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Category: Conversion Rate Optimization

Chat through best practices for conversion rate optimization.

  • I have a business model that works off Impressions and not CTR.
    Obviously impressions on a search engine normally lead to CTR and the landing page does the conversion. But what if I can convert a sale directly on the search engine results page without the client clicking the actual search result. Therefore the CTR is heavily reduced. Does a reduced CTR effect your rank on the search results? I know that in PPC the CTR is an important factor for relevancy, thus reducing your PPC costs. Result is you pay more per click to get position 1-3. But does it matter for organic results ? I am currently testing the model and do have pages in rank 1-3 that generate approximately 3 times the number of conversion to the CTR (unique sales). I would also like to know if there is a way to measure the numbr of Impressions a page gets with their search rank, webmaster tools does have it but it seems to be a rounded to the nearest 10,000 figure. All contributions on this welcome, Thank You.

    | numbers

  • I want to start a PPC campaign for an ecommerce site, but my ads are rejected due to my URL being offensive.  The name works great from a branding perspective, but it has kept me from being listed in certain directories and advertisements. I thought about buying a separate domain to host the landing pages for the PPC campaign where the user would then be redirected to my product page for purchasing. Is this a good idea?  Would you recommend another approach?

    | RaginCajun

  • Hi everyone, Has anyone ever used this plugin I am looking for solution for my Magento websites. They all seem to be a bit slow no matter what web host I use. Thanks Carla

    | Carla_Dawson

  • Anyone come across a good small independent MVT/testing agency in London?  I've used the big companies before and I feel you get better value for money with a small agency, although it is harder to find a good one.

    | S_Curtis

  • Where I should place a banner or a message in my old site to tell user that I have a new website? Thanks in advance!

    | esiow2013

  • Hi, I have a huge budget for adwords but I only seem to be using about 1/10 of it daily. How to I go about using more budget but also keeping my conversion costs and % around the same? And should each campaign have its own set of unique keywords? Should these keywords never appear in more than 1 campaign? Any tips on maximising budget and increasing conversions would be great. Thanks

    | YNWA

  • Hello, I'm running a PPC campaing targeting "Storenvy App" using the ads below and the following DESTINATION LINK: As you can see there is a 301 redirect from TO How this will affect QS? Thanks in advance for all your answers! AdDzQi0.jpg

    | JustinButlion

  • I was reading "The Score Takes Care Of Itself" by legendary 49ers coach Bill Walsh this weekend. One of the things he did to differentiate his team was to identify all the skills needed at each position, and then identify the activities his team could practice in order to improve those skills. I'm curious about what activities you perform each day that you value the most. I'd like to open up a discussion around the following: What's your most important responsibility? What skill do you value the most to execute your responsibility well? And what activity do you do in order to improve this skill? I'll go first. Driving conversions is my most important responsibility as an internet marketer. Email marketing is the skill I value the most in driving conversions. C__opywriting is the activity that improves my ability to drive conversions through email. I've found_using social media as a testing ground_ for subject lines helps me improve my copywriting skills. I'll come up with a few different email subject lines, share these lines and trackable links on social media channels, and see what link generates the most clicks. I'll then take the subject lines with the highest click through rates and send out an A/B tested campaign using Mailchimp. This activity helps me improve as a copywriter, which makes me better at my main responsibility: driving conversions. Thanks in advance for contributing to this discussion. Hopefully your answer will inspire others to take on a new activity that helps them improve at their most important responsibility.

    | farmiloe

  • Do you know of any service businesses (ie not software or SaaS) that uses video marketing effectively?
    Especially any company offering more than one service. Just for example, a training company of any kind. Literally anything that comes to mind will help me so, so much. My Google-fu is failing me on this one.

    | JacobFunnell

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a Adwords campaign that I am taking over very soon. Involves quite a big spend (between £500-£1000) a day. Sales and conversions have dropped and I am coming in to try get them back up. I know my way around but with this ever changing Adwords tool now I would like to some decent tips if anyone has any on how to increase conversion, use of sitelinks, is optimizer any good, and get the Ad to the top of the page (currently around 3-4th). any help would be great. thanks

    | YNWA

  • ... In particular Facebook likes for social proof and credibility?  (We have 1.7k likes, more than most competitors). Aimed at the higher end of the market, I've tried to keep the aesthetic a bit more pared down.  But, perhaps this needs to be made more prominent?

    | Coraltoes77

  • Hi, am hoping someone can give me a little advice.. We have created an Ebook for a client, which we will ‘hide’ behind a landing page for the purpose of collecting email addresses in return for a link to the Ebook. We are thinking of using Unbounce landing pages, integrated with Mailchimp. The problem however is that I’m assuming it will not be possible for Unbounce landing pages to rank well in the SERPs.. which is essential. The obvious solution would be to write a blog post detailing the contents of the Ebook, and then to ‘SEO’ this post.. this however will not provide a positive user experience as below; Visitor lands on blog post Visitor then has to click through to Ubounce landing page (very similar content) Visitor completes form to download Ebook My question is; What’s the best way to rank a direct landing page in the SERP’s, whilst providing the best possible user experience (less steps)? Many thanks in advance, your time is appreciated 🙂 Lee.

    | Webpresence

  • Hi Mozzers, Here is an issue I am going through: I have a root domain( that is the core website where you are able to schedule a service I have a subdomain ( that is part of content strategy offering free tips and follows a different branding strategy. There are internal links from sub to root domain I have a GA subdomain tracking code installed on every page for both domains I would love to set goal tracking on GA for visitors coming to my subdomain, then going to root domain and then schedule a sevices? Is  this possible? If it is, can someone show me a How To because I tried it anddidn't work? Thanks mozzers!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hello guys, I have rich snippet on my blog, actually I have 2 kinds of them... rating star and authorship... both of them apears on google when my site appears on the results... BUT.... just one of them by time. I notice that when someone rating one of my blog post, then in the google results for that post, It will show the stars and not the face of author and vice versa.. So I would like to know about your experience, wich one is better for seo and gain clicks, authorship or star rating ?

    | lans2787

  • This is a pretty basic question but I'm looking more for ideas relating to how to deal with an RV customer of mine. Basically we setup a vehicle listing system with WordPress for him. When old listings are deleted because they were sold I'm trying to decide on either 301 redirecting those 404 pages or keeping those pages and just changing the picture to sold while giving the person who's landed on the page some other options.

    | Keith-Eneix

  • Hi, I'm looking to hear thoughts and suggestions as per sites that you consider to have great practices in the eCommerce world. Almost none of the sites do everything good so you can split your suggestions by any criteria -
    the site structure
    conversion funnel
    Converting product pages (good design)
    content creation and blog management / structure
    content marketing
    SEO guidelines / practices
    ... Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Okay, so this is a kinda ridiculous, long shot whim du jour. But it's so intriguing I can't resist. Last week, GA reveals that my client had 6 queries (vs. 0 since the beginning of time) in the format: Large Red Widgets #3 in Obscure Suburb (of my client's head office) Large Red Widgets #3 just happen to be expensive and profitable. My question: is there a snowball's chance in hell of tracking this query any further? I'll take what I can get --  since not many people are interested in red widgets #3 in said obscure suburb. I'd like enough info so a sales rep can follow up. These folks are not shy. Thoughts? Next steps? Idiot proof instructions on where specifically to look in GA?

    | DanielFreedman

  • Hi all, We have been running Google Product Ads (paid for) ever since it began in the UK. We are still struggling to get to grips with the best way to make it worthwhile for us. Our data for the last 14 days:
    Clicks: 1827
    Impressions: 65789
    CTR: 2.78%
    Average CPC: £0.22
    Cost Per Conversion: £15.13 We've added some auto targets for our most popular brands, with a higher CPC than "all products". We've also added negative keywords so we only come up with relevant searches. Basically, what we'd like to know is: how we can best set-up our product ads to reduce our Cost Per Conversion (I guess everyone would like to do that!), as it is barely worth us using it currently. If you require any further data to help answer my question, please ask. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    | complete_outdoors

  • Hi everyone, I am considering a switch to offering unconditional free shipping. By this I mean no minimums or contingencies. Before I do this I would like to be able to test the concept for a period of time, or for a section of my audience before fully committing. The issue is it will take a lot of time and $$$ to convert the website to market the free shipping properly. I have thought about using a promo code but I am not sure that will give a proper sample due to people getting confused. Has anyone seen how to test this concept? Thanks!

    | Mjstout

  • If Jay-Z was spotted wearing your client's sweatshirt, how would you maximize the marketing potential of this photo and opportunity to sell more sweatshirts?

    | farmiloe

  • One of my clients uses oscommerce as the CMS for their ecommerce websites. I think it it quite dated and inflexible for layout and design purposes. We have been looking at Woocommerce plugin with Wordpress as an alternative. Client has the following minimum requirements: 1. Ability to Manually enter and edit existing orders/ 2. Export Orders and Sales Tax Information to QuickBooks etc. 3. Sync inventory with Quickbooks POS. 4. One Page Checkout 5. Ability to either send out directly or through third party integration, a email marketing service to customers. 6. The site needs to be SEO'ed thoroughly so SEO is a top priority. Anyone have any experience with Woocommerce? So far, Woocommerce looks pretty exhaustive, but I am unable to contact WooCommerce for support unless I purchase their theme or extension plugins. Thoughts, advise, recommendations?

    | amitramani

  • Over the past week, I have noticed a drop in conversions. By drop, I mean NONE at all. The traffic to the site seems steady from different sources, so I don't think we've been hit with a penalty. I have looked through the site, and there are no problems with the functionality. Is it possible that you lose conversions because of the type of keywords that are driving traffic? In other words, the impressions and queries remain steady, but you are not getting traffic that converts (if that makes any sense). Thanks in advance for thoughts and advice.

    | inhouseseo

  • I have recently organized my Adwords (Product Listing Ads) campaign according to this link: While I like the organization and control this provides, my fundamental concern is to increase conversions. I understand conversions are dependent on other factors such as landing pages etc. Are there any Google Adwords tips someone has had success with to increase CTR and increase conversion rates? Pating $10/day to Google Adwords while only getting a sporadic business every 3 days is getting a bit frustrating. Are there any tools in MOZ that can help find faults and generate simple reports on the Google Adwords campaign? Any help is much appreciated.

    | amitramani

  • I want to outsource my Adwords campaign and I have a few questions. I have been playing with it for a few days-weeks but didn't have enough time to fully engage. Where would I start?
    What questions should I ask?
    Are there any general goals before setting specific ones?
    How would I know their price is right?
    How to measure what they do? Thanks!

    | echo1

  • Hello everyone, Can anyone figure out why my Rich Snippets aren't showing up in Google searches: Their webmaster tool displays it perfectly, but I never see it in search results: Perhaps it's only my IP? Any insight would be great. Thanks

    | CleanEdisonInc

  • I've got a good handle on SEO and am starting to offer my clients CRO services to optimize on the traffic I'm bringing to their websites.   I know the basics of CRO, but have no idea where to look online for authoritative websites on the subject.  What are some of your recommendations on websites to take advice from?

    | reidsteven75

  • Hi, Hoping someone can clarify this for me. I've set a goal up whereby the rule is to pick up all pages with "Thank-you" in the destination URL (regular expression). So, when someone fills out a form, it will count as a lead. I'm about 8 weeks in to the campaign now and measuring the last 4 weeks I've had a total of 30 goals completed. I have two issues with this and I really hope someone can help clarify: Using a custom report I can see that I've actually had 52 Visits to the Thank-You pages, 49 Unique Visits and 60 pageviews. Where is Google getting the goals from? I have 51 leads in my inbox from the campaign so far. So, much closer to the above stats in the custom report than in the Goal report. Why is this? Thanking you in advance!

    | IndustrySteve

  • I am managing a Google Adwords Product Listing Ads (PLA) campaign. The campaign is granular and specific in that each product is targeted via its corresponding ad groups. The structure of the campaign is : Campaign->500 Ad Groups (each ad group targeting a unique product selected by "product_id". I would like to get some ideas and feedback on bidding strategies. The granular structure of the campaign allows me to set a different Default Max CPC and a Max CPC for each unique product. I am unable to find within Adwords a column that shows what the competition is bidding. Is there a methodical procedure to extract this bidding information? I have recently enabled "Search Impression Share" and "Search Impression Lost (IS Rank)", but there is not enough data yet for those stats. What do the PPC experts have to say?

    | amitramani

  • Hi guys, What do I need to implement if I want to track sign-ups (and where this successful transaction/goal came from) and email inquiries (from a contact form)? Event Tracking or Goal Tracking? If you can share some of your guides or blogs/articles you found online, that would be great. Thanks in advance! 🙂

    | esiow2013

  • New client in the pensions market and they want to launch a new product. There are They have asked for a site build but my question is Is there a benefit to writing unique copy for this one product on each micro site/sales page and focus on a particular keyword, with an email capture for lead generation and also a link back to the main site. Buy domains with targeted keywords in them : etc? Thoughts please as it will change my proposal 😉

    | Agentmorris

  • I am working with a ecommerce site that is having major issues with their load speed. The ttfb is...wait for it...7911 ms. I am not even sure where to start with this issue. If you have any recommendations, it would be appreciated. Is it the clients servers that are slow? They have went through multiple redesigns and have some code that could probably be deleted but I don't think it would make it that slow.

    | lhawk

  • Dear MOZ community members We currently run a custom built IIS/ASP/SQL Server system that is starting to fall apart and needs major overhaul.  I'm currently evaluating a number of open source eCommerce platforms (Magneto, OpenCart) and would welcome any advice that some of you may have. We are not a major brand, but we have a good name in our field which we wish to maintain and we ranking very well for our top phrases despite not having SEO-friendly URLs amongst other things. I've downloaded Magneto and installed it on a LAMP could server and got it up and running.   It looks very flexible, albeit a little bloated and I can concerned that it's a sledgehammer to crack a nut.    Do any other small businesses have experience with Magneto? Thanks for your time! andy

    | andystorey

  • There is a new website design trend that utilizes large format content that requires lots of vertical scrolling, often with the use of parallax scrolling effects. A good example of this new design trend can be found at: I was wondering if there were any insights as to the effectiveness of this new design trend in regards to conversion rate optimization, persuasion, etc. Has anyone seen or heard of measurable improvements switching to this new style and design format that uses bigger visualizations and requires more vertical scrolling? Thanks for any insights!

    | gbkevin

  • We are a relatively young company with an Okay conversion rate of around 2% across several different sales channels. I am mentioning this because our website with the same type of products has a very low conversion rate of under 1%. I know this is a  deep topic, involving different analytic metrics, but would like to ask MOZ community members if there's anything obvious that needs improvement on this website that would help to increase conversions. I will be happy to answer any additional questions or to clarify things! Thank you for your time! Any suggestions and/or critique are greatly appreciated!

    | CherryW

  • ello! I don't know if anyone else has come across this problem, but our ecommerce site offers two payment methods during checkout. I've set up goals and they successfully record the total number of transactions. Our site offers two payment methods (credit card and purchase order) and once you hit the 'select your payment' page, you're directed to different pages to make payment and end up on the thank you page. I created two goals, a credit card one that has "funnel" turned on and lists every page a 'credit card' customer would undertake, and a 'purchase order' goal listing all the pages a customer who undertake when making a "purchase order" payment. Google is however recording figures for both. Say I had 10 credit card orders and 5 purchase order, my Goals report 15 for both. Anyone come across this?

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • If I am wanting to hire a conversion expert, especially for PPC landing pages in the insurance space. Do you think that the expert should be specific to the insurance space or just to landing pages to get the maximize conversion optimization?

    | jdcline

  • I have just had a page start ranking well in key SERP's and I would like to change the meta description and add a price as we are extremely competative in that line. Could changing the meta description now a page is ranking negatively impact the SERP placing? Does anyone have any experience with this?

    | robertrRSwalters

  • Hi guys, I just want to ask if you have videos or blogs about setting up goal tracking using conversion page or a "thank you page" in Google Analytics. This will help me to get how many inquiries (from contact form) I am getting and for me to know where they came from using Google Analytics (countries, source/site they used, time on site, category page and landing page, etc.). #2 question - In case I don't have a "thank you" page, is it possible for me to get these "goals"? Do I need to insert a code in each of the "send" button in my contact form? Looking forward for a positive response from you guys. 🙂 Thanks, JC

    | esiow2013

  • Hi there, I'm sorry for what is most likely a daft question with an easy answer.  I have searched the web but whilst there are lots of answers about this generally, nothing seems to answer my specific problem. I have just begun relaunching my site - - but basically cannot remember if I used to try and get links pointing to or work... I know I have so few links already that it probably doesn't really matter, but I don't want to spend time pointing to the wrong version. My internal links point to the non www version, but searching google for [working first aid] brings up the www version. Thanks in advance for your time! Cord

    | cordite

  • Wondering what the best day of the week is for emailing surveys. Also if there are different best days for B2C & B2B.

    | bozzie311

  • Hi We have a SaaS online invoicing software website.  We want to optimize our landing page for conversion.  Everything we read about conversion says Big H1 Copy, short, precise and catchy. 3 bullet points and thats it.  Very very little copy. Question is is this bad for our SEO.  Will google rank our home\landing page if we do not have lots of natural keyword copy? SEO and CRO are conflicting here aren't they? Thanks

    | Studio33

  • Hi guys! We're constantly working on evolving our /product/ pages on the site, however some times it's pretty easy to get lost in your own mess. Especially when the sites consists of 15,000+ products. So it's pretty painful to handcraft every single page. So I thought I'd jump in here to see if anyone had any suggestions for stuff we're missing, and or should improve? These are product pages: There is a few issues we're aware of already.. Negatives: To many links in the left menus. To many links in the footer. Positives: We recently included rich snippets.. We're always testing out colors and styles. We're always testing meta data. Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | warcom

  • Here's the Question: If a person clicks a PPC ad and hits the landing page, and the landing page has a form to fill out embedded in it without having to click, does that count as a bounce if the person leaves the page immediately after filling out and submitting the form or does the submission negate the bounce tally? Hope this makes sense and thanks in advance.

    | jesse-landry

  • I have a website where i register outbound clicks on some affiliate links. But when crawlers and search engines pass my site i get clicks registered which are not customer clicks. How can I identify these clicks and not save records of them? -Rasmus

    | rasmusbang

  • Hi all, Does anyone know about creating videos, specifically animated (I think it is animation) videos for products. Here is an example of what I am talking about What would be the best way of getting a video like this made and how hard is it to make these sort of videos without a professional? Any adobe programs that would do this work? I am thinking along the lines of helping customers convert on our site. Cheers

    | Hughescov

  • Hey everybody.  I run a digital product site on Shopify.  Just wondering if anyone has any experience with on page fixes for checkout abandonment? On my site... 31% of people add to cart & never get to checkout. 66% of people reaching checkout abandon their checkouts. Obviously a lot of sales are flying out the window. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    | PedroAndJobu

  • How to segment the traffic by "primary purpose" and "task completion rate" in Google Analytics? Is there any tool that in your opinion works better than Google Analytics for achieve the same result?Many thanks to everyone that share his experience and tips.

    | YESdesign

  • My question is with regards to my Adwords campaign. Is it best practice to have the user, or potential customers, land on a single page landing page or to an actual website? Does a single page landing page, with no other links, help with conversion? i would be greatful for any opionion.

    | RobSchofield

  • Hi, Our bounce rate is very high on incoming traffic from Pinterest.  What can we do to redirect the traffic to more than single product page and/or convert them to sign up for newsletter, etc? Anyone know if there is an average bounce rate from Pinterest traffic? Thanks.

    | stats44

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