
  • The changes you’re looking to have made to the billing information

View Your Invoices

To view and download your Moz invoices follow these steps:

  1. Head down to Transaction History
  2. View your transactions and invoices
  3. To export the invoice click View
  4. Select print
  5. Select Save as PDF.
Click view beside an invoice to view and print the invoice.
Select save as PDF to save this invoice locally.

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