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We’re thrilled to announce Moz’s Competitive Research Suite, built from the ground up to drive targeted data and actionable insights about your competitors, your competitive keyword gap, and your content gap.

Our STAT Product team has been hard at work implementing indented results in rank tracking and they are now available in SERP feature tracking. Here’s a quick walk-through of how to put indented results data to work.

In these Daily SEO Fix videos, we show you how you can use Moz’s keyword metrics to help you evaluate how much of an impact ranking for certain keywords will have.

We want our customers to know the most effective ways to use Moz Pro to get keyword data, so we’ve put together these Daily Fix videos to help you do just that!

Have you ever wished there were an easy way to see all the top keywords your site is ranking for? How about a competitor's? Britney Muller presents a brand-new series of super quick and useful videos designed to help you do better, easier keyword research.

Learn about the top local SEO citation sources for almost 100 U.S. cities.

Learn about your digital marketing options for local businesses. This tool ranks your options from least to most expensive, quick to most time-consuming to implement, and most hands-off to hands-on to get up and running.

Learn about the top local SEO citation sources for 70 business categories including accounting, car dealerships, hotels, and even yoga studios.

Whether you're an agency SEO representing several brands, work in-house managing multiple locations, or if you're a local business owner tasked with marketing your business, keeping on top of your local SEO tasks can be a hurdle. We created the SEO's Local Search Cheat Sheet to help you stay on track.