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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • Hello! I'm looking at picking up the Yoast News SEO plugin extension to add to our company's wordpress site. We're a UK manufacturer but have lots of regular news stories (new products, industry info, new projects etc.) that is relevant to our niche market. We'd love to get these stories featured into the Google News feed and this may be a route. Anyone using the plugin? Any thoughts? Thanks

    | tslb

  • Hello, I am working on planning for a redesign of a eCommerce clothing website.  Looking for some inspiration on some good examples of clothing companies using their content well.  The design does not have to be the best, it can be just very well done use of blog type content or video. Thank you in advance for taking time to respond!

    | srbello

  • I am running Free Article Posting site but I discover people are posting their content which already has been published on different sites before.  What should i need to do in order to save my site from Google penalty.3 waiting for your kind help in this regard Thanks in advance

    | Mustansar

  • I use a website provider for my website. Sadly, although it has an integrated blog, the blog posts title does not get included in the URL. So now, with my limited knowledge of SEO I'm wondering if blogging is still worth it? Any thoughts Greatly appreciated! 🙂

    | MissThumann

  • Hi Pep's The blog for my website is integrated, but does not have a URL that matches the text. The company I use for my site say that it can't be changed. Basically it displays numbers instead of text in the url. So I thought, what about starting another blog as well as the original. Would this have any effects on my SEO, negative or positive? Any advice greatly appreciated! 🙂

    | MissThumann

  • We have a property listing site.
    Wandered if its more important to update the results of the listings (adding or deleting them) or is adding new articles more important.?

    | nick-name123

  • Which is better? To write my own blog post or, (with permission) use other high DA content on my blog. I'll probably do both, but I'm very curious as to what the search engines prefer or which is better for seo. Thanks in advance!

    | MissThumann

  • Hi There, To check if content on my site is plagiarized or not, i copy it from my site and then paste the text in tools available online. They highlight the green text as UNIQUE and in red as PLAGIARIZED. When I click the plagiarized content to see which OTHER SITE is using the same content as that of mine, it leads me to the pages of my own site. I am confused on this. Where is the other site. Can somebody help how to find the other sites online that have similar content as that of mine. Or there is some fault in my understanding?? Thanks

    | Sequelmed

  • As an example, if i write an article on 12 best print ads by BMW, it will have 12 images and possible 12 single liners and a paragraph. The images will have the necessary alt tags. But overall, will this post be counted as low content and is there changes of being penalized by google for it?

    | marketing91

  • We are moving our Ecommerce site to Shopify. Currently we run our blog on Wordpress and I'm wondering if anyone has an opinion on using the Shopify blog vs Wordpress?

    | Glaze

  • Hey guys, A client has asked us to install a page break function on their Wordpress site in the hope of increasing page count. It's a very common practice but have never used it as part of a strategy. Any thoughts, pros or cons?

    | wearehappymedia

  • The blog section of my website just got deleted, Would it get my website penalized if I posted the same content again?

    | DustChasersToronto

  • Hi, We have been optimising and re-sharing old blogs posts from our feed. If we were to change the date of publishing on the posts in order to bring them to the top of our feed, would this have any negative impacts on the posts' metadata? Thanks!

    | wearehappymedia

  • Which is better for SEO: or  In other words, is it better to have the blog running in a subdomain or as a director within the main site?  Right now we are running as a subdomain, but want to be sure Google isn't considering that a separate site.  The blog shows up separately on Google Analytics, which makes me think is better if for no other reason, it would give our domain greater traffic. Not sure if this matters, but some site info: our site is a sharing economy tool for renting your stuff we are running the blog on Wordpress blog traffic is about 5% of total traffic

    | TapGoods

  • I'm creating a content marketing plan and need to project the visitor impact it could have on an exact-keyword domain name.  The plan will produce at least 10 quality, original articles per day.  Are there any common metrics or ways to guess what the visitor impact could be?

    | msantore82

  • Today, I was reading Google's official article on Multi Regional website and use of duplicate content. Right now, We are working on 4 different blogs for following regions. And, We're writing unique content for each blog. But, I am thinking to use one content / subject for all 4 region blogs. USA: UK: AUS: CA: Let me give you very clear ideas on it. Recently, We have published one article on USA website. And, We want to publish this article / blog on UK, AUS & CA blog without making any changes. I have read following paragraph on Google's official guidelines and It's inspire me to make it happen. Which is best solution for it? Websites that provide content for different regions and in different languages sometimes create content that is the same or similar but available on different URLs. This is generally not a problem as long as the content is for different users in different countries. While we strongly recommend that you provide unique content for each different group of users, we understand that this may not always be possible. There is generally no need to "hide" the duplicates by disallowing crawling in a robots.txt file or by using a "noindex" robots meta tag. However, if you're providing the same content to the same users on different URLs (for instance, if both and show German language content for users in Germany), you should pick a preferred version and redirect (or use the rel=canonical link element) appropriately. In addition, you should follow the guidelines on rel-alternate-hreflang to make sure that the correct language or regional URL is served to searchers.

    | CommercePundit

  • Which type of sitemap is better for search engines the .XML or the HTML?

    | Madlena

  • I submitted the .xml sitemap in Google Webmaster Tools and only 200 out of 2100 pages were indexed.
    Why is that and what can I do ?

    | Madlena

  • Ahoy! Variously I have heard the opinion that content which does not generate regular search traffic (let's ballpark it at >10 views in any given month) should be noindexed or even removed. Allegedly this would improve the overall quality of the site, rankings and traffic. I remain doubtful. What would you do if the interest in a given matter goes down over time for any (most) given topics of your content and is replaced by "newer" specific interest? Concrete example: I have a website about (book) reviews. Naturally, there will always be new books; old books are not in the media as much and "forgotten". Nevertheless, the reviews (all unique, based on really having read the books, no trace of the standard back cover copy) are obviously still there. Personally I feel that they do not really lose any value - they are still reviews of that one book, even though it is not the most recent one. So, what would you do: Deindex "older" book reviews after a certain time? Even remove them completely? Just let them run? I am looking forward to your opinions - and even your experience if you have done something like this! Nico

    | netzkern_AG

  • Hi all !! We have different websites in the english language (UK, IE, US, etc...), but we focus our content strategy (landing pages) in just one of them. We were thinking about using a Content spin tool to use this content in the other websites and give them an extra push in terms of SEO (content is the king :)). Did you have any idea if they work fine? Did you have any experience with them? Can you recommend any? Are they tools really worth or they are not working fine and after the spin a full review (and probably some re-write) is necessary? Of course I´m talking about the paid ones.... Not even thinking about the free tools 😉 Thanks for your help in advance !!!

    | AutoEurope

  • Hey guys, Just wanted to put the question out there about guest blogging opportunities that are paid for. It's not something we ever go for but a client has the resources to get a few quality paid backlinks. What are people's general thoughts on guest blogging - for a nominal fee - to do so? Pros and cons of the whole process? Cheers!

    | wearehappymedia

  • Hey guys, long time Moz user, first time forum asker. I recently went all out and tried to create above and beyond blog content, while also making sure to keep it SEO friendly. The page is indexed but does not show anywhere at all for the target keyword. Here is my article URL below. I checked it on the onpage ranker on MOZ and got a B. Here are some theories on maybe why it's not ranking at all. It got knocked for keyword stuffing. Although my page has tons of content and the keyword density is at a reasonable rate, I still used the keyword 22 times. Another is my wordpress automatically set my robots tag to "Noodp". Wanted to get some feedback and see if there is anything you guys might have some insight into before I start making adjustments here. Appreciate it in advanced!

    | Storitz

  • Hello fellow Mozers! We are currently in the process of hiring an additional content developer but he doesn’t start for a couple weeks. We have some work that is piling up and I am considering outsourcing some content development until the new hire gets here. I have looked into Scripted, TextMaster, CrowdContent and a few others. I stay away from sites like UpWork and Fiverr because I abuse them in the past and I don’t get quality work. Is there any company that you have used in the past that you really trust and who are familiar with SEO? Thank you in advance for all of your recommendations

    | InfinityDigital

  • When I create a new blog post for my site in an effort to make sure it is seen by the most people the quickest I do the following: (1) link it to my google+ account (2) I then link it in virtually the same way on facebook (3) I ping it my blog directory using ping-o-matic Is that a pretty good gameplan to follow when making new blog posts?  Any thoughts, comments, or suggestions would be very welcomed. Thanks in advance, Joe

    | hundorama

  • Hi does anyone know of a tool that could be used to identify if a site is using our content without permission? Thanks

    | turismodevino1

  • In his (intentionally very short) post on Tuesday, Rand makes the case that long-form content isn't necessarily great content: "Rather than applying a tactic like long-form content universally or setting length as the bar (or even a metric) for greatness, we instead match our content to our audience's needs and our business/personal goals. 700 more words will not help you reach your goals any more than 7 more words. Create content that helps people. Do it efficiently. Never write an ultimate guide where a single image could more powerfully convey the same value. Trust me; your audience and your bottom line will thank you." I think this is something we all struggle with as online marketers, in one way or another.  As someone who casually consumes online content on a regular basis, this also resonates with me on a personal level. I'm curious, what are your hesitations with focusing on shorter-form content that packs a wallop, and what excites you about it? Can you think of any examples of content you've come across that you consider 10x short-form content?

    | Christy-Correll

  • Hi There, I have my main site : and a related blog My management does not believe frequent content posting on the My Queries 1- Will it help boost ranking of ** **if we share frequent content on our blog How much impact it has? 2- Every body says content is the king, Ok fine, but when you are not allowed to share it on the main corporate site, then where to share it? Blog and social media sites? please help. 3- We are in a business where clients do not bother to go on sites and read, so in this scenario is it correct to say that you hav to create the content for search engine consumption even when your clients dont need it/or have not in the habit of reading it? Hope somebody will enligten me caught in catch 22. Regards Tanveer

    | Sequelmed

  • I know that ideally businesses that operate as franchises should have 1 site with separate location pages. However, I have a slightly different issue. Each location is owned by a different parent company, and named accordingly. For example, there is "Location by XYZ Company" and "Location by ABC Company." In addition, each location, while carrying similar products, does not carry the same exact products and brands. So my question is how would you go about writing the content for each of these sites, keeping the same tone but avoiding duplicate content?

    | GavinAdv

  • Hi, I have some content related to our services and I want to know how to submit or post this content to some online publishers like yahoo, business insiders, etc.. I would appreciate your suggestion on this. Thank you.

    | Lry88

  • Hi, I want to know which wordpress plugin is used on this page promoting at all)  to show how many people reads the blog post. like 254 reads I would liks to implement on my blog exactly in the same way -- e.g  3/18/2016 105 shares 254 reads 1 Comment Please also let me know how can I find all the wordpress plugins used on any website. I used @ but not providing all the plugins used on the website. Thanks

    | Alick300

  • In a recent post, Craig Bradshaw shared how creating a URL profiler can work wonders for brands looking to learn what links competitors have attained and which links your brand should be trying to acquire. We're wondering if your marketing team has made use of URL profiiers, for your brand or the brands you support, and if so have you found them to be worthwhile? RS

    | ronell-smith

  • Hi, We are planning a full website redesign and rewriting the content of the key pages. The new contents will be ready sooner than the new website, what is the better solution? 1. Replace the content of the old site with the new (better) contents
    2. Waiting until the new website will be ready (over months) and launch it with it?

    | Jozsefodor

  • Does anyone have a good content calendar/organizer/software/etc to help plan delivering and pushing out content? I haven't ever used anything other than an actual calendar, and that doesn't seem to help all that much. Is there anything better out there? Any suggestions would be fantastic! Much appreciated, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • We use Bigcommerce, at the moment we use wordpress for our blogs, bigcommerce has its own blog. Is it better to use the Bigcommerce blog or Wordpress.

    | CostumeD

  • Howdy, Moz community! Hope you're all having a fine Friday so far! Tuesday on the blog we featured Samuel Scott's superpowered "Advanced Guide to Online Publicity Campaigns." One interesting tidbit stood out to me as I was reading; the author states: On online marketing websites and blogs, I see pitching often being discussed by "content marketers" as a way to gain shares of and links to one thing or another. They should stop. I receive e-mailed pitches from PR executives and "content marketers" all the time — and I can tell within three seconds which one I'm getting. How? Here is the difference between the two. "Content marketers" pitch me: 1.) To share or link to some random article, and they do so often when
    2.) I have no connection to or interest in the topic at all Publicists pitch me: 1.) To write about an idea because
    2.) They already know that I have a connection to or interest in that topic I ignore or delete the pitches from "content marketers." Following the pitches from publishers, I may choose to include their source, study, or idea in some future piece in the publications to which I contribute. Most "link earning" methods are poor imitations of traditional publicity practices. Pitch in a way that will genuinely interest the people who you are contacting. Do not pitch thinly-veiled attempts to get links and shares for you or your clients. I definitely get these emails fairly regularly, but I've never given thought to just what it is that makes me respond positively to some and decline others. So here's my discussion question for the week: What's the distinction for you? Have you noticed that, in your own pitches, you've had a better reception to a certain strategy? Does the "publicist" angle work better in your experience, or have you had plenty of luck with the "content marketer"-type pitch? What do you actually find yourself responding to, in these situations?

    | FeliciaCrawford

  • Anyone heard of SEO Arbiter? I am looking into them for article marketing. Any thoughts? 😄

    | KarlMarxTheBear

  • Hello, I cannot say what my website it for, as it is very unique ( or will be for the next 4-6 months ). I am currently developing this site now with the view to launch next month. I will be doing every bit of on-site SEO as possible. Spending countless late nights perfecting it, referring to MOZ checklists and blogs. When the site goes live my team of 4 will be constantly marketing/SEO for around 5 hours each a day. Things like doing guest blogs, normal blog posts, link building .... essentially all aspects that need to be covered. As well we are consulting with an SEO company to help us too. I have 1 main keywords which I need to rank for ( I can't show these ). This keyword has a 62% keyword difficulty, however, the website with number 1 position for this keyword only has 8 Domain Authority and 23 page authority. Given the fact 4 of us will be doing non-stop of-site SEO, aswell as paying an SEO company and in general my content and site structure will be a lot more releveant for the user. Is it possible for me to rank in the top page of google within 3 months of launch, and become rank 1/2 after 4-5 months? Thanks

    | Matthew_smart

  • I realize that it might be a minor point but it still bugs me. We have a blog with a number of posts. Content of the posts does not expire or age (in the rare case something changes, we do update the information in the posts). The wordpress blog is setup to display our latest posts and displays 15 posts at once. Since we have a lot of content, the older posts get pushed off the front page which is understandable and desirable behavior. However the pages that have older posts have names like "/page/2/", /page/3/, /page/4/ and so on. This does not look very SEO or user friendly to me. What do you think? Did you come up with something better then /page/ and then a number?

    | SirMax

  • Data is an important element of content marketing. Storytelling, too, gets readers' attention and has been shown to be instrumental in prospects and customers forming strong connections to brands. But using data and storytelling helps produce some of the strongest content there is to be shared, says Nichole Elizabeth DeMeré in her latest YouMoz article, Here’s How to Combine Storytelling and Data to Produce Persuasive Content. What are your thoughts? Think data and storytelling work best separately? Read the post are share your thoughts below. RS

    | ronell-smith

  • Duplicate Content for Non-SEO Purposes There are a few layers to this question, but at the most basic level the question is... -Will having the same article (in the form of archived e-newsletter issues) on multiple different websites' newsletter archives HURT those sites? I'm fairly sure it won't HELP any of them in terms of SEO, but will having these back issues of their e-newsletters archived on their websites get them penalized? For the purpose of this question, these are not clients we are doing SEO for, just hosting and their e-newsletters. So it's fine if the archives provide no SEO benefit, we just don't want to leave them up if they will become LIABILITIES for the websites. -If having the same article in archived issues of e-newsletters on multiple different websites WOULD be harmful, would moving these archives to a sub-domain change anything or would it be best to simply take the archives down altogether? -Alternately, would spinning these articles make any difference in whether or not these sites get penalized? -Lastly, would spinning make the articles usable for archived e-newsletters for clients that ARE signed on for SEO services? I have a hunch about this, but I'd love to hear your expert opinions. Thanks!

    | BrianAlpert78

  • Hi there, I work for a furniture retailer in the UK and I have a question about moving our blog. We have had a blog at since 2012 and it was last updated mid 2014. There are about 100 posts and the content is actually really good, not spammy in any way and not stuffed with links to our site. The content is essentially guides to buying the right furniture. We have now launched blog functionaility on our website at as I feel this is a better long-term solution to increasing site traffic and page rank. I want to pick your brains on the best way to handle the old content. A: Copy all the Blogspot content across and back date it to the same date it was originally published and then delete the old Blogspot account? Or will Google see this as duplicate content. B: Backup all the Blogspot content now, delete the Blogspot account and then repost this content at a later date? Will this still be seen as duplicate content? 😄 something else. Thanks for reading.

    | Bee159

  • There's plenty of content out there that teaches how to become a guest author on other blogs. However, I'm looking for ideas on how to attract other authors to post on our own blog ( Specifically, we're targeting agencies and marketers to write for us. Admittedly, it's a fairly new blog, but we've done quite a bit of outreach so far, and this hasn't been brought up as a concern. Ironically, we've found that many agencies we've spoken with don't even maintain their own blog. I'm guessing if they don't author their own, why would they spend the effort to write for ours? Anyway, to make it easy for authors to apply, we even created a specific page for it ( And I know that while some sites charge $100's for guest posts, this would be free for our published authors. We are making some headway with our outreach, but I was searching for any helpful ideas you can share on what works for you and your "reverse guest posting" strategies. Thanks in advance!
    Brodie Tyler

    | bdiddy

  • What Website could we submit the article and be posted? I work on articles and summit them to the site like articlecity, cbs baltimore but they have never get posted. Is that mean my articles aren't good enough?

    | mongor

  • We have a client who wants us to use the same piece of copy twice on their website. Once to promote a workshop and once to promote a conference talk. We feel this would be bad practice from a user perspective, but we were wondering how search engines would regard this? Thanks Ian

    | Substance-create

  • Hello there, In the latest YouMoz post, "Case Study: How We Gained More than 100 Links for a Travel Website via Content Marketing," Tom McLoughlin recommends an idea for content creation that is sure to elicit strong opinions from all sides: "Websites like Fiverr and Upwork are fantastic resources for finding freelancers who do great work. It simply takes a bit of initial time to sift through and separate the wheat from the chaff. Once that’s done, give the freelancers a detailed brief and tell them exactly what you want." What's your opinion? Have you had good experiences using these sites? If so, what have you found as the keys to making the working relationship a success.

    | ronell-smith

  • Hello We would like to introduce a search area in our website, to help our users to find all information regarding a specific topic (landing pages, infographics, blogs, videos, etc...). Before we decide to build everything internally, we were wondering if there is any widget or plugging to make this in a smooth way and that works fine. I have also seen that Google offers a custom search option to make this happens. I would really appreciate advice about what to do regarding this topic: Is there any company that offers a really good solution for this? Is worth to use Google custom search option? Or the best option is build it internally? PS: I have seen that there are many plugins for wordpress, but our site is not a wordpress blog. Just to clarify. Many thanks for your help 🙂

    | AutoEurope

  • Here's a scenario for you: The site is running WordPress and the images are uploaded to the media section. You can set image attributes there such as the Description & Alt Tag. Let's say you'd like to reuse the same image in two different blog posts. The image keeps the same Description & Alt Tag associated with it in the media section. Would this be considered duplicate content? What would be the best practice in this case to reuse the same image in multiple posts?

    | VicMarcusNWI

  • Hello everybody, After being here for 4 years I decided to write a post for YouMoz. That was about 3 months ago, and while I have read, re-read and proofed this thing a dozen times since, I know my own limits. I honestly want the post to be the best it can be, and while I stand by my article, I know my forte is not with writing. My article is about Beginning SEO and Where to Start, yes it maybe cliche but I find myself answering many of the questions on these QA boards that I address in this article. It would be nice to have a post I could point to when such situations arise. What I'm looking for is one or two persons with a strong knowledge of basic SEO, the ability to understand me (a cluttered mind), and strong grammar skills. Credit will be given to those who want it. The article is basically in what I consider a finished state, I just need to add a compendium video for one of the sections. I have done my own artwork, research, and document design. I just need a keen eye to snuff out those grammar errors I always miss and somebody to tell me if a section doesn't make sense. If you are interested please let me know here, or send me a PM. I would like to have something to review to make my selection so if you're not active here, a link to where you are would be beneficial. I know that might be asking a lot; help and you also get vetted, but the idea is I don't want to send out what I think is a very good article only to see it appear on another site. Thank you, Don P.S. To the Moz staff.  Once I make my selection I will mark at least one response as Good so it don't keep annoying you as an un-answered question.

    | donford

  • Has anyone had any recent success with creating a Wiki page? I created a page that has been in Draft for 8 weeks waiting for a Wiki Editor to review and approve it. Perhaps someone here is has a more established Wiki account than mine and can help please? PS: Yes, I know a Wiki page doesn't hold much SEO value but it has not been created for SEO purposes

    | Marketing_Today

  • I've recently added tags to my blog posts so that related blog posts are suggested to visitors. My understanding was that my robot.txt was handling duplicate content so thought it wouldn't be an issue but after Moz crawled by site this week is reported 56 issues of duplicate content in my blog. I'm using Shopify, so I can edit the robot.txt file but is my understanding correct that if there are 2 or more tags then they will be ignored? I've searched the Shopify documents and forum and can't find a straight answer. My understanding of SEO is fairly limited. Disallow: /blogs/+
    Disallow: /blogs/%2B
    Disallow: /blogs/%2b

    | Tangled

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