Whiteboard Friday

Howdy Mozzers! Welcome to Whiteboard Friday.

The most famous video series in all of SEO, Rand Fishkin started filming this series when Moz was a very young company that didn't even sell software. Since then, it's grown to millions of views and the videos have helped trained thousands of SEOs.

We've included some of our favorite episodes here, and find the latest below. Enjoy, and best of luck with your SEO!

6 Ways ChatGPT Can Improve Your SEO : From on-page optimizations to technical SEO, AI can do more than create content. Supercharge your organic traffic with these tips from Moz’s SEO Director.

How to Win Potential Consumers with Customer Journey Mapping on Google : Learn about your potential customers and their conversations with Google by using the customer journey mapping method to provide them with the best content.

Crawled — Currently Not Indexed: A Coverage Status Guide : Understand the mysterious “Crawled — currently not indexed” status in the Index Coverage report in Google Search Console.

Most Recent Articles on Whiteboard Friday

Outreach for Linkbuilding
Aaron Wheeler

Outreach for Linkbuilding

Linkbuilding: can't do it alone, can't not do it! In this week's Whiteboard Friday, Tom Critchlow, head of search marketing at Distilled, shows us some tips on how to reach out to webmasters and online marketers and more easily get the links we so badly want. All it takes is efficient contact-gathering, enthusiastic communication, adamant (but not overbearing) follow-up, and, well... maybe a little bit of hustle...

International SEO: Where to Host and How to Target
Aaron Wheeler

International SEO: Where to Host and How to Target

International SEO is big business, and big business equals big websites. It can be really confusing when you have to cater to a target audience that is the entire world: you know that people from different countries and cultures are going to be looking for different things. We've had a lot of PRO members' Q&A questions come in about this issue lately, so this week, Rand helps us ...

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Keyword Research Master Guide

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Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

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Interlinking Your Sites
Casey Henry

Interlinking Your Sites

This week Rand dives into a topic that many of you have asked about in our Pro Q&A, “Interlinking my websites, can I do it?” As an SEO you can almost guarantee that you will be asked; “Why can’t I just buy 100 domains and link them back to my website with amazing anchor text and then conquer the world?” Rand give some helpful hints on when it is appropriate to link to your other sites and when it’s not such a great idea. After watching, please feel free to voice your option on the subject and how you deal with interlinking your websites.

Age of Site and Old Links
Aaron Wheeler

Age of Site and Old Links

Lately, we've been seeing a lot of chatter on forums about the age of domains and links. A lot of people think that, like a sagely seaman that acquires wisdom and whiskers as his years trickle away on the sea, domains and links gain value as they age. Sure, age could be a small factor, but as Rand will show you in this week's Whiteboard Friday...

Creative Ways to Get Links from a Reluctant Target
Aaron Wheeler

Creative Ways to Get Links from a Reluctant Target

For this week's Whiteboard Friday, Rand is going to show you some great ways to start the new year out right by getting those links you so desperately crave yet, time and time again, are tragically denied. You can do a lot for your yourself by simply making a personal connection, openly communicating with your peers, and making other people's jobs a bit easier...

Top 10 Things We Learned About SEO in 2010 - Whitebeard Friday

Top 10 Things We Learned About SEO in 2010 - Whitebeard Friday

It's that time of year when it's not uncommon to be sitting by a fire, sipping a glass of Egg Nog (with brandy), and listening to A Charlie Brown Christmas on the stereo. Wait... that might only be me. Whatever your holiday traditions may be, SEOmoz is pleased to present the 'Top 10 Things We Learned About SEO in 2010', with special guest, Rand Claus. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the video (the Egg Nog is optional)! From all of us at SEOmoz, we hope you have a wonderful holiday!

The SEOmoz Internal SEO Pre-Launch Checklist
Aaron Wheeler

The SEOmoz Internal SEO Pre-Launch Checklist

As we all know, SEO is a very labor-intensive job. It can be really easy to let some things fall by the wayside even if you know you're supposed to do them but don't have the time. It gets even more complicated when you forget to do them in the first place! Now, Danny is an awesome man of many strengths, but he can be a bit of a forgetful grandmother at times - even he knows that it is im...

Improving Content "Share-ability"
Aaron Wheeler

Improving Content "Share-ability"

This week, Rand helps us figure out how to create content that's not only interesting, but is easy to read and share. We all love sharing interesting, funny, and topical content (look at me, of all people - I'm sending people to videos of Oprah!), so why not play to that instinct by making your articles, images and pages as easy to share as possible?

Building a Monthly SEO Action Plan!
Aaron Wheeler

Building a Monthly SEO Action Plan!

Feeling lost or listless, like your head is in the sand? It's clear what you need: a monthly action plan! What with all the resources available to SEOs these days, it can be hard to stay on track and maintain a campaign without getting bogged down in minutia and losing track of the big picture. Well, for this week's Whiteboard Friday, Rand is here to help! Just as Superman ...