Moz News

Updating Site = Lost Rankings?

Updating Site = Lost Rankings?

Can anyone help me sift through some conflicting advice?I've been tasked with launching an updated site for a medical clinic that, through the work of a local SEO consultant, has a couple of #1 and #2 rankings for critical search terms in Google (with lesser rankings on Yahoo). The site we'd hoped to replace is antiquated visually and is difficult to navigate. ...

Kids, Plug Your Ears! I Am Going to Talk About SEO P_rn!

Kids, Plug Your Ears! I Am Going to Talk About SEO P_rn!

Okay . . . so I did a round of interviews this week with fairly decent success (though, if I am still unemployed in a month then I guess it wasn’t successful after all, lol). Who did I meet with? Sorry, not divulging that info because frankly most readers of this blog are outstanding SEOs and could turn into my competition for the positions. Note: For the handful that do kn...

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The Readiness Is All (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace 2008)

The Readiness Is All (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace 2008)

When I was a senior in high school, I was in AP English. My teacher, Mr. Hunt, was a kind but eccentric guy. He loved Shakespeare and made sure we spent plenty of time studying the Bard. In the spring, we studied Hamlet. After reading the play and discussing it in class, we were given the assignment of writing a paper about it. Mr. Hunt saw Hamlet as a one giant meta...

Changing User Agents with Firefox
Richard Baxter

Changing User Agents with Firefox

In the last Whiteboard Friday (12/20/07) Rand talked with Stephan Spencer on the subject of conditional 301 redirects using user agent detection. I thought it might be useful to briefly cover how easy it is to set up Firefox to use a non-default user agent (like Yahoo, Google etc) for testing and development...

SEOmoz Free Premium Membership: A How to Guide

SEOmoz Free Premium Membership: A How to Guide

I received a rather exciting private message from Rand recently. In it he stated I was going to receive free premium membership.How did it happen? Thumbs baby! Thumbs!!Huh? What the hell are you talking about now Payne? How do thumbs get me free premium membership? Well, if you click on the '<a href="