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Learn how to integrate SEO and paid search into your marketing strategy in order to avoid unnecessary spending, have a unified brand message, and achieve sustainable long-term growth.

Discover how to maximize the potential of Google Ads through AI and machine learning in this article. Learn how to prioritize your ecommerce data, leverage 1st party data, optimize product images, titles, and descriptions, and build a comprehensive shopping feed. Discover the benefits of Google Merchant Center's automatic improvements to ensure up-to-date and high-quality data.

Google Ads is very competitive and Google uses an auction system to decide which ads to show. With so much competition, how can advertisers improve their performance on Google Ads? In this post, Tanuja discusses the importance of Quality Score when it comes to winning ad placements, and walks you through how to improve it.

If you're looking to grow, your content promotion needs to move beyond mere social promotion. See how advanced content promotion strategies are working for successful companies and take away solid strategies you can emulate for improved growth.

Content marketing isn't easy when it's done right, but when you have a solid process in place, you've got a much better chance of hitting a home run. Paddy Moogan takes us through his own 5-step process for making sure your content marketing campaign starts off right.

Google recently removed the ability to target exact match keywords in AdWords. In today's Whiteboard Friday, Rand tells us what that means to marketers performing keyword research, offering tips for the most effective approaches going forward.

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a digital marketing strategy that increases the visibility of websites in search engine results pages (SERPs) using paid advertising. Learn more in this article.

Search is a channel that can’t live in a silo. In order to be its most effective, search teams have to collaborate successfully across paid, organic, content and more. Get tips for integrating and collaborating from the hard knocks and learnings of merging an organic, paid and performance content team into one Discoverability group. Find out how we went from three teams of individual experts to one integrated Discoverability powerhouse, and learn from our mistakes and wins as you apply the principles in your own company.

What would your reaction be if you were told that one of Wil Reynolds' clients got more conversions from zero-volume search terms than search terms with 1000+ searches per month? It's true. Wil found this out in seconds, leading him to really look at his whole client strategy through a new lens. It also made him question company-wide strategies. How prevalent is this across all clients? Don't they all deserve to get these insights? It required him to dig into the long tail, deep. To use big data and see PPC data as insights, not just marketing. What would your reaction be if you were told that Google's "bad click" business could be generating as much annually as Starbucks or McDonalds? Wil will be making the case for big data, agencies, and why building systems that looking at every single search term you get matched to is the future of search marketing.

The analysts are coming for your job, not AI (at least not yet). Analysts stopped using Excel years ago; they use Tableau, Power BI, Looker! They see more data than you, and that is what is going to make them a threat to your job. They might not know search, but they know data. In this talk, Wil Reynolds documents his obsession with Power BI and the insights he can glean in seconds which is helping every single client at Seer at the speed of light. Search marketers must run to this opportunity, as analysts miss out on the insights because more often than not they use these tools to report. We use them to find insights.