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Discover the value of Google Search Console for SEO, marketing, and business owners. Learn how this free tool provides insights into your site's performance, engagement, and technical issues. Learn how you can use GSC to make more informed decisions for your website.

Apple has just launched their new Apple Business Connect interface — designed to make it easier for small businesses to get listed on Apple Maps. If your last real look at Apple Maps was a decade ago when the platform was going through a very awkward stage, it may now be time to revisit the platform.

To get a better understanding of what’s considered “quality traffic”, we’ll look into various Google Analytics metrics that will help you create a rock solid SEO strategy.

Internal linking is a vital SEO tactic, and usually the easiest way to build a page’s authority. But is Google still valuing your links in its mobile-first index?

What are "fraggles" in SEO and how do they relate to mobile-first indexing, entities, the Knowledge Graph, and your day-to-day work? Cindy Krum explains it all in this edition of Whiteboard Friday.

Google is moving forward with its mobile-first index — how might it affect your site and the link graph as a whole? It turns out the mobile web is very different from the one we have come to know.

With mobile usage on the rise, it's more important than ever to optimize for on-the-go users. But which tools support mobile SEO? Aleyda's compiled 28 tools that will help you answer all your mobile SEO questions, plus a handy graphic to download for at-a-glance reference.

Everything is going mobile these days — even your focus groups. Find out how to leverage your mobile app audience for rapid feedback loops and why traditional focus groups are dead.

Are you ready for AMP? Google announced that AMP is going beyond the news carousel to join the "10 blue links." Jen Slegg takes you through the changes, what to expect, and how to prepare.

Is your local business visible to potential customers online? If the answer is anything other than an enthusiastic and confident YES, then this local SEO checklist is for you. Miriam Ellis is here to help you identify which key points of your local SEO plan you've taken care of, and which still need some love.