Whiteboard Friday

Howdy Mozzers! Welcome to Whiteboard Friday.

The most famous video series in all of SEO, Rand Fishkin started filming this series when Moz was a very young company that didn't even sell software. Since then, it's grown to millions of views and the videos have helped trained thousands of SEOs.

We've included some of our favorite episodes here, and find the latest below. Enjoy, and best of luck with your SEO!

6 Ways ChatGPT Can Improve Your SEO : From on-page optimizations to technical SEO, AI can do more than create content. Supercharge your organic traffic with these tips from Moz’s SEO Director.

How to Win Potential Consumers with Customer Journey Mapping on Google : Learn about your potential customers and their conversations with Google by using the customer journey mapping method to provide them with the best content.

Crawled — Currently Not Indexed: A Coverage Status Guide : Understand the mysterious “Crawled — currently not indexed” status in the Index Coverage report in Google Search Console.

Most Recent Articles on Whiteboard Friday

Search Engines and Brand Entities
Aaron Wheeler

Search Engines and Brand Entities

Brands and company-specific brand name products have become much more important to search engines recently. Google tries to serve us with relevant content, so if it thinks we want to know more about Adidas or Puma, it's going to tell us about these brands rather than about the random online shoe stores that we'll probably click away from (you know the ones!). This might be great if you're...

The Basics of Local SEO
Aaron Wheeler

The Basics of Local SEO

Howdy mozfans! This week's Whiteboard Friday features the return of Danny Dover, our lead SEO here at SEOmoz. He's going to be discussing the basics of local SEO, a rapidly developing, important niche in SEO land that involves a complex amalgamation of many data sources and metrics. Hey, sounds a lot like the regular SEO we know and love! Take a look at what's on Danny's whiteboard here below t...

Scary SEO Mishaps
Aaron Wheeler

Scary SEO Mishaps

Happy Halloween mozzers! Oh, Roger wants me to tell you: "Trick or treat!" Actually, this week we've got a lot more treats than tricks for you. Our treats will even help you overcome some of the nasty trixes of the SEO world. Jen Lopez, our Community Manager at SEOmoz, is here to tell you about some of the scary SEO mishaps that could happen to you if you're not careful!

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Image SEO Basics
Aaron Wheeler

Image SEO Basics

A few weeks ago Danny showed us some of the basics for image SEO, a medium that may not initially seem valuable for SEO purposes. Well, Danny dispelled that illusion swiftly, with a little help from his friend Doc Brown. This week, Danny's out there alone but still manages to show us that words aren't all they're cracked up to be; videos can yield some great SEO value, too.

Making "Reference" Content Rank Well in the SERPs
Aaron Wheeler

Making "Reference" Content Rank Well in the SERPs

I've always liked encyclopedias; when I was in middle school I started using Encarta on CD-ROM, and sure, I usually needed it for "help" with my homework, but sometimes I would stray to non-copy-and-pasting-from-encyclopedia activities and watch terribly animated videos of war battles or Shakespearean plays. My poor children will never know the joys of a succinct five page article on the American Revolution with an accompanying 30-second 160 X 200 resolution video! Anyways, if my aforementioned future kids do end up needing to write about the American Revolution, and you have a great site about it, how can you make sure they end up seeing your content? This week, Rand discusses some great ways to get your reference content to the top of the SERPs.

Five Ways To Use Your Social Profiles For SEO
Aaron Wheeler

Five Ways To Use Your Social Profiles For SEO

Social media is becoming more and more important as the days go by; how else would I get my tri-weekly fix of XKCD delivered to me? Many people know about the marketing benefits from social media profiles, but sites like Facebook and Twitter can make a significant difference in your SEO campaign, too! This week, Rand shows us five great ideas for using these sites to help with your SEO strategy.

Video SEO Basics
Aaron Wheeler

Video SEO Basics

Video SEO isn't something we always think about when optimizing, but we really should. In this week's Whiteboard Friday, Danny Dover reviews some of the video SEO basics that every SEO should know about. After all, it's a largely untapped market, unlike the Canadian maple tree market. Which is very tapped.

Optimizing SEO Resources
Aaron Wheeler

Optimizing SEO Resources

Hello everybody! My name is Aaron Wheeler and one of my new tasks in the office will be video production so you may end up seeing my gob around the blog every once in a while. This week, our very own Danny Dover discusses some important and scalable ways to optimize your SEO resources. We all know that pickins' can be slim when it comes to many companies' budgets for SEO, so why not make the best of what you've got?

Discussing LDA and SEO
Danny Dover

Discussing LDA and SEO

In this week's Whiteboard Friday Rand Fishkin and Ben Hendrickson discuss LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). There has been a lot of discussion about the relationship between these two topics lately and this video answers many of the questions people in the community have been asking. It is comprehensive (25 minutes) and uses many easy to understand di...

Answering Hard SEO Questions
Danny Dover

Answering Hard SEO Questions

In this week's Whiteboard Friday, Danny Dover tries to answer some of the hard questions in SEO. "If you are such a good SEO, why don't you rank number one for the keyword, SEO?" "How can you provide advice on SEO if you don't work for a search engine?" The answers to these two and some more doozies are below. ...