Paid Search Marketing (PPC)

Will Variable Minimum Bids Make Yahoo! Search Marketing More Attractive?

Will Variable Minimum Bids Make Yahoo! Search Marketing More Attractive?

If MSN Adcenter is the red-headed stepchild of the paid search family then is Yahoo! Search Marketing that slightly sozzled uncle you have to put up with once a year at Christmas? But spurious and obvious analogies aside, I know the lesser two rivals of the Adwords behemoth tend to be humored as opposed to embraced by most when it comes to PPC.Still, we recieved an email this morning fro...

How eBay Can Improve Your PPC Campaign Performance

How eBay Can Improve Your PPC Campaign Performance

Broad matching keywords is a popular strategy for B2B and B2C search marketers. It allows you to cast a wide net and maximize your long-tail keyword catch. But without thorough negative keyword research, the broad match strategy can trigger your ad for some way-out-of-left-field searches. This inflates your ad impressions and dilutes your click through rate (or attracts non...

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Pay Per Click - What Do You Want to Know?

Pay Per Click - What Do You Want to Know?

Before bashing out a post on running a profitable Pay Per Click campaign, I wanted to ask you "What do you want to know?"I have been running through topics in my head for my first YOUMoz post for quite some time. Each one was interesting, exciting and innovative, but would you find it valuable enough to spend 5 minutes to read and more importantly would you put...

The Economic Motive Behind Google's New Advertisement Algorithm

The Economic Motive Behind Google's New Advertisement Algorithm

Economics is the study of relationships between supply and demand sprinkled with an understanding of human behavior.Pricing is something that most business owners GUESS, and they typically fall within the average area where the demand curve intersects with the supply curve.<img src="">Then, the distribu...

ROI On Google Adwords Going South? Read This And Beat The System..

ROI On Google Adwords Going South? Read This And Beat The System..

Adwords is designed to make Google rich, not you. That's why if you're not proactive and you don't know how the system works, you'll get badly burned. Google don't mind as it keeps the $ flowing for them but here are 5 ways to transform your fortunes and beat the system: 1. Google's default setting for keywords (broadmatch) will lose you a lot of money if you'...

The AdWords Ad Optimization Process - Little Changes Have a Big Effect
Rand Fishkin

The AdWords Ad Optimization Process - Little Changes Have a Big Effect

From 2003-2005, I managed several different campaigns for clients on all the major ad platforms - Yahoo!, Google, even an campaign. However, since that time, I've been out of the game, and my skills are mighty rusty. In this post, I wanted to show off not only how badly you need an experienced paid search marketer (even if you're a pretty savvy search guy like me), but how big a differe...